Back to Square One, due to a SHS Stylist


Well-Known Member
Yes, some ****** chopped off my hair. I don't think she did it purposely, just didn't take her time to realize that I HAD layers. This what happened...
My hair has been knotting at the ends so I knew it was time for a trim. So someone recommended a stylist who only trims what she has too. I went to the visit rocking a braid-out so she really couldn't see my length nor my layers. Once, I arrived I felt hesistant for some reason and told her Im gonna hold out on the trim. She looked at my hair and was like no don't hold on to those "dead ends". I should've know when she said that... Anyway she was like girl I will only cut what I have too, you won't even be able to tell I trimmed you. I said you promise, and was like yeah girl.... So snip snip.. She let me look on the floor and it was just short pieces.. So she went on to conditioned me.. (Ohh, btw, I loving that Wheat Germ stuff, can someone tell me what that is exactly) Any way once she starts styling me she was like the last two inches of my hair was thin. I was like really, kinda confused. She was like yeah, then it dawned on the dumb ****** that I had layers.... So, do you know this heiffer cut that last few inches of my hair cause she thought they were damaged, and because they appeared thinner than the rest of my hair. In actuallity it was last layer of my hair. Of, course my hair appears thin because of my layers
If she took the damn time to think she would've noticed that. When she trimmed me she didn't even part through my hair, which should've been a a major sign, cause I do have layers and thats the only way to trim my hair. Oh well, I don't have layers anymore, my hair is aallll one short length.
Yep, back to square one. She cut off like 6 months worth of growth.

Sorry for rambling...
I should've trimmed my hair

Look at the last pic in my album, I didn't title it
Well, your hair is still THICK and awesome. I'm loving the color. Don't get layers again -- this new U shape looks great! Just don't let anyone cut or trim it til the end of the summer.

Why didn't you go to your regular stylist (the one who cut the layers, I mean)? Is s/he SH too? I think it's airborne now.
Denali, I'm really sorry this happened to you. If it's any consolation your hair still looks good
. But this is precisely why I will not go to the stylist. It's always a crap shoot. You never know what they will do and they never listen to you. Just that quick, they can sabotage months of growth. Don't worry sweetit, it'll be back soon. Just take great care of those ends
dena i'm so sorry this happened to you

i just looked through your album and this makes me want to cry for you.this settles it, i'm learning to trim my hair on my have beautiful hair, dont worry it'll grow back. i know thats not gonna make you feel better cause when the same thing happened to me in nov and others said that to me, i was like
Thank You ladies

Hopefully my hair will be back by the end of the summer
I really was growing out my hair for the summer oh well...
Megonw, I honestly didn't go to my regular stylist because she charges $15 for a trim, and the stylist in question does them free....
Can I say that I am mad for you!
That was messed up. The killing part is that she recognized you had layers and still went to clippin'. But your hair does still look good and it will grow back.
Your hair still looks great, Denali
And even if you didn't want that much cut, the bright side is that your hair looks even thicker now and the u-shape is lovely
Denali...I really understand how you feel...this happened to me on my last touch up but my stylist hadn't trimmed my hair in a long while....I was upset after but I felt like it will grow back...I'll be extra gentle ( I did 3 weeks of conditioning washes)...and it HAS grown back....2 in since the trim in jan...(its not much but for me, I am happy) ...SO PLEASE Don't be upset your hair will grow back longer and stronger...just deep condition, treat it nice, protect thiose ends and you'll see!
I think it looks great..but I know how you feel about having more chopped off than you wanted! Sorry girl
But it really does look good!!

May I ask..what hair type are you.. I keep trying to figure mine out so I'm trying to do comparisons with everyone..

Thank You all, I am so sad... I will be protective styling for the next couple of months

I see I am not alone... We need to start a protest
MoJazz said:
Can I say that I am mad for you!
That was messed up. The killing part is that she recognized you had layers and still went to clippin'. But your hair does still look good and it will grow back.

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She didn't notice my layers, thats why she cut my hair to one EVEN length

She noticed them while she was styling my hair... I did want to cut my hair to an even length, just not this soon.... I am enjoying this fullness though..
This length is gonna take some getting use too
D, I am so sorry that happen to you, but your hair still looks great and so healthy looking. You are still one of my inspirations, stay focus and let it go, so the positive energy can flow and help your hair grow. Keep growing!
Denali - I'm sorry too - but I gotta say honey, I can BARELY tell the difference between the last one and this one (which I know is the point - you obviously had grown 2-3 inches) and your hair wasn't "short" in the last one......

It's not now either! You'll have those inches back very very soon.
Its a damn shame she cut your last layer off! But your hair looks thicker now with the u shape and it still looks great.
I cussed when I found my tail was gone too, but now it is much easier to detangle my hair for some reason.
Keep doing whatchu doing and it will grow back.
Tracy said:
Denali - I'm sorry too - but I gotta say honey, I can BARELY tell the difference between the last one and this one (which I know is the point - you obviously had grown 2-3 inches) and your hair wasn't "short" in the last one......

It's not now either! You'll have those inches back very very soon.

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That makes me feel so much better
My SO said he can barely tell the difference too
Denali03 said:
Once, I arrived I felt hesistant for some reason and told her Im gonna hold out on the trim.

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That hesitation was your intuition giving you a message. I've now learned (after kicking myself repeatedly over the years) to listen to it.
Your hair look so good and it's still long - I can't see much of a difference. Since you said you wanted it all one length anyway, now you have it and I'll bet you are going to be really loving it as the days go by! Sometimes these "mishaps" by stylists can be rewarding.
naomi said:
Hi Denali

The last pic in your album looks about the same as your other pics.

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I agree, it looks fine to me.
I betcha in about 2-4 months, it'll be back.