Do OILS make your Hair DRY (???)


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
Do oils make your hair dry?

If so, what oils make your hair dry?

If not, what oils do you use to keep your hair moisturized?

Indicate whether you are relaxed, texturized, transitioning, or natural...and your hair type if you know it.

Thanks in advance! ;)

I oil my hair regularly. Last night, it was smooth and straight, but felt dry as straw--you know like no softness, no moisture. I had only been oiling it for the past 3 days with coconut oil. Lastnight I misted each section with water and then applied mango butter and then the coconut oil. This morning my ends are gooood, soft & pliable.

Long story short: I find the oils I use really keeps my hair smooth, frizz free and straight but my hair will still feel dry after the water based conditioners & moisturizers lose their effect (3-4 days post poo). Thus, I need to add some water based moisture and then I can go back to oiling it up. I use coconut oil, sesame oil & soybean oil (found in aphogee efa or nexxus botanic oil), wheat germ oil.

ALSO, I find that the use of oils prevents split ends and mechanical damage--when I comb I get no breakage bc the oil has coated the hair.
My experience with oils(I won't address petrolium based) is they have to be used properly or can have a more defeating affect. The hair has to be balanced with the proper moisture. Then the body or added oils provide a seal to keep the moisture in. I was using shampoo over a year ago and basically was drying my hair to much. Then I was using some walnut oil which is heavier then some of the others. Well it was not balanced. Since my hair lacked moisture to keep in the oil than became a barrier from moisture coming in, such as rain and the humidity in the air. My hair just became dryer and dryer. By luck I realized the circle of depriving my hair I was in. When I switched to conditioner wash and a blend of oils which was lighter than the walnut my hair made an instant turn around. Walnut works blended for me or only on what I know to be very moisturized. hair. Also the oils do carry some of the properties of the source they orignate. Such as their alkaline or acidic levels. Walnut was on the alkaline side more and may have aided in my hair being somewhat porous. I think used in the right balance they will help and in concert with your hair type and needs.

My experience.
i dont rely on oils alone to keep my hair moisturized..i ws reading about the no oil routine on the other nite and i believe what alot of the article says which is if oils don't do anything for you to try humectants...i do takes all that for me...different oils have good benefts so i wont leave them alone....for me they r olive oil...jojoba mixed in other products....coconut and newly castor oil mixed with other humectants r mostly conditioners

ETA: i dont use all of the products and oils at the same hair is an extension of my body and like the rest of my hair needs to have products and methods switched up often for them to other words i have to shock my system often
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Thanks for your responses ladies. Y'all gave me more than what I asked which is GREAT! So is it best to apply water, moisturizers, or humectant BEFORE applying oils to your hair???
I use water & oils very very sparingly on daily basis -- water to moisturize & oils to lubricate. Here's my usual routine once a day at bedtime.

I make my own "moisturizer" which is a mix of distilled water, castor, jojoba, glycerin, panthenol & rosemary in a 2oz spray bottle. I apply about 2 to 4 spritz to my palms and apply throughout hair -- more or less depending on how my hair is doing. Then I follow with a couple of drops of EITHER (castor & ylang if I want heavier oil or jojoba & rosemary for a lighter oil) I apply the oils throughout, focusing more oils on ends so hair isn't too weighted down. I then bun up, put in a magnetic roller or whatever and tie hair down for the night -- next morning, nice and moiturize with no need for anything else! I should caution here that "less is more" and only a very tinsy bit of both is needed, NOT handfuls -- just a few drops of moistuizer, wait a couple of minutes, then a few drops of oil, then bun, roll or whatever and tie down.

This is my "usual" routine but depending on how my hair is doing or what style I'm wearing, I may do this twice a day, especially if I'm wearing a bun for the day, I'll apply my water & oil again in the morning then bun for extra moisture, especially if cold outside. If I'm wearing hair down, I just shake and go in the morning, nothing added.
Neroli said:
I use water & oils very very sparingly on daily basis -- water to moisturize & oils to lubricate. Here's my usual routine once a day at bedtime.

