Aveda color and my hair

Hello Ladies!

On Tuesday I went to an Aveda salon to color my hair. I wanted to lighten it by a few shades (I have jet black hair) to a dark/reddish brown. I did an Aphogee 2 step treatment the night before to prepare my hair for the color. It was in good condition. The stylist and me agreed on a color and he used a level 20 developer and no bleach.

He left the color on for 45 minutes with a plastic cap (no dryer) but when we rinsed the color out my hair hadn't changed a bit! Not even slightly! It was still jet black. He had dyed black hair before, using a similar process and it had worked so he had no idea what had happened. Neither did I!

My hair is now strong and soft and there's no damage and he didn't charge me for the appointment, but he's rebooked me in for the weekend. Can any of you ladies suggest what might have went wrong? Should he have used bleach? A stronger developer? Was it the Aphogee? I still have some relaxed ends and my hair is in amazing condition - the stylist was shocked at how well it was doing for transitioning hair - so I don't want to ruin it by using bleach if it's really damaging.
Maybe he should have used a stronger developer. Lifting jet black hair is hard to do. I've went through this before and I had to use bleach to get mine lifted.
Level 20 can only bring you up a couple of shades and if your hair is that dark he didn't lift it up enough for the lighter color to deposit. I say if you are going to try again definitely do your treatments before hand because even though the new color doesn't show you still put the developer on it.

My hair isn't jet black, more like a 1b/2 in some areas. I wanted goldenish highlights with a slight orangey tone to it. I mixed a 40 developer with the 2 different shades of blondes in order to achieve it. He may have to go that high. I would try to avoid bleach if possible.
Thanks ladies. Would you advise me to rebook the appointment for further in the future? I know it was Aveda color and it didn't take but two color applications in one week might be a bit much? Or do you think given the current state of my hair it could work?
Please go check out http://killerstrands.blogspot.com/ . Until you do I'll let you know somethings. The number 1 thing to know is color cant really lift previous artificial color. The second thing to realize is that 20vol will pretty much lift your color up 1 shade. 30 vol will lift up 2 shades and 40 vol will lift up 3 shades. Im suprised that your stylist wasnt aware of that especially coming from Aveda. If you just check out the website you could probably try color your hair yourself.
Wow, I have my hair dyed with Aveda color and that did not happen to me. I would maybe book another stylist, maybe this one did not know what he was doing.
Please go check out http://killerstrands.blogspot.com/ . Until you do I'll let you know somethings. The number 1 thing to know is color cant really lift previous artificial color. The second thing to realize is that 20vol will pretty much lift your color up 1 shade. 30 vol will lift up 2 shades and 40 vol will lift up 3 shades. Im suprised that your stylist wasnt aware of that especially coming from Aveda. If you just check out the website you could probably try color your hair yourself.

Thanks. I'm surprised he didn't know this either. I've never colored my hair before. Is 40 vol harmful to the hair?