Compliment from my Stylist


New Member
Since joining LHCF, this is how many times I have gone to the shop:
  1. October 2006 - touch up and trim - Stylist "A"
  2. December 2006 - touch up only - Got mad at "A" and cheated with a new stylist.
  3. February 2007 - touch up only - went back to "A"
  4. April 2007 - touch up and trim. - "A" did my hair again.
I did not have a trim for 6 months. However, my stylist was impressed with how nice my ends still were and she kept comlimenting me....really loudly. I think she was using me as a marketing tool for a new client. :lol: Needless to say, info on LHCF does work.

I am only 1" from BSL
Congratulations!! :) How were able to keep your ends looking right? Baggy, protective syles, minimized heat use? Please share if you don't mind.
I keep my ends super moisturized and seal with NTM Healing serum. I wear my hair in a bun....even if I look like an old librarian.... I never sleep on cotton pillowcases. I rollerset and dry under a dryer. The only time my hair sees a blowdryer/flatiron is when I go to the shop.