
New Member
First of all i wanted to thank LHCF for putting me in gear and making me discover a whole world i did not know about. You gals really rock and thanks to you i owe my hair and my health. it s here on the discussion forum i discovered all those vits, decided to take the plunge and big chop in june 05, discovered all types of oil lol castor, amla....... and thanks to your health forum i discovered colonix. i know it s long long overdue sorry for the very late update but here s my end of year update for 06. colonix and all i m just put a pix here so u can see that i lost the weight and my fotki link.

january 2006

december 2006

and now the hair i straightened with my curling iron but did not do the roots so it s does not show the real length (there s 2-3inches left nappy roots) as i left it nappy lol i need to buy a flat iron but i dont know which one to buy so i used my old curling iron bad bad bad i know lol

as far as the hair lol sorry i could not maxiglide i did not have the time to buy a ceramic flat iron so i just used my curling iron i know heat for the first time. i cant show the true length cause as it was the first time using the curling iron i let the roots nappy and did not do them i was scared of burning lol hehe so here s the updates enjoy. i m just glad i got skinny on time for the new year lol. i view all of yall as sisters that i learned so much from and i will pass it on all that i learned here thank you. Thanks to you lol my fams and friends sweat me all the time! :lachen: my hair has thickened something fierce lol they dont believe my hair can be 4 b and soft i said to them that s the magic of the Praital worm rinse hehe if u did not believe hehe now s the time. i m hopeful that i could be waistlength this summer 07 hehe i m keep on with the viviscal, here s the link for the hair updates:http://public.fotki.com/ekomba/2006_den1_ekomba/page5.html

For those who pm me to ask, here s my new updated regimen for 07:

vits: viviscal, Vitol hair nails skin, Puritan Pride biotin, Nature made super b complex

oral: Designer whey protein shake french vanilla, Carlson msm 12,000mg, Twinlab amino fuel

topical: wild growth hair oil, Nature s blessings grease, MTG,

wash: Praital silk worm rinse, ors mayo and lekair shea butter

and of course i m keep on the diet that was jumpstarted by my colonix and vow to eat more fruits, veggies, lean meats, gallon water, almonds, brown rice, whole grain bread.... I WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR AND ALL MY LOVE! your sister E.
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wow. u were working it b/c u look great. although, u didnt look bad before, but i know it feels good when you get the body you've wanted.

congrats to you!
Girl you betta go on with you BAD SELF!!!!! Please, please please tell me more about your diet and excersize regimen. I desparately need to lose about 25lbs and my gut.
CONGRATULATIONS E!! Way to start 2007! Your body and your hair are on fire for real! You are truly an inspiration and an example of what can be done if we simply put our minds in the right place and stick to a plan. Fabulous! Best wishes for Operation Waist Length '07 - I've no doubt you can achieve it.
All I can say is WOW!!! AMAZING progress with both your body and your hair!!!

When did you start that Colonix stuff? And how often do you use it?
Beautiful. . .u were and are absolutely beautiful. I'll be sitting over there <= waiting for the info too. . .
Congrats Ekomba,

I think I am going to start hard on the bandwagon for 2007. My son said now with the new BA you got to get the suit and the body to really rock it. I said yeah its time. CONGRATS ON THE GREAT BOD!!
lsubabiedee said:
wow. u were working it b/c u look great. although, u didnt look bad before, but i know it feels good when you get the body you've wanted.

congrats to you!

You took the words right out my mouth BabieDee. Ekomba you are fierce!
Ekomba, you are a beautiful woman and I am very proud that you attained your goals. It makes my heart happy to see people accomplish their dreams. I wish and pray for you to have even more success in 2007!!!

You look so sexy!!!! Inspiration Inspiration Inspiration.

Girl do the dern thang!!!!!!:D :D :D :eek: :eek: :eek:

I am already taking my before pictures. I will be making a post like this in 6 months!!!!!

I just reviewed your New Years Pics...Ekomba you are breathtaking!!!!(No Homo....really I am straight)
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All I can say is WOW!!!!!! Your hair and your body look great!

I almost started to cry because your weight loss was so phenomenal, you just gave me hope that I can and will lose this weight, not to mention grow my hair out too.

Thanks Ekomba you are truly an inspiration!!!!!
Congratulations on your hair progress and weight loss. Girl, you rock'n that dress and them boots!
Ekomba, I love your spirit! That's a dramatic change, and you should be proud. Congratulations, girl!
WOW, EKOMBA YOU DID THA' DANG THANG. Your halo (hair) is beautiful. I am soo impressed with you. *singing: did you ever know that your my hero...* Thanks for sharing, you are an inspiration!