I make my own "moisturizer" which is a mix of distilled water, castor, jojoba, glycerin, panthenol & rosemary in a 2oz spray bottle. I apply about 2 to 4 spritz to my palms and apply throughout hair -- more or less depending on how my hair is doing. Then I follow with a couple of drops of EITHER (castor & ylang if I want heavier oil or jojoba & rosemary for a lighter oil) I apply the oils throughout, focusing more oils on ends so hair isn't too weighted down. I then bun up, put in a magnetic roller or whatever and tie hair down for the night -- next morning, nice and moiturize with no need for anything else! I should caution here that "less is more" and only a very tinsy bit of both is needed, NOT handfuls -- just a few drops of moistuizer, wait a couple of minutes, then a few drops of oil, then bun, roll or whatever and tie down.

This is my "usual" routine but depending on how my hair is doing or what style I'm wearing, I may do this twice a day, especially if I'm wearing a bun for the day, I'll apply my water & oil again in the morning then bun for extra moisture, especially if cold outside. If I'm wearing hair down, I just shake and go in the morning, nothing added.
Thanks for sharing! I may have to do that when I wear a bun so I don't have to wash my hair more often just to keep it from getting dry. :yep:
I've always believed that oil does not make your hair dry. I was using this salon oil but I ran out, I now use motions herbal oil on a daily basis. I'm always misting my hair with oil if it looks dry. I also use razak finishing creme especially after freshly dried hair, When I use to go to the demonicans they use it as well. It works wonders for me!!
Hmmm... I stopped using oils about a year ago then picked up a bottle because my store didn't carry my normal products. I haven't really noticed dryness... yet.
Lorraine said:
Hmmm... I stopped using oils about a year ago then picked up a bottle because my store didn't carry my normal products. I haven't really noticed dryness... yet.

I love your avatar. Such a beautiful pic.
Oil and UBH moisturizer (which is basically a mix of water, olive oil and serum) have helped me to combat dryness, so so far thats working for me. However, I never use manufactured hair oils, but buy coconut oil, jojoba oil and other oils from the supermarket or health food store. If I have to decide between an edible oil and one that is used for cosmetics purposes, i.e. avocado oil can come in two versions, I will also buy the edible version because I figure if its good enough to eat, it good enough to go on my head, LOL!
Poohbear said:
Thanks for your responses ladies. Y'all gave me more than what I asked which is GREAT! So is it best to apply water, moisturizers, or humectant BEFORE applying oils to your hair???

for me i already have in left in conditioner(my humectant) no matter what kind of 'do im trying to create...then anything else comes after
I f my hair is truly dry, then I don't put oil on - I uses Nexxus Humectress on the dry hair. Then i may use an oil on top of that. But usually that doesn't happen becuase I have in a leave in after washing - then serum and oil on top of that. I think this seals in the moisture because my hair never feels or looks dry. If it starts to look that way, I will wash it and condition again.:)
deedabug said:
for me i already have in left in conditioner(my humectant) no matter what kind of 'do im trying to create...then anything else comes after
oh okay. maybe if i do a co-wash, i should leave the Suave Humectant in my hair instead of rinsing it out! :yep: i love the way my hair feels after humectant has been sitting on it! :yay:
Oils dont make your hair dry (cause dryness) but oil doesn't moisturize it acts as a sealant. If you do not have any moisture in your hair and you are only using oils you may notice your hair is hard no matter how many/what type of oil you apply. I did notice when I was transitioning that using oils instead of the creamy type hair dressings helped me manage my two textures better while I was trying to maintain a straight look. My roots wouldn't go puff. After a while tho nothing worked and I couldnt find my beloved BBD stretch. I had always hated oils and always ended up giving away what ever I had bought but they were a good friend during my transistion.
winterinatl said:
I f my hair is truly dry, then I don't put oil on - I uses Nexxus Humectress on the dry hair. Then i may use an oil on top of that. But usually that doesn't happen becuase I have in a leave in after washing - then serum and oil on top of that. I think this seals in the moisture because my hair never feels or looks dry. If it starts to look that way, I will wash it and condition again.:)
I agree. After conditioning with Humectress, then using a leave-in with oil (pomade) to seal in the moisture, my hair stays moisturized. Also, since I'm washing every 3 days, my hair doesn't have a chance to get dry.

