Carol's Daughter


New Member
How do you feel about these products? I currently use nexxus and I am not happy with them. I am thinking of trying Carol's Daughter when I finish my Nexxus. Or maybe go back to KeraCare. What do you thin?
i bought the hair milk a while back but i still havent used it b/c i have soooooo many products in my closet. However, i absolutely love love love her skin lotion and the fact that her products dont have unnatural 'junk' in them. I would say to give it a try. My niece uses the hair products on her infant son and loves it. i tried looking for a conditioner at the store and was told they are currently re-formulating it, but if they had one and it smelled decent, i would try it.
In my honest opionion I wouldn't waste my money. I just ordered the Hair Balm and Lisa's Hair Elixer and I have to say I have not noticed any results worth the price tag. And the smell is also overpowering. I gave it to my SO to use.
In my honest opionion I wouldn't waste my money. I just ordered the Hair Balm and Lisa's Hair Elixer and I have to say I have not noticed any results worth the price tag. And the smell is also overpowering. I gave it to my SO to use.

I agree. They didn't do anything that justified the price. Corn oil and beeswax don't impress me.
There was just a thread about this a few days ago, try doing a search, you'll find a lot of info. The general concensus is that CD is way too expensive for an average product. Her stuff isn't even all natural like the claims would have you believe, and she uses crap like beeswax and corn oil in her stuff. Corn oil :perplexed We can make concoctions with more beneficial, nourishing oils than that (sans the heavy, greasy wax) for waaay cheaper than she's charging.

When I first started my haircare journey I used them and wasn't impressed. I don't remember everything I bought, but I know I got the hair butter, lisa's scalp elixer, mimosa hair honey and like 3 or 4 other things. I was very disappointed because I had spent a good amount of money. A lot of the stuff is still sitting on my dresser from over a year ago, and I have NO intention of ever using it again
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