Conversations with God

Country gal

Well-Known Member
Has anyone read this book? My best friend was adamant that I read this book. She bought it for me. It is a book that a man writes. He says he asks God questions and wrote down the answers that came to him. It is interesting.
The First Installment of an extraordinary trilogy, Conversations with God marks Neale Donald Walsch's initial dialogue with God. This book discusses personal issues such as prosperity, relationships and the nature of spiritual truth-with God providing clear, understandable answers. Further than the author's conversation with God, you'll realize that your own understanding and your own conversation with God is the true subject matter of this unforgettable text.

Editorial Reviews
Blasphemy! Heresy! Who does this man think he is, claiming to speak directly to God?! Jesus did it, Muhammad did it, the Jewish prophets did it, but none of their Gods had the sardonic wit or raw verve of Prophet Walsch's God. Neale Donald Walsch isn't claiming to be the Messiah of a new religion, just a frustrated man who sat down one day with pen in his hand and some tough questions in his heart. As he wrote his questions to God, he realized that God was answering them... directly... through Walsch's pen. The result, far from the apocalyptic predictions or cultic eccentricities you might expect, turns out to be matter-fact, in-your-face wisdom on how to get by in life while remaining true to yourself and your spirituality.
I bought book 1 of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch back in 1997. I never read past the 9th page. I am almost finish with Juanita Bynum. Country Gal you could borrow mine if you'd like.
yes, I have read all three of his books. I would not recommend it.

It is the one thing that absolutely without a doubt changed my life.
It is more liberating than anything I've ever read, moreso than any sermon.
It increased my faith 100%, moreso than any sermon or scripture
It has a lot of truth and twice as much untruth.:eek:
It left me reeling for at least 3-4 years and sometimes today.
It brought about total confusion. God is the author of peace.

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the last times some will turn away from The faith by paying attention to deceitful spirits and demonic instructions through the hypocrisy of liars with branded consciences

don't let this satanic weapon of mass destruction pull the wool over your eyes. The bible talks about a great falling away and warns us that even the elect could be deceived.

Jesus is SOON to come.

Oh my G. I pulled my book out and their was a bookmark on page 9. I gather that is as far as I got with the book. Why did it have you reeling for sometime and still today?
because what he says in the book is in direct conflict with the bible but it sounds good and seems true.
gn1g said:
because what he says in the book is in direct conflict with the bible but it sounds good and seems true.

I soooo agree with you. I spent a lot of time skimming the book when it came out and there really is alot of contradiction. It did not even glorify God. It seemed like everything was I...I...Me...My. So I never bought it. All of our answers to questions about any situation should come from God and his word. From what I could see, alot of what was said in this book did not match up with his word. Not at all!!!
I met the author Neale Donald Walsch in person ....he is quite the character ...
gn1g said:
yes, I have read all three of his books. I would not recommend it.

It is the one thing that absolutely without a doubt changed my life.
It is more liberating than anything I've ever read, moreso than any sermon.
It increased my faith 100%, moreso than any sermon or scripture
It has a lot of truth and twice as much untruth.:eek:
It left me reeling for at least 3-4 years and sometimes today.
It brought about total confusion. God is the author of peace.

1 Timothy 4:1
Now the Spirit explicitly says that in the last times some will turn away from The faith by paying attention to deceitful spirits and demonic instructions through the hypocrisy of liars with branded consciences

don't let this satanic weapon of mass destruction pull the wool over your eyes. The bible talks about a great falling away and warns us that even the elect could be deceived.

Jesus is SOON to come.


I am confused. Are you not recommending the book? It sounds like you are.
latia said:
I bought book 1 of Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch back in 1997. I never read past the 9th page. I am almost finish with Juanita Bynum. Country Gal you could borrow mine if you'd like.

Thanks Latia. My girlfriend bought it for me because the book changed her outlook on life.
It is a direct conflict with everything we have been taught to view about God and religion. I sometimes struggle with the answers in the book.
I am warning you, cautioning you, just letting you know about my experience with that book.
I read it and I Love it. I helped me a lot. I think every 1 should have a copy.... :) I brought it from barnes and noble about 3 years ago. I still have it
Country Gal,

He is eccentric and has a weird sense of humor. His most recent book is more politcally charged in nature and he espoused views that were very provocative. One thing he did that was odd during his presentation - an audience member expressed his interest in starting his own CWG study group and traveling around the world like Neale . Neale was like " Oh great , whats the problem?" The guy said he was scared and looking to come there to get advice on how to start his group. Neale told him, quite matter of factly, to just start giving free workshops at church or other venues and develop a following.

The guy got kind of impatient and pushed Neale further - I guess the guy was looking for something more concrete. Neale was like "OHHH I understand you want to be annointed by me...okay well let me get my fairy dust out of my pocket and say a few words...." Neale then proceeded to make up a rite of passsage and told the guy now he could have the courage to go out and do his thing. The guy look real pissed and said he just was scared of making a fool of himself. Neale retorted -" how could that be? You just did."

It was wild...but basically he is a straight shooter and can see through BS. I cant explain it but he is like in his own little world and you can tell he doesnt really care what other people think. He told the guy if he loves what he does and is doing it for God then he has no reason to be scared because his intentions would be pure. On the other hand if he is concerned about what other people think then he needs to look at his own motives and intentions for doing it because when you are doing what you love, for the sake of love and glorifying God you dont care what other people think.

When the guy stood up to introduce himself he did come off kind of self-righteous , like "look at me" like he wanted Neale to right there on the spot sign him to travel with him or something.

If you are very interested in his teachings and have the opportunity to see him in person , please do. You will look at his writings totally different once you see him in IRL.