After APL are roller sets a bust?


New Member
After you obtain some length and thickness are roller sets even worth it anymore? I mean, after APL you pretty much have to dedicate literally HOURS to sitting under the dryer ... When you're past MBL it could seriously be an all day affair.
As much as I'd love to try a wet set, my fear of it taking forever and 2 days to dry is stopping me. I have found other alternatives such as blow drying and using caruso rollers, or flexi rod sets (which dry much faster), or a flat iron on damp hair (knocks out 2 birds with one stone!) ... but the whole rollersetting thing? :nono: ... I'm giving up on them, unless I ever cut my hair back shorter than APL... :rolleyes:
It shouldn't take hours but it does take awhile to dry. My hair is hip-length now and I'm out in about an hour and a half maybe an hour and 45 sometimes. It is a long time but it goes by fast if I'm doing something like fooling around online while I'm under my soft bonnet. If you find a good dryer drying time shouldn't be too bad. The results are definitely worth it in the end.
Yeah it doesn't take my hair too long to dry. You just need a really powerful dryer and consider rolling smaller sections of hair and using bigger rollers. I use soda can sized rollers and that only takes 30 minutes or so.
Funny you say that because I did my first roller set today and it didn't dry... (I started a thread called "Turning Grapes into Wine" to see what others do when their hair doesn't turn out as planned). So I did end up doing a wet set and kinda looking different today. But I got compliments on it. So I am keeping my hair wet all day with a little spray bottle with water and 14 in 1.

But yeah the longer your hair gets it seems like the more trouble it would all be. The only thing that might make it more legit is if you started getting even bigger rollers to set with, so your hair is not wrapped around each roller as much. But giant a** rollers may be kinda crazy and harder to sleep with unless you sleep on your hands (not my thing... I roll all over the bed). :locks:
Yeah it doesn't take my hair too long to dry. You just need a really powerful dryer and consider rolling smaller sections of hair and using bigger rollers. I use soda can sized rollers and that only takes 30 minutes or so.
I was about to suggest the super huge rollers. I saw them at the bss last night and they are 3'' i believe. HUGE :lol:
My hair ie VERY thick AND i just made apl i started using the gray rollers and the sallys version of paul mitchells skinny serum states it cuts down on drying time and it really does!!! I will trat myself to a pibbs after the holidays it drys hair faster AND i herd the mesh rollers WITHOUT the bumps THE OLD SCHOOL ONES WITH THE WIRE IN THEM AND THE NET OVER DRE HAIR FASTER BECAUSE THR AIR IS ABLE TO FLOW RIGHT THROUGH THE CURLER THIS IS THE LINK SO YOU CAN SEE WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT IF YOU USE THEM BE SURE TO USE END PAPERS AND ON KEEPITSIMPLESISTA A GIRL NAMED CHELLE DOES A CHEAT ROLLERSET WITH HER HAIR IN PONY TAILS IT IS ALSO ON YOU TUBE I THINK ITS BLOCKED AN WORK SO I CANT GO ON:wallbash: I HOP THIS HELPS DOT GIVE UP ON ROLLER SETS THEY ARE GOOD FOR THE HAIR:grin:
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