Fast from wrong thinking day 31


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Revolution Day 31: "I'm inferior."

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “I’m inferior.”
Ever felt like that? Or inferiority’s offspring: “I don’t measure up”, “I feel small”, etc. It’s time to get rid of this thinking.
Let's Change It Today:
1.Take a look at the new seating chart! (Ephesians 2:6) You don’t have to MEASURE up, because God has RAISED you up and seated you with Him! You are in authority and power over the circumstances and challenges of this life.
2. Stop beating yourself up. You are approved by God TODAY. (Mark 1:11) Believe it.
3. See yourself above only and not beneath (Deut. 28:13). You are the head and not the tail.
4. See yourself BIG, TODAY. Replace the grasshopper image with the image of a giant. John 4:4 says, “GREATER is He that is in you...” God is bigger than any mountain or task and He lives in you. For Him to fit in you makes you pretty huge (in the spirit)!
5. You have what it takes. You have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16); and you have a treasure in you--the ability to call light out of darkness (2 Cor. 4:6).
6. Remember: Royalty Destroys Inferiority. Acquaint yourself with your new bloodline. You are royalty in Christ. This makes you reign over life. Believe it. (Romans 5:17)
Think It & Say It!
I am seated with Jesus in heavenly places. I am above only and not beneath. I am approved by God. I have what it takes. God has put a treasure in me and equipped me with the Holy Spirit and power to be up to any task, I am not inferior. I have the royal blood of Jesus running through my veins, in Jesus Name!