Fearful for my Friend, In need of Prayer.


New Member
A year ago the Lord put a wonderful man into my life who is devout to the Lord and his work. We have been talking for over a year now. He is the most wonderful man I've ever met and I know It is all by God's doing. A few months ago he wanted to find work to help his family, though they didn't want him to leave home. (He just turned 21) He felt his heart tugging him to leave after things became strained between him and his parents. He left his home in missouri with 30 dollars in his pocket and by the Grace of God left for California where he met up with his sister and found a job opportunity there. The reason of his leaving was to make a better life for his family and himself, though they saw it as disobedience and I believe they disowned him. (He hasn't told me if that is true or not but I have the feeling that is what happened.)

So now he is living with his sister, unfortunately the job opportunities he was anticipating are not following through. At this point in our friendship, we have been talking every day and I have found myself falling in love with him. However, In his situation he is going through a tremendous amount of hardships and feels completely useless where he is at.

Well with that being said, He wants to enlist in the Army. He said he wants to help people, and if possible become a chaplains assistant. He wants to go oversea's and spread the gospel even, but his options are very open to being a solider. I fear for his safety.When he first told me about this, it didn't settle right in my spirit, nor my families when I told them. He seems like he is at a cross road right now. He asked me to pray about the situation, though at the same time he has an appointment with the recruiter to find out more about the Army and what it can do for him. I have been praying but I also feel weary and fearful for him, and I wanted to ask for your prayers as well. This is very troubling for me. He doesn't know how much I care about him, his sister isn't close to him, and he left his family..so at this time I am his only friend, and even so, I think he feels like he doesn't really have anything to stay here for. He feels he can do more help there then here. I just don't want him to rush into this because of his current situation.

I'm sorry this is so long, I just ask for your prayers in this and I hope that he finds the path the Lord has for him.
Thank you for your prayer! I appreciate it greatly! My friend let me know the other night he is putting the army situation on the back burner (for now) and I hope God will direct his paths from here. Thank you again!