From Your Anti-Scissor Happy Stylist Advocate!

Yes Supergirl's post is always "on time".
For the longest, my hair stayed a few inches below my shoulders, but never any longer. I would go to the salon every two weeks in an attempt to grow it out. But it would never "grow". When I was preg with my son I got braids and for the first time in forever, I noticed a significant amount of growth. Nevertheless, within a year of going to the stylist faithfully, my hair was back to 16-17 inches. What happened? Well, my stylist's trims constantly shortened my hair. I look at older pics of myself and see that my hair was never really damaged or breaking, it was just those darned trims. I started my journey with you guys in late April of 2003 at just about 18 inches. I am now at 22 1/2 inches. No miracle growth or anything, just faw fewer trims. I've gotten one professional trim and I do my own dustings. Supergirl is soooo right.
So true...So enlightening.....I am sure a lot of the ladies are going to benefit from your analysis......
Boy did I need to read this post again to remind myself to lay off the scissors in my continual attempt to even the back of my hair by constant snipping! I'm getting serious "Pat" (my ex stylist) flashbacks.
this is a great post. I don't know how I missed it...thanks for giving it a little bump.
I am always so tempted to get a trim whenever I see a good amount of splits. The problem is my stylist always ends up cutting off 1 or 2 inches. I am used to getting a trim every 4 months...then I thought to myself...if I continue to do this...I will never get to bra strap. My little niece just got her hair cut because of "damaged ends". Her hair was about neck it's ear length. The last time I saw her...her ends were dry...but not split. She was crying like a baby when it happend (she's 12). This is excellent info.

You are on POINT!

I felt, and still feel, the same way about my hair when I was relaxed and now that I'm natural too.

Constant trimming has never been seen as "absolutely necessary" like clockwork for me. I only do it when it appears that my ends feel/look unusually scruffy/damaged. There IS a difference. Thank you for pointing this out in greater detail. Girlfriend is taking us to school, y'all!

And yes, growing our hair long is definitely something that must be done deliberately. I am VERY conscious of that.
Great post! Many kudos to you SG for saying so elegantly what I have slowly come to realize during the last 2 months!

When I started my 365 day challenge I did a dusting....Now I had been stuck at neck length for months since I decided to relax my virgin fro in September...From Sept to March my hair was the same daggone length and I didn't get it? I was depressed thinking that my days of long hair were in the past and I would have to reconcile myself to having short hair now.

Well, after the dusting I gave my hair at the beginning of the challenge since I took my hair "back" from my lousy stylist I have gained around 2 inches in length! After being stuck for months! And my ends look fine! If I have any split ends they are minimal and not cause to go chopping off my achievements. As you can see from the pics my hair is looking shinier and healthier than it has in a long long time.

So newbies belive...SG spits the truth! Stay away from SHS! Unless you are just starting out and have hair that is truly severely damanged...YOU DO NOT NEED REGULAR (meaning an inch or two every 6 to 8 weeks)TRIMS! A dusting every few months will do the trick..unless you want perfect even hair that can be worn bone straight.

Thanks again SG!
I'm definitely staying away from SHS I lost 4 good inches last year because I was to afraid to stop my beautician from cutting inches off my hair everytime I got a perm
On the money, Supergirl!

My mother always told me that most stylists do not like to work with a lot of hair. Short hair is far less time consuming to work with, and therefore, the stylist can style more heads of hair!

luckily I have had the same sylist for 10 years and she has never been scissor happy, she never trims unless I tell her to and then half the time I think it's not enough so I'm definitely blessed!
SuperG, can't thank you enough for that very informative post!

I too am part of the "Anti-Scissor Happy Stylist" group from past experience! The problem is, there are many women who still feel as though what the stylist says is gold regardless if it makes sense or not.

I am so happy for this board and people like you
Also, if you know that you are knowledgeable about hair care and are doing a good job with yours--don't let someone just because they are a "professional" with a "license" make you feel like you don't know didly. I've had this experience too.

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I had this experiene recently and now I'm thinking I panicked for nothing after I was told that my hair is breaking. It was probably just that little-ass, barbie doll comb she was combing my dry hair with (excuse my french)
Great info supergirl! I've also watched many shows on tv(makeover) and read in many books where hairstylists admit that they like to cut because they feel "SEXY" with a pair of shears in their hands. Something about being in control.
It was probably just that little-ass, barbie doll comb she was combing my dry hair with (excuse my french)

[/ QUOTE ]

I just had to say that I walked into a salon on the day before Thanksgiving 2001 with shoulder length hair for a 6.30pm appointment and I woke up in the chair at 1.00am to find that the right side of my hair lad been lopped off a' la Salt-n-Pepper Push it. At this point I could walk around looking like the 80's were back or I could let her finish her monsterpiece. I left with bangs the rest of my hair was basically shaved and she had the nerve to leave a shag in the back.
msportugal said:
I just had to say that I walked into a salon on the day before Thanksgiving 2001 with shoulder length hair for a 6.30pm appointment and I woke up in the chair at 1.00am to find that the right side of my hair lad been lopped off a' la Salt-n-Pepper Push it. At this point I could walk around looking like the 80's were back or I could let her finish her monsterpiece. I left with bangs the rest of my hair was basically shaved and she had the nerve to leave a shag in the back.

