Do you care for your nape area differently?


Active Member
Recently I have noticed that the back of my hair particularly on one side is much thinner than the rest of my hair. It has even broken off to 1/4 of an inch in one spot.

I have also noticed that the texture of hair is different to the rest of my hair, much thinner and softer. Ironically this part of my hair is where my hairdresser puts the relaxer first. From now on I will ask her to put the relaxer there last, and I will pay special attention to conditioning the nape of my hair.

Do you treat your nape area differently to the rest of your hair? What have been the results?
I find that I don't really have to do a whole lot for it.

Its definitely a different texture, not sure WHAT texture though:lol:

The only thing I do differently is when I relax is I start at the top of my head, never at the nape (because the thickest part of my hair is at the top) I relax maybe the last 10 minutes on my nape and edges.

When I bun, I'm always careful to smooth the hairs so they don't get tangled up.

Other than that, I treat it like the rest of my hair and everything seems to work just fine.

Yes, it needs a lot more moisture and conditioning than the rest of my hair. It is very fragile, and very tightly coiled. I soak it with CD's Some of Margaurite's magic and Khoret Amen (sp?) oil. The nape hair literally soaks it up within minutes, the rest of my hair would be a soggy mess with this concoction.