Conversations With God (kinda long)


There was a previous thread that had been posted that asked what others thought about the book. Many thought that the book was not ok for Christians because it was not based on the word of God. Check this e-mail that I got out. It only confirms that this book is not ok to be drawing our answers about life from.


Beware of the book, Conversations with God. Dr. James Dobson talked about
this book twice this week. It is devastating and parents and Christian
schools need to be aware of this. Do pass it on to church/ e-mail
addressees. Parents, Grand parents, Aunts, Uncles: Please pay special
attention not only to what your kids watch on TV and in movie theaters
and the music they listen to, but we must also be alert regarding the
books they read.

Two particular books, Conversations with God and Conversations with God
for Teens, written by Neil D. Walsh, sound harmless enough by their
titles alone. These books have been on the New York Times best sellers
list for a number of weeks, and these publications make truth of the
statement, "Don't judge a book by its cover/title."

The author purports to answer various questions from kids using the
"voice of God". However, the "answers" that he gives are not
Bible-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance
(and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question "Why am I a lesbian?"
his answer is that she was born that way because of genetics (just as you
were born right-handed, with blue eyes, etc.). Then he tells her to go
out and "celebrate" her differences.

Another girls poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My
parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I
marry him?" His reply is, "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because
you have done nothing wrong."

Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply - I do
not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such
thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell
everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another
and this is wrong, because the rule is "judge not lest ye be judged".

And the list goes on. Not only are these books the false doctrine of
devils, but in some instances even quote (in error) the Word of God.
These books (and others like it) are being sold to school children (The
Scholastic Book Club), and we need to be aware of what is being fed to
our children.

Our children are under attack, so I pray that you be sober and vigilant
about teaching your kids the Word of God, and guarding their exposure to
worldly mediums, because our adversary, the devil, roams about as a
roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). And how many of us
know that lions usually hunt for the slowest, and weakest and YOUNGEST of its prey.

Pass this on to every Believer you know. God bless! And, if in doubt,
look at the books yourself.
I have read the book, it was very inspirational.

Which doesn't mean i bellieve it came directly from God.

But since i don't believe in the Bible being the only word of God, or in "devils" either, i would have disregarded that email too.

Really people have to learn how to pick and choose! I chose to be inspired by some of what this book says, but not everything. I'm also tired of hearing "christians" calling everyone that disagrees with them "devils"! That is dangerous right there!

Pointing the finger can only push you away from God! That i'm sure of!
As far as I know, the author claims that his answers are coming directly from God. This is where the deception lies because according to the e-mail, the author has written answers that totally contradict and go against God's word and God does not change though people and there ideas do.
As a Christian, from the excerpts given and the one from the man's website, he is in error with biblical teachings. We, as believers, must be careful in picking up books just b/c they say God on the cover. The question you must ask first is what God is he talking about? The man does not espouse or claim to be a Christian, so he is not saying this is what Jesus or Elohim is saying, he just says God (meaning his God, whomever it is).
I also have read this book (the original plus 3 additionals) and thought it to be very inspirational and life changing for the better though It is not for everyone. I do believe that you should start with the first book before reading any add ons and also remember that it is labeled Fiction.

The book addresses whether or not the words are from God and he explains it well.
I've read this book.

And I loved it!

You compare the book's teachings to that of the Bible and are upset that the message does not fall in line with the Bible. That is understandable but at the same time the Bible is also a book written by a mortal man who is reporting teachings that he received from what... a "Conversation With God".

I think the main message of the book is to attempt to give Christians a different understanding of God. Historically God has been used by many rulers, leaders etc to instill fear in the masses and as a way to keep people in order. We have been tought that if we sin or go against God we will be sent to a firery burning hell to roast with the Devil for all eternity. That one statement I believe has caused more harm than good. We have people who follow the word of God out of fear as opposed to true belief or true understanding. We have people who hate themselves and live a lie because of something so minor as sexual orientation.