[/ QUOTE ]

you serious?! or am i just gullible?
I agree with this post 200%. I never realized how much growth I could achieve until I started doing my own hair for about 3/4 years. Then I started going back to a salon & my hair was getting shorter and shorter.

I told "the slasher", that she had cut too much and she kept saying that all she did was a trim. Well, why was everyone and their Momma asking me, "Why did I get my hair cut" (not trimmed). I mean people that I didn't even really talk to, would ask.

If she had listened to me and dropped her scissors, I wouldn't have DROPPED her so quickly, but then again, I'm glad she did, because I can take care of my own "babies". I don't need her, nor her help and I can do bad all by myself. As long as I have my family (LHCF), me and my babies will be WELL taken care of.

(Oops!!! Sorry, I thought I was a guest on one of Maury's paternity shows)

"No MORE Scissor Happies in 04"
I used to be afraid to speak up, but not anymore. I've learnded to "fire" stylists who display scissor-happy tendencies and to let my regular styist know that I will not be getting any more so called layers etc... Since I've been using my new "tough love" approach with stylists, they don't get a chance to pull that scissor-happy stuff anymore.
It's too bad that I didn't have the courage to speak up in February when I had a minor cut disguised as a "trim."
Supergirl, this is a very informative post. How many times have we all heard 'if you don't get these ends trimmed, the splits will travel up the hair shaft?'
ITA with you about the condition of ends and rollersets. I never realized how smooth my ends could be without heat.
Great post!
lisatamika said:
Also, if you know that you are knowledgeable about hair care and are doing a good job with yours--don't let someone just because they are a "professional" with a "license" make you feel like you don't know didly. I've had this experience too.

[/ QUOTE ]


I had this experiene recently and now I'm thinking I panicked for nothing after I was told that my hair is breaking. It was probably just that little-ass, barbie doll comb she was combing my dry hair with (excuse my french) <img src="" alt="" />

[/ QUOTE ]
/images/graemlins/laugh.gif Yes, my stylist tried to tell me that I needed a trim because she could get that lil *** baribe comb /images/graemlins/laugh.gif to glide through my dry hair /images/graemlins/angry2.gif
Glad to see that this excellent thread has been bumped. It has helped and will help a lot of people! :)
AMEN gurl! You tell 'em. And it's so weird to me because it sounds like COMMON SENSE but this is something that I truly did not know until I joined this forum in feb 05. And believe me i consider myself to be intelligent and to know everything. So i read this board (oct 04), i decided to say no to my usual after-touchup trims. And oct 04 was my last professional trim. I trimmed it twice since, and i noticed that it became addictive so i make a point to trim only 2x/yr. And from now on I will be the ONLY person to ever trim my hair EVER AGAIN. I read in the milady cosmo book to trim while your hair in sections and elevate approx 30 degrees and this will create long layers for those of you who hate that straight-edge look, like i do....

LHCF is the TRUTH!!!!!
Preach it!

My co-worker is a victim of SHS and she seems so unaware. She pays a lot of money for her hair to be done almost weekly and hair looks nice by most people's standard, thick, shoulder-length. But the thing is her hair is growing pretty well, atleast 1 1/2" every 8 weeks, but her hair is the same length it was a year ago when I first met her. Meanwhile, mine was ear-length and is now almost shoulder-length. She is a very "proud" person and wouldn't want me to give her unrequested advice so I believe she is eventually going to ask me why my hair is catching up with hers when I never go the SHS and she does! Oh, and she always has broken hairs all over her top? Why go to the beautician ALL the time, spend $120 for your relaxer/ 'trim' and have broken hairs all the time?? Her beautician covers it up by trimming her hair all the time.
beloved1 said:
Preach it!

My co-worker is a victim of SHS and she seems so unaware. She pays a lot of money for her hair to be done almost weekly and hair looks nice by most people's standard, thick, shoulder-length. But the thing is her hair is growing pretty well, atleast 1 1/2" every 8 weeks, but her hair is the same length it was a year ago when I first met her. Meanwhile, mine was ear-length and is now almost shoulder-length. She is a very "proud" person and wouldn't want me to give her unrequested advice so I believe she is eventually going to ask me why my hair is catching up with hers when I never go the SHS and she does! Oh, and she always has broken hairs all over her top? Why go to the beautician ALL the time, spend $120 for your relaxer/ 'trim' and have broken hairs all the time?? Her beautician covers it up by trimming her hair all the time.

How often do you trim?