Can I color my hair and then relax 3 weeks later?


Well-Known Member
I really want to add permanent color to my hair but I want it done now. I'm currently 2 1/2 months post relaxer. I want to go ahead and get the color now and then relax my hair in 3 weeks (which will be the day before I go off to college). By then, I'll be 3 months post relaxer.

Will this be okay or is there something wrong with doing it this way? Please give me all the cons. Thank you!
Okay, I HAVE to color b/c of my stinkin' gray hairs, but I advise a few things.

1. Relax first, then wait two weeks to color. If you color first, the relaxer can strip the color right out of your hair. (This has happened to me many times.)

2. Try NOT to use perm color. And if you *must* use perm color, I suggest you use one with low or no ammonia. Semi or demi is the way to go if you relax your hair.

3. Try using a protein condish after your relaxer (before you color) to prep your hair to take the color.

I recently went back to perm color (no ammonia) b/c of my grays. (I was SO tired of coloring my hair every 2 weeks w/ henna or demi-perm that I decided to opt for perm color.) I am KICKING myself for doing this. I'm going straight back to demi, semi-perm or henna. My hair (after my touch-up) is a MESS. It's dry and oh-so damaged.
If you follow last posters advice, I suggest Clairol's Beautiful Collection. It is a gentle semi-permanent color. I have used it many times after a relaxer without damage to my hair. The colors come out quite natural, however, it won't last through very many shampoos. You will have to redo it every few weeks or so. Great alternative to damaging permanent color though.
If you do this you need to color a relaxer, not relax a color.

My hair is relaxed and perm colored. I'm only coloring twice a year. I devote myself to DC'ing twice a week w/heat, protein treatments every other week, (including the day I do my TU and semi-perm color), and daily moisturizing/sealing. After each touch-up, at eight weeks, I'm using The Beautiful Collection, LovelyZ mentioned, to take care of the grey in my roots.

So far so good. I'm retaining length and it's growing.
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Okay, I HAVE to color b/c of my stinkin' gray hairs, but I advise a few things.

1. Relax first, then wait two weeks to color. If you color first, the relaxer can strip the color right out of your hair. (This has happened to me many times.)

2. Try NOT to use perm color. And if you *must* use perm color, I suggest you use one with low or no ammonia. Semi or demi is the way to go if you relax your hair.

3. Try using a protein condish after your relaxer (before you color) to prep your hair to take the color.

I recently went back to perm color (no ammonia) b/c of my grays. (I was SO tired of coloring my hair every 2 weeks w/ henna or demi-perm that I decided to opt for perm color.) I am KICKING myself for doing this. I'm going straight back to demi, semi-perm or henna. My hair (after my touch-up) is a MESS. It's dry and oh-so damaged.

Wow. Thank you guys so much. Especially you HotHair for that link. I was afraid to even post the question, because I thought I would get a lot of "GIRL, DON'T DO IT!"s and not a lot of advice. But you guys gave me great info.

I'm going to just get a relaxer and I will decide on color three weeks after the relaxer. I'm really scared of damaging my hair. Thx again!
Wow. Thank you guys so much. Especially you HotHair for that link. I was afraid to even post the question, because I thought I would get a lot of "GIRL, DON'T DO IT!"s and not a lot of advice. But you guys gave me great info.

I'm going to just get a relaxer and I will decide on color three weeks after the relaxer. I'm really scared of damaging my hair. Thx again!

Welcome :grin: Update if/when u do ur colour.