Anything I can use to add color to my dark hair??


Well-Known Member
I have almost black brown hair and I'm looking for a semi permanent or rinse to add color to my hair either reddish or even bronze, auburn or even light brown tones. I had a few recs but I'm not sure they will work on AA hair just as well (ie. loreal colorspa). I'm looking for specific color names because I want to pick it up today, I know about Sebastian's colorshines, but I'm not sure which shade would work on dark hair. Thanks ladies!!!!
i use colourshines in Cinnamon. my hair can be described as dark brown, naturally. with this rinse it has a gorgeous warm cinnamon or rust color to it that blings in the sunlight. It still looks dark to med brown when im inside the house. i'd suggest to try that color. unfortunately colourshines is hard to find in stores...youd have to order online.
Mizani_Mrs said:
i use colourshines in Cinnamon. my hair can be described as dark brown, naturally. with this rinse it has a gorgeous warm cinnamon or rust color to it that blings in the sunlight. It still looks dark to med brown when im inside the house. i'd suggest to try that color. unfortunately colourshines is hard to find in stores...youd have to order online.

mizani mrs I was going to rec cinnamon at first but logged off for a sec...was coming back to rec cinnamon though. great minds think alike!
Hi :] How long before the Coloushines fades? I think I want some color too... something that will not cause too much damage and that is temporary. Thanks.
well if you have a dark color, and rinse or semi-perm color will only show up in the sunlight or under bright lights. You will have to use a permanent color if you want a significant change,since it does have the ammonia/peroxide that lifts your natural color first, then deposits the bottle color to the strand inside. Most rinses/semi-perm colors last from 12-24 shampoos. They will tell you that on the bottle. They do have a new one out that I have seen at Target. It's loreal color foam or something. It comes in a shiney orange covering. I did try it once. It the color did okay, but it left my hair super dry. Good luck to you, hope that helped a little
honestly i feel the best thing for a non-damaging change is extentions.I'm really not with the whole fake hair thing...but extentions you can change then up as often as you wish,and take them out when you done.I would use the clip on ones they have at the beauty supply store.
I've done jazzings in Ruby red and red hot. They do deposit color on dark hair...but it comes off on your clothes and sheets. Adore is a good color (also a rinse) and it didn't come off on my clothes and stuff...

You ladies who use do you apply it? I heard it was more like a gel than a liquid?
Tonight I am trying out Clairol's Natural Instincts for the 3rd time. I love this demi perm color because it really does not damage my relaxed hair. It lasts for 28 shampoos which is longer than a rinse. I have NEVER had this color rub off on anything.

The thing with semi and demi perm colors they do not lighten dark hair. They will give you subtle highlight colors (kinda of casting a colored sheen) that you can see in sunlight and high lighting situations. This go around I am trying out Blackberry (burgundy black color).

If this sounds like somthing you are interested in check out and look for Natural Instincts.