Fast from wrong thinking day 18


Well-Known Member

Revolution Day 18: "I love God, but it just doesn't seem to matter. It doesn't get me anywhere!"

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “I love God, but it just doesn’t seem to matter. It doesn’t get me anywhere!”


1. Your love for God is better than wine to the Lord. It is pleasing to Him. (Song of Solomon 4:10) And if He is pleased, your faith works! (Hebrews 11:6, Galatians 5:6)

2. You will receive a crown for loving Him. (James 1:12)

3. Believe that loving God produces miraculous results. 1 Corinthians 2:9 days you’ll see things your eye has not yet seen!

4. Remember the woman who poured her love on Jesus. He said, it would be remembered wherever the gospel is preached. Her love changed her life and countless others, forever! (Luke 7:44-48, Mark 26:13)

5. LOVE IS YOUR TURNAROUND SPECIALIST. Believe with all your heart: YOUR LOVE for God causes miraculous turnarounds (Romans

8:28). Your love turns a curse into a blessing.

6. Embrace: LOVE NEVER FAILS. (1 Cor. 13:8) If it never fails, IT'S WORKING!


I believe my love for God pleases Him and causes my faith to work. I expect crowns and victories today for loving God. Miraculous turnarounds are coming my way, because I love Him. And I cannot fail today because God’s love is working in me and through me to bring complete success, in Jesus’ Name!

Attacking self-defeating/negating thoughts is a lot of work. Breaking down strongholds in our minds is just as difficult..but doable.
Yesterday I was driving behind a female driver, who was smoking a cigarette. It was freezing cold and snowing but she had her hand out, smoking the life out of that cigarette. A few minutes later, she flicked the cigarette stub out the window and onto the road. A few seconds later, her hand was out the window again, with a newly lit cigarette.. :laugh: I share this observation to say this "fast" is really a blessing...