Conditioner washes please help


New Member
Hi ladies,
Here are some ideas I am thinking about trying out. Let me run it by everyone to see what would be good for my hair. I would love some advice. About a month ago I had about 1" cut off due to bad damaged ends and not really taking good care of my hair this summer and also the summer wrecked havoic on my hair too. So I am now starting over. My hair currently is right at collerbone length and my goal which I am shooting for is bra-strap length.

Also this summer I am going to get cornrows to give my hair a break.

My hair texture is 4a/4b very very coarse and thick. My hair seems to respond better to conditioner washes.

Also to keep my ends moisturized throughout the week I am thinking about buying Ebene Shea Butter hair styling lotion. I don't like when my hair feels greasy but I like it when it has a shine to it and is moisturized.

1st experiment:

Condition wash every other day for one week using a moisturizing conditioner and then on Friday wash my hair with shampoo. Then the next week use the Eqyss Mega-tek conditioner every other day and then wash that Friday with shampoo.

2nd experiment:

Condition wash every other day rotate the two conditioners for example Monday moisturizing conditioner and then Wednesday protein conditioner.
