Fast from wrong thinking day 28


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Revolution Day 28: "God doesn't care."

Today we’re fasting from the thought that says, “God doesn’t care.”
We all know the empty feeling of going through something, and thinking God is distant and uncaring. This thinking will keep you defeated and powerless, until you...
...Change it Today:

1. Jesus wept! What does this have to do with our thinking? When you realize He wept over Lazarus’ death, you will realize He cares—so much—that He raised Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:35)
2. HE DOES CARE! 1 Peter 5:7...because He cares for you. Meditate on this verse.

3. Jesus is praying for you right now! (Hebrews 7:25, Romans 8:34)

4. Believe God’s hand changes anything we put in it. When you believe that, you will put your cares in His hand. (2 Timothy 1:12)

5. There is a sign at the throne of grace: “Welcome! Come freely.” God cares always, but desires us to come and ask for help IN FAITH. Faith is the key—James 4:2. Ask for help NOW! And believe you have it! NOW! (Mark 11:24)

6. He gave you His Son (John 3:16), His Spirit (Acts 1:8), His Word (John 1:1), His armor (Ephesians 6:10-18), His anointing (1 John 2:27), His wisdom (James 1:5), His grace (Ephesians 2:8), His Church (1 Corinthians 12:18), ALL Things pertaining to life & godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
7. ENOUGH SAID!!!!!!!!
No matter what I feel like, God cares! He feels for me and He has made abundant grace available to me. Jesus is praying fro me right now—and He gets His prayers answered. I have ALL things pertaining to life and godliness--embrace His help and His care, by faith, in Jesus’ Name!
Sorry to keep bumping all these but they are truly awesome, touching and mind-transforming! I needed to read and implement every one of them to feed my spirit as I grow in faith.