Buying a Mannequin Head


Well-Known Member
I'd like to buy a mannequin head in order to practice doing rollersets and braiding. I would like your opinion on what type of hair to get:

Human Hair

Human Hair / Synthetic mix

Synthetic Hair

I'm leaning toward the human hair/synthetic mix because I'm worried that the human hair by itself may be too "european" in texture. What do you think?

Doesn't the human hair usually come from Asians? Isn't Asian hair considered coarse and straight? Maybe the human hair would be the better buy. I'm very indecisive! Please help!

All opinions are appreciated! Thanks!:)
I plan on doing the same thing to practice rollersets and wrap sets. I think I'm going to go for the human may not be exactly like mine, but it's more convincing than synthetic! Good Luck! ;)
i wouldnt get the synthetic, it will react differently than "human hair" and also wont hold rollersets too well
get human. you'll get a better view of what its like doing "real" hair with that. its not relaxed texture, but at least the hair's gonna react the same.
Definitely get the human hair one.

My mom bought one when I was very young and it is over 17 years old and is still in perfect condition. No shedding or anything.
you can get one from sallys for $40. (if youre a BC member then $23).
the only thing i hate about them is that their hair is really thick at the top but get sooooo stringy at the ends!
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