Any 4a/4b ladies who didn't have long hair when


New Member
Any 4a/4b ladies who didn\'t have long hair when

they were younger but now have hair past their shoulders????
What contributed to your growth? Do you think it was diet and vitamins or hair products (maybe both).

Just being curious.
Re: Any 4a/4b ladies who didn\'t have long hair when

Daily washing and bun method. I think that the MSM and biotin really helped also.
Re: Any 4a/4b ladies who didn\'t have long hair when

My hair is just a few inches past shoulder so it isn't long but it is still the longest and healthiest it's ever been.I attribute it to washing more frequently,using no heat,vitamins and Surge
Re: Any 4a/4b ladies who didn\'t have long hair when

I have brastrap length relaxed hair. It has been longer than that but I cut it a year ago.
My natural hair is really coily with fine densely packed strands.
When I was little my hair was not short but it wasn't long either. Then when I was a teen, I would go to the salon every week and my hair was never longer than my shoulders.

What helped me grow my hair really long initially was when I found the longhairlovers site (this was before lhcf) and they only had a multicultural forum. I digress....
From there I learned that I had to
-stretch my relaxers as long as possible
-detangle before washing
-deep condition once a week at least
-alternate b/w protein and moisture conditioners
-use widetooth combs
-no heat/little heat (rollersets/braidouts/ protective styles)

In a nutshell, it was hair products and styling. I don't really take vitamins regularly and I don't have a great diet.
Re: Any 4a/4b ladies who didn\'t have long hair when

In addition to answered prayer :) Eating healthy well balanced meals, drinking a lot of water, taking vitamins (a multi-vitamin and msm), and lot's of aerobic exercise have been the factors that most contributed to my hair growth.

Sleeping in a silk or satin scarf and on satin pillowcases only and not wearing my hair down when wearing wool, cotton, or other "non smooth" fabrics have also contributed a great deal to retaining length.

Finally, keeping the ends moisturized has also contributed a lot to retaining length.

But all in all in addition to prayer, (I prayed for my hair to grow so much when I was little
it worked and I praise The Lord for it because I would have went crazy if it didn't grow
), a combination of exercising, eating right, and drinking lots of water is what made my hair grow in faster and stronger.