Fast from wrong thinking day 29


Well-Known Member
Revolution Day 29: "I don't feel loved."

We are about to embark upon the most significant days of our fast from wrong thinking, beginning with today’s thought—we are fasting from the thought that says, “I don’t feel loved.”
Let's Change It Today.
1. God’s not mad AT you, He’s mad ABOUT you! Dispel the myth of an angry God. God is Love. (1 John 4:8)
2. Our feelings follow our thoughts. Flood your mind with the thought: “My heavenly Father tenderly loves me!” (John 16:27 AMP)
3. You and God are inseparable! Nothing can separate you from the love of God. (Romans 8:37) Believe this with every fiber in your being!
4. Think Value. Your value is not determined by what you’ve done or not done; but by how much someone would pay to ransom you. God paid with His own blood. You are special!
5. Stop trying to earn something God has already given. He loves you. Just BE LOVED. It can’t be earned. It is a gift from God. (John 3:16) Accept it.
6. Reject THE VOICES OF REJECTION. Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are chosen by God, accepted and loved. (Colossians 3:12)

God is not mad at me, He’s mad about me. My heavenly Father tenderly loves me. Nothing can separate me from the love of God. I am valuable and special to Him and I am as valuable to God as Jesus is. I receive His love by faith, in Jesus’ Name!