Hair vitamin break lead to excess shedding


New Member
Hi everyone I am pretty much a newbie where post threads are concerned but I have been lurking on the site for about a year and a half. My question is, has anyone who religiously took hair vitamins and then took a break experienced more shedding than usual. I am asking because I religiously took hair vitamins this past year for a few months twice a day and got twice the growth rate than usual (1/2inch to 1inch per month), with very little shedding. I decided to take a break, but somehow I experienced more shedding than usual for about a month..... Could it just be a coincidence or is it that my hair cycle got disrupted and is trying to get back on track post hair vitamins. I have a great hair regimen now and my hair is doing fine without the hair vitamins but just knowing how well they work can be tempting inspite of the cons. I guess I just don't want to be too dependent on it to maintain hair growth all together. :ohwell:
Thanks for any input from my lhcf family.
What kind of hair vitamins were you taking? Funny how our hair has a personality of its own. Perhaps your hair was "spoiled" and has gotten use to being "fed"' nutrients.....
Correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation. Some of your hair has probably just entered its resting phase. I wouldn't say it was the vitamins. I stop and start vitamins all the time with no side effects.
This is why I'm afraid to stop taking MSM. Since MSM extends the hair's anagen (growth) phase, I fear that a lot of my hair will go into the telogen (resting) phase and have a massive shedding fest if I stop taking it. I've been on it about 3 yrs straight.
What kind of hair vitamins were you taking? Funny how our hair has a personality of its own. Perhaps your hair was "spoiled" and has gotten use to being "fed"' nutrients.....
I was taking nouritress hair vitamins. I don't think my hair got "spoiled" and I have a very well balanced diet.


Correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation. Some of your hair has probably just entered its resting phase. I wouldn't say it was the vitamins. I stop and start vitamins all the time with no side effects.

I think you could be right Avaya maybe it was just going through a resting phase

i don't know if stopping your vitamins will cause shedding, but I have decided to start taking vitamins regularly to try to get my shedding to stop.
I think its true. If you're deficient in a vitamin your pills provided & you no longer feed that deficiency your body will react accordingly. Jmo
I dont understand why u dont want to just keep taking your vitamins. If it works for, its affordable, u've had no negative reactions when taking the vitamins, its convenient to take... then why not take them.

Unless you've done a change to your diet where now u think u r getting all the vitamins & minerals you need from diet alone.
I've been experiencing this problem at well. I had to stop using my Nioxin because the price went up and now my hair is shedding REALLY bad. It calmed down a little after i relaxed but i'm still loosing about 100-150 strands a day. I even tried a tea rinse and it shed right after.

I was told that it could be the change in weather.
You know I thought my recent shedding was because I just did a massive corrective with a different relaxer but now I'm thinking it may be this and MN; the relaxer was just the tip of the iceberg. I stopped using Nioxin and MN 3 weeks ago then relaxed a week ago with massive shedding (it was extremely bad).

The same day I stopped Nioxin I started using Viviscal. Shedding this week hasn't been as bad as last week but it's bad enough so I did another tea & onion rinse followed by deep conditioning with alter ego garlic on the scalp and silicon mix on the length.

Hopefully the Viviscal combined with the rinses and alter ego will do the trick. I've read that sometimes it takes a while for new supplements to get in your system and really work.
Bumping...curious if anyone has seen a decrease in shedding yet. I seem to shed the most during my weekly co-wash and dc routine. The alter ego garlic either isnt working or I need to use it longer. Thinking of starting garlic pills again or adding tea rinses to my routine consistently.