Fast from wrong thinking day 8


Well-Known Member
Day 8 >

I’d like us to spend one more day fasting from a negative attitude, and more specifically, let's fast from the thought that says, “You never know how life will turn out.” This mindset of uncertainty and helplessness must be eradicated from our lives.

1. Your attitude is one thing over which you have total control.
As we said yesterday, "attitude determines altitude"; therefore, we can determine how our life will turn out. So let's set our attitude high, positive, believing all things possible. (Mark 9:23)

2. The choice is YOURS!
God has given us the power to choose how our life will turn out. In Deut. 30:15, 19, God said, “Now listen, TODAY I’m giving you the choice between life and death; between prosperity and adversity....Now CHOOSE life...” Live every day with knowledge that you hold your future in the choices you make.

3. Happen to Life.
Refuse to let life happen to you. Let's get rid of the ‘take life as it comes’ mindset. Remember Moses, when his rod turned into a serpent (Exodus 4:4), God said, “Reach out your hand, and take it by the tail.” Today, let's take life by the tail. Grab it. Speak to it. Be its boss!

4. Embrace the fact you have a destiny. Jeremiah 29:11 says, “...I know what I'm doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you...plans to give you the future you hope for.” Anything you can continue to hope for, God will deliver. HOPE BIG today!

5. Expect turnarounds.
Don’t be defined by the current condition or past failures of your life. God is in the turnaround business. He turns the curse into a blessing (Deut. 23:5); mourning into gladness (Psalm 30:11); shadow of death into morning light (Amos 5:8). Expect it today!

I reject uncertainty and helplessness. I have control over my life by the choices I make. I choose life and blessing today, and God is backing me up. I happen to life and take it by the tail. I hope big today, and believe God plans to give me the life I’ve always hoped for. No matter how it looks, I believe in the God of turnarounds, and expect them today, in Jesus’ Name!

In His Amazing Love,

Gregory Dickow


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
“You never know how life will turn out" has been a thought that I've heard several people say. And I myself have thought this same thought as well. I can see how negative it is and how this thought will allow you to "take life as it comes". This message has been refreshing to read.