Conditioner Wash?! HELP


New Member
Newbie here. I've been browsing for awhile and love all the advice. My hair is just below the shoulders and sheds like crazy (just tried nexxus emergencee and moisturizing/protective styles). I'm really curious about the CO wash. What exactly is it? Are you just rinsing your hair w/ water then conditioning? I would LOVE instructions...and product recommendations. THANKS!
That's it...You are using the conditioner as you would a shampoo. Some people wet their hair in the shower and leave it on while they suds up and then rinse it out. I rinse my hair well before entering the shower apply conditioner, let it sit a little bit and then rinse off before I shower (in the shower of course). I don't think there are hard and fast rules. You do what works for you. I use a few different conditioners, but my staple is Aubrey Organics GPB. I also use a leave-in after, because this makes comb-out effortless for me. I have relaxed, 4a/b shoulder-blade length hair. You have to find the products that your hair "likes" so this will be a good experience for you. There are plenty of product recommendations on this board, but you could just try with whatever conditioner you have on hand and see how you like it.
I wet my hair apply conditioner leave on for 5 minutes and rinse,apply leave in let hair air dry and apply moisturizer.
You may want to limit the amount of heat on your hair too until shedding stops and try Surge.
I first put the conditioner in my dry hair, then I rinse it, then I "lather up" again with the conditioner and rinse it out.

I get very good results doing this with suave conditioners... all of the fruity ones.
I don't condition wash everyday. I do it when I want to change my style, but it's not a scheduled wash day.

People who condition wash everyday do clarify every once in a while. I think that the average rate is once per month.