*Now where did I put my treadmill? I know I saw it last year around this time?:lol: *.
Asolutely WOW! You look AWESOME and I always loved your other hair pic from this summer. I got my Colonix on Friday -- after reading your other posts, and I will start it tomorrow. Nothing but applause to you for your achievements.
Thank you Isubabiedee!!!! yeah it feels great starting the new year with a bang! i promised you i saved that dress that i saw in Soho a year ago and i vowed to myself that size 4 or not i will fit it for the new year. i never wear dresses but i would hang it in front of my closet when i was desperate and had reached my heaviest point. i guess i got tired of family members always asking me if i was pregnant or people in the train standing to let me sit :eek: :( :mad: thinking i was preggers lol i think i just scrolled on to the health forum wow what a mine i tried the master cleanse i fell off the wagon lol:lachen: i needed food for real

*Bre~Bre* said:
Girl you betta go on with you BAD SELF!!!!! Please, please please tell me more about your diet and excersize regimen. I desparately need to lose about 25lbs and my gut.

Hey Bre Bre thanks and thank you Poohbear !!!!:D in fact what jumpstarted my diet was the colonix. i saw that on the health forum with talk of colonic irrigation and master cleanses and i was so bloated and my belly so protruding i always felt heavy i could not even walk i would always feel tired. and so on the health forum they talked about the colonix after trying first the master cleanse which was not good for me as i love to eat lol:lol: :grin: :lachen: i said let me try the colonix. i scrolled the www.drnatura.com site and was shocked by the testimonials kinda doubting but i knew i was bloated. so i ordered 3 boxes. my game plan was to use one box and use the other ones as backup plans for maintenance cause shyt is expensive:eek: so i did for one month but dont get me wrong u have to control the way u eat it s not a pass to binge lol:lol: or eat all u want buffet either :mad: :lachen: lol ok so i read on the health forum to eat mad apples to jumpstart a colon cleanse so i did that but the first week after the colonix i noticed that my stomach got flatter:eek: one day i woke up and noticed that i could wake up at 6am and 7am and that s incredible cause i m a couch potato just watch tv eat chips and cookies junk , never exercised in like 8 years, cant wake up before 12 noon.

after one week on the colonix i started to be regular. i used to be constipated and had only 1 or 2 bowel movements per week so i knew the food would just get stuck in my body. the first day i just peed, the second day i had 12 bowel movements:eek: :eek: talk about stuck up . of course u gonna feel sick on it cause the body get rid of toxins. i think colonix was major for me cause it gave me the energy back, i had to change my way of eating but not just yo yo dieting like i did in the past cause none of them fads worked on me

i started to drink a lot of soy milk vanilla to make the fiber shake drinkable and i enjoy it. i find how to get rid of my sweet and salted tooth cravings hehe apples and almonds yeahhhhhh or now if i want to indulge in anything fattening you eat it in the morning before you go walk. You can eat what u want but i try to stay away from cakes and pasta. i mostly eat egg whites, veggies, fruits like oranges, apples and grapefruits a lot, tilapia and salmon, brown rice, and a lot of Arnold bread whole grain 7 or 9 grain ones, sliced turkey, cheese.... and most of all everyday i try to walk for 45mns very very important that s my only exercise and have been my only exercise for the past year it could be just going to do all your errands on foot. i drink a gallon of water per day it s very important. i stay cleer from sodas i only drink juices and alcohol only if i party lol. i eat everything before 8pm i found the key to losing weight and keeping it that way is to make sure u full, that you eat wholesome meals instead of snacking, and like every 3 hours you eat something and the key is anything that s fattening and heavy eat it in the morning and as you go down like 4-5pm you eat the most nutritious and mostly fruits veggies or a sandwish. you can still have a pie or ice cream or that casserole but eat it in the morning so it s gonna be your fuel when u go walk. I was able thanks to the colonix that i used for 1 month to take better adventage of my vits and the carlson msm helped a lot cause it makes you go to the bathroom too and detoxify u as well when in high doses. for exercise girl, the best is walking cause you burn everything without knowing now i walk all the time i m glad i dont know how to drive lol:grin:

Thank you
Ekomba, your body and hair.......that's whatz up! I admire your strict discipline and tenacity. Keep up the good work dear! What was your beginning and ending weight?
Wowsers! For body, for hair for everything! Fierce and fabulous - AS ALWAYS! Someday...sigh...exhale...
You go girl, What a year you had for body and hair looks great.
Thanks again for getting me hooked on that Praital Silk Work Rinse.