Which brings me back to the book. In the book it is my belief that the author is attempting to rid us of a relationship with God where we fear his wrath so we obey him and follow him without ever truly knowing him, and teach us that our God loves us no matter what as long as we are true to ourselves and him, have love in our heart and bond with God for spiritual betterment, emotional cleasing and a persuit of becoming the best person we can be! ;)
Interesting. especially...

"I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is "judge not lest ye be judged".

There is no such thing as right or wrong? This is supposed to be God speaking? This doesn't make sense in the NATURAL, forget about the spiritual. If that's the case Hitler was just as much of a saint as Mother Teresa. We're created in the image of God--we as humans all have ethical guidelines that we live by--yet the creator of the universe believes in no right or wrong and we're supposed to be created in the IMAGE of God? hm. A slight variance that was COMPLETELY ignored in the book....apparently. :ohwell: "I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive." Is this author serious? Go commit a horrible crime against someone, THEN come back and tell me you don't need forgiveness.

Interesting how everyone wants to believe in GOD, but no one wants to believe in a God that has an OPINION and only ONE opinion, a God who believes in a right and wrong, a God that you CAN sin against, and a God that will allow you to experience repercussions of sin. People are constantly looking for reasons to justify actions that are clearly against God's Word. So if there's a book that says "HEY! I'm God and everything is OKAAAAAAAAY! Do whatever you want!" Well then of COURSE it's going to be a best seller and of course it's going to be "inspirational", because it agrees with our flesh.

Fortunetely, I believe in a God that has an opinion on what's right and wrong. Having that said, I beleive God is also full of GRACE, He's righteous, He's perfect, He's gentle, He's a Comforter, a Shield, a Provider, a Father--I believe He LOVES us more than anyone could ever know...It's like the world wants to be believe in one or the other: either He's this HARD unforgiving God who unmercifully throws people into fire and brimstone, or He's a SOFTY. God is not a SOFTY! But He's not "fire n' brimstone man" either.

Forget about specifics, a God that does not believe in right or wrong, THAT is completely false. And if that's what this book is saying, that alone should steer any follower of Christ clear away from it.
I've voiced my opinion about the book.


Wow, I didn't know they were marketing this book to children, I am shocked. So much is going on with the kids these days. I took my daughter to a basketball game the other day and seems like all the children were inverted girls lesbians and guys gay included the coaches. I sincerely believe we are in the last and final days. I believe a pervert, foul and unclean spirit has been released in the land and it's assignment is to attack the kids.
JuJuBoo said:
Interesting. especially...

There is no such thing as right or wrong? This is supposed to be God speaking? This doesn't make sense in the NATURAL, forget about the spiritual. If that's the case Hitler was just as much of a saint as Mother Teresa. We're created in the image of God--we as humans all have ethical guidelines that we live by--yet the creator of the universe believes in no right or wrong and we're supposed to be created in the IMAGE of God? hm. A slight variance that was COMPLETELY ignored in the book....apparently. :ohwell: "I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive." Is this author serious? Go commit a horrible crime against someone, THEN come back and tell me you don't need forgiveness.

Interesting how everyone wants to believe in GOD, but no one wants to believe in a God that has an OPINION and only ONE opinion, a God who believes in a right and wrong, a God that you CAN sin against, and a God that will allow you to experience repercussions of sin. People are constantly looking for reasons to justify actions that are clearly against God's Word. So if there's a book that says "HEY! I'm God and everything is OKAAAAAAAAY! Do whatever you want!" Well then of COURSE it's going to be a best seller and of course it's going to be "inspirational", because it agrees with our flesh.

Fortunetely, I believe in a God that has an opinion on what's right and wrong. Having that said, I beleive God is also full of GRACE, He's righteous, He's perfect, He's gentle, He's a Comforter, a Shield, a Provider, a Father--I believe He LOVES us more than anyone could ever know...It's like the world wants to be believe in one or the other: either He's this HARD unforgiving God who unmercifully throws people into fire and brimstone, or He's a SOFTY. God is not a SOFTY! But He's not "fire n' brimstone man" either.

Forget about specifics, a God that does not believe in right or wrong, THAT is completely false. And if that's what this book is saying, that alone should steer any follower of Christ clear away from it.

Girl, you better preach!