Can you grow your hair long??


my misguided husband also thinks that most black women can't grow their hair long. he thinks that i am the exception to the rule which is sad. even though he sees pictures of you'll with long hair, he is under the illusion that we are the Lucky ones. now isn't that sad.

levette, my husband thinks the SAME exact way!!! Plus he thinks the attention I get from others is because of my hair. (and mine is only collar bone length!) Yes it IS a shame! I wish he would quit all of this old fashioned stereotyping!
Yeah, peeps tend to go by what they SEE in their daily life (what I like to call "the eyeball test"). As more people see greater #s of Black women w/ long hair, more will believe it.

Until then, one can't really blame many for their skepticism, but that shouldn't discourage anyone from their goals, IMHO.
I agree Jamaraa. Pretty soon it will be a common occurence and no one will think twice about it.
You know it's so funny you guys brought this topic up because for years I always wore braids,weaves, and even some pieces in my hair for fullness. Lately I have been wearing my own hair and do you know that some of my closest friends(I mean from childhood)said to me "girl I didn't know you had hair"....I was pissed.....I said to them "Well now you know".....Some people are so stupid. And funny thing is, my real hair is longer than theirs....
You know it's so funny you guys brought this topic up because for years I always wore braids,weaves, and even some pieces in my hair for fullness. Lately I have been wearing my own hair and do you know that some of my closest friends(I mean from childhood)said to me "girl I didn't know you had hair"....I was pissed.....I said to them "Well now you know".....Some people are so stupid. And funny thing is, my real hair is longer than theirs....

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You cannot blame them for responding that way if you kept your real tresses hidden for so long.
Yes I can blame them because they were the ones helping me take my braids,weaves out........

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Hello??? LOL

Another thing is people assume just, because you wear weaves or braids that you do not have hair of your own. Believe me that is not the case. It's not about hiding anything, it's about liking a particular style.
Another thing is people assume just, because you wear weaves or braids that you do not have hair of your own. Believe me that is not the case. It's not about hiding anything, it's about liking a particular style.

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I agree, and I know some ladies that have gorgeous relaxed hair and just wear weaves or wigs inorder to save their real hair from styling, heat, and weather.
Thank you!!! What encouragement! And another thing, I'm sick and tired of others telling me, "why you tryin' to grow your hair out so long, are you trying to be white?"
Who ever said long hair was reserved for whites only?
If I hear that from one more person, I'm going to kill them and tell God they died!!!
Thank you!!! What encouragement! And another thing, I'm sick and tired of others telling me, "why you tryin' to grow your hair out so long, are you trying to be white?"
Who ever said long hair was reserved for whites only?
If I hear that from one more person, I'm going to kill them and tell God they died!!!

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wow gurl. lol.
This thread has been so encouraging. Can't wait to shake and toss my hair over my shoulder singing the Dora the Explorer song, "We did it! We did it! We did it, Yeah"
No she didn't take it to Dora...that's funny

Don't laugh, but I know that song
This thread has been so encouraging. Can't wait to shake and toss my hair over my shoulder singing the Dora the Explorer song, "We did it! We did it! We did it, Yeah"

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LOL! Don't torture me! I get enough of that song from my little cousin.

But u know I'm gonna be doin' the same thing
Wow! This thread (and this entire site), has been so Inspiring and empowering to me! It's is so great to be around such confident and supportive women (I reall miss that!) I had truly given up on having a long healthy head of hair. And we all know, it don't matter what you're wearing, how good you're smelling, or if your makeup is flawless, if you don't feel good about your hair on a given day, it's not a good day, and it (at lease for me) affects your confidence and self esteem! But I'm reading this board like a novel, and it's just a matter of time 'till my tresses are long and healthy!
Thank-you so much for your response to my initial post! I am certainly encouraged. I've always been told that you have to "come from" hair to have hair. Reading your post about the way the women in your family handled their hair made me laugh because you described my family to the letter. I am learning that hair care is something that takes time and effort and not something I can approach casually if I want to see real length on my head. Since mostly everyone I tell that I'm trying to grow my hair out tells me they don't think it's possible for me to have that much length, I don't discuss it anymore. I keep it to myself. If I succeed, great; if I don't, I won't have to hear people tell me they told me so. It's a secret between me and all the sisters on this board who have the same goals to grow their hair as I do. <img src="/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

Again, thank-you so much for the words of encouragement!

Have a blessed day!!

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Even those that "come from hair" may have long hair but it may not be completely healthy and while they may not know it, some of their hair care techniques could be preventing them from attaining more length.

I was in that boat. My hair was long, past my shoulders, but would never grow past a certain length healthily. I would always get split ends somewhere along the way and have to trim it.

When I was in the 9th grade, my hair was bra strap but poor habits prevented me from retaining the length. Until I found this board, I didn't know what I was doing right and what I was doing wrong. I thought that if I used good products, it would make my hair grow longer.

95% of the women in my fam have long hair and it all ranges in texture and from relaxed to natural to texturized. The others have cut their hair for styling purposes or because they have fried and dyed it and damaged it to where it had to be cut.

So it definitely takes time and effort and the right care for your head.