I had to travel not long ago and went for 5 days without washing. On that 4th and 5th day, I put a small amount of Humectress on my dry hair and it was very moisturized.
I use oils and love them. Like others have said, the key for me is remembering that WATER moisturizes and oil lubricates or seal that moisture in. If your hair is lacking moisture, putting oil on top of that is asking for trouble. Putting oil on dry hair for me is a no no. The only time I use oil on dry hair is to do a blow-out and then I'm not looking for moisture but heat protection.

Right now I use coconut oil mixed with honey and conditioner to deep condition and it really works wonders.
I agree with Vintagecurlylocks, oils should be used sparingly. I use my a teaspoon of my homemade pomade to oil my hair after washing. In the morning I spray my hair with either s-curl or a leave-in and at night spritz with water. Since I wear a protective style for work the pomade keeps my hair moisturised and spraying keeps my scalp moisturised. When I oiled my hair every other day it became dry and collected dirt more easily. My current routine and conditioner washes help to keep my hair moisturised and soft, allowing me to retain the length I have gained.

so yall suggest you should apply moisturizer and then oil if your hair is dry? How do you suggest doing this with cornrows. Do I rub moisturizer on the cornrows and the spritz with oil. And what about weaves?
deedabug said:
i dont rely on oils alone to keep my hair moisturized..i ws reading about the no oil routine on the other nite and i believe what alot of the article says which is if oils don't do anything for you to try humectants...i do takes all that for me...different oils have good benefts so i wont leave them alone....for me they r olive oil...jojoba mixed in other products....coconut and newly castor oil mixed with other humectants r mostly conditioners

ETA: i dont use all of the products and oils at the same hair is an extension of my body and like the rest of my hair needs to have products and methods switched up often for them to other words i have to shock my system often

Do you have the link to that...I could not find it.
I tried oils like Surge Lotion Motion # 9 and Hot Six Oil and my hair still felt kinda dry hours later.
The best oil that moisturizes my hair and leaves it soft is Barry Fletcher Liquid Moisture I dont even have to use it the next day and my hair still has moisture worth every penny.
I'm 3c/4a.

I have texturized hair.

Olive, Coconut, and vitamin E help to keep my hair moist.

Tea Tree or anything with tea tree oil is completely drying.
I only oil my hair when it is slightly damp after I wash it and then braid it when my hair is almost dry. I spritz my hair at night with water and in the morning with s-curl or a leave-in. I do this until the next wash and repeat this process.

Do oils make your hair dry?

If so, what oils make your hair dry?

If not, what oils do you use to keep your hair moisturized?
As at a few weeks ago, I am back to using the Wild Growth Hair Oil (WGHO)
Dabur Vatila oil
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO)

Indicate whether you are relaxed, texturized, transitioning, or natural...and your hair type if you know it.
Slightly texturized, relaxed ends (which I am gradually trimming off)

ETA: I use oil on damp hair after shampooing or on damp or dry hair as a pre poo. I also use oil for deep conditioning.
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I think the fact that I oiled my hair 2-3 times a day for about a month is what lead to my hair becoming dry and I will try using Kemi-Oyl again since I still have a full bottle.

I thought I was doing something good oiling my hair a lot(just 1-2 drops at a time). I did notice that the more I oiled my hair the drier it felt.

I have decided to only put Kemi-Oyl on my wet hair.
well, i noticed since i began adding AO aloe vera gel (a humectant) to my oil mix that my hair stays moisturized and softer much longer than when i was just using the oil mix...
Thanks for your response ladies. :kiss: I used to think oils moisturize hair, but now I realize and I'm for sure that oils do not moisturize your hair. You need to apply a moisturizer like water or a humectant before applying oils. I learn something new everyday from this board! :yay: