Dominican blow-outs


New Member
I have seen gorgeous pics of ladies who have had their hair blown out at a Dominican salon. Is there any way to achieve this look without going to an actual salon? I live in DE and I had never even heard of a blow-out til this board. I don't think we have any around here. :sad: Any advice?
you won't have salon results ar first but its possible. rollerset your hair. then blow out the roots with a blow dryer (with a nozzle) and a round brush. wrap the hair doobie style 2 ways: sit under a dryer for 20-30 with the hair wrapped in saran wrap OR wrap the hair with a silk/satin scarf overnight. you should end up with light bouncy hair. the key is to light on product. i only use a leave-in, a sealant, and a heat protectant serum.
I have better results than the Dominicans and I replicate their technique but have kind of my own technique.

I first sometimes apply conditioner to dry hair for about 20 mins with heat (under a hooded dryer) then rinse out followed by shampoo. ( Sometimes I omit the first step and start off with shampooing the hair and then applying the deep conditioner followed by heat).

Then I'll condition it again with a deep conditioner with heat again for 20 mins.

I then rinse out the conditioner then shampoo either once or twice followed by towel drying the hair. I don't rollerset because I have trouble keeping the rollers in tight and it takes me forever because my hair is natural so when it's wet it's puffy and curly.

So after I towel dry for a few mins I take a round brush and blow dry my hair in sections on high heat for the roots and medium heat for the rest of my hair. Now this process doesn't get my hair straight, it more looks like a semi straight puff.

I then flat iron my hair with a ceramic flat iron that I bought from sally's. My hair comes out so straight, airy with so much volume and body. I get some many compliments on my hair and for a few months I've been doing a friends hair because she likes how mine comes out. I also had a few other friends ask me to do their hair like how I do mine.

If I remember I'll take pictures this weekend when I do my hair. I'll try to take pictures in steps to show the process.

Here is the link to my fotki album Feel free to check it out.
You can blow dry your hair with a soft round brush, but it's easier said than done. That technique takes some practice.
You can blow dry your hair with a soft round brush, but it's easier said than done. That technique takes some practice.
blow drying your roots with a round brush makes my arms hurt after a while lol and it does takes a lot of practice because first one didn't come out all that good. The second one was much better