Does Anyone Else Have Dry Scalp


Well-Known Member
My Scalp is dry and itchy man, dang...

What do you use to cure your dry and/or itchy scalp?
I do, but only in the very very top area. I have been thinking of putting some Shea, emu or hemp seed oil up there.
I like medicated stuff.. I think Keracare has one..
I wonder if Doo Gro has a dry itchy product line..
This happens to me also especially in the warmer weather. I recently purchased some dudley's dandruff shampoo and it works!! I like it because it's formulated for black hair and doesn't dry out your hair as others would. But always follow up with a moisturizing conditioner for a good 30min when using it. hth
I also have a itchy scalp. I make a spritz to address it. I mix water with glycerin and add peppermit, rosemary, lavender, and orange EO. Shake it up and spray on the scalp for light moisture and a refreshing lift.
some options:

1. spritz your hair with water or wash your hair more often
2. moisturize the hair around the itchy area more
3. use dry & itchy scalp shampoo (Keracare and Dudley's make good ones)
4. sparingly oil the itchy scalp (WGHO, jojoba, olive, etc.)
Macherieamour has a nice process of doing a pre-condition with conditioner for dry and itchy scalp, i think it's by keracare. Maybe you should check out her wash regimen. HTH!
I do and I started using Keracare and it worked lovely. I also got the glossifier for dry and itchy scalp and it helped alot too.
Before I found the hair boards I ALWAYS had a dry/itchy scalp. I thought that it was just something I had to learn to deal with since my skin tends to be dry in general. Now, I don't have that problem anymore. I think the frequent washing/rinsing in addition to vitamins and a better diet helped a lot. The only product that really made a difference was the Keracare dry/itchy scalp shampoo and conditioner. It didn't cure the problem completely, but it did help.
I use Selsun Blue poo and follow up with a moisturizing poo and condish. I also use Scalpacin between wash days.

I also noticed that my dry scalp and flakes get better when I deep condition.
I used to have dry itchy scalp and the only thing that would help temporarily was when I oil it down. I have been hearing about scalp peeling and I was curious so I ordered some and used it on Saturday, 6 days ago. I usually wash every 3 days because of this issue but in 6 days I haven't had an itch or dry scalp since. I will be relaxing tomorrow and I am not having any pre-relaxer crazy itch like I used to. My scalp is thoroughly clean - I guess. I will definitely be incorporating this scalp peeling thing at least once every month or so.

KhandiB said:
My Scalp is dry and itchy man, dang...

What do you use to cure your dry and/or itchy scalp?
Nizoral. Nizoral. Nizoral. It has been a miracle for me.

My scalp would literally peel off in layers an inch wide. Gross, I know. Nizoral stopped it in it's tracks after 2 washings. Now I just use it maybe once a month.
Keracare Dry and Itchy Poo and Con, hands down, take it from a pro, i used to walk around with frosted flakes
Yes, I have very dry, flaky, and itchy scalp. I use and have used a number of things that have worked very well.

Keracare Dry & Itchy Scalp Shampoo/Conditioner
Paul Mitchell Tea Tree Shampoo
Design Essentials Therapeutics Rx line

just to name a few...
lonei said:
Keracare Dry and Itchy Poo and Con, hands down, take it from a pro, i used to walk around with frosted flakes

Girl who you tellin'.....KeraCare is my miracle in a bottle. Design Essentials is my second runner up!