2016 Hair Growth & Weight Loss (july-dec)


Simplicity & Peacefulness
Well, Ladies, can we do it? Absolutely! We're getting a bit of a late start to the year but it's never too late to get.your.life.

Challenge runs from July 1 - December 31, 2016
We will do updates end of September and December.

Special note: Sometimes the scale can be a liar!
You're working your butt off, eating right, lifting weights, cutting sugar and reducing carbs and that scale won't budge! The remedy to that is to not rely solely on the scale to determine your progress. I strongly recommend taking at least one accurate body measurement like your waist, thigh, or hips to see if you are losing inches. To make sure you're measuring in the same place each time, have someone take a picture while you hold the measuring tape.

Here are some links I've found helpful recently:

The Ultimate Weight Training Workout Routine
What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast And Keep It Off?
Beginner Workouts – The Best Workout Routines For Beginners
The Beginner Weight Training Workout Routine

We need to hold each other accountable! Please post any challenges and successes, particularly any non-scale victories (NSVs!)

If you want in, just like this post and submit your stats (photos are optional)

Hair Goals
Current Length:
2016 Goal Length:
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed:
How you will achieve goal:

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight:
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose:
How you will achieve goal:

  1. Aggie
  2. Prettymetty
  3. HappyAtLast
  4. Nightingale
  5. mzteaze
  6. demlew
  7. KinksandInk
  8. alex114
  9. k_enitan
  10. W04andia
  11. APrayer4Hair
  12. Fab79
  13. trclemons
  14. charmtreese
  15. silenttulip
  16. apple_natural
  17. IronButterfly
  18. destinyseeker
  19. ClassyJSP
  20. Royalty8790
  21. blackgurll
  22. sharifeh
  23. faithVA
  24. Mane Event
  25. Shiks
  26. THicknLong
  27. AlexandriaKiera
  28. myfaithrising
  29. Ajna
  30. morgandenae
  31. Beany
  32. Suchalady
  33. periwinklepeach
  34. mccray689
  35. Shelew
  36. strenght81
  37. blackeyes31626
  38. Missjaxon
  39. Patriciabp
  40. Beachy
  41. assiyrabomb
  42. PerfectlyFlawed
  43. CurliDiva
  44. GrenadianGal
  45. scarcity21
  46. deborah11
  47. Purpleroses1010
  48. Kerryann

Group Goals

(Pre-challenge) Goal June 22-June 30
  • Substitute water for at least one sugary drink per day (soda, southern ice tea, sugar-filled coffees - you know, all those lattes, frappes, cappuccinos, etc)
  • 3 workouts per week (minimum of 30 minutes)
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Hair Goals
Current Length: APL+ (5 months post)
2016 Goal Length: BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Texlaxed
How you will achieve goal: Braids redone every 6-8 weeks through December

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 218.2, waist measurement 42.5 (Lordt have mercy!!!)
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 15 lbs and/or 3 inches off my waist.
How you will achieve goal: Weights (when doctor approves me again), watching calories to stay at 1700 daily, water, conscious portion control, interval aerobics

eta... adding starting pic taken 5/24/16 at 221 lbs. My ultimate goal is to look like my avatar! Mama's got work to do!


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Hair Goals
Current Length: BSB
2016 Goal Length: MBL
How you will achieve goal: I will finger detangle as much as possible, wash no more than once a week, keep my ends moisturized, take my vitamins and tie up my hair nightly. I will wear buns or wigs as protective styles. I trim 1/2 inch every 3 months. My next trims are scheduled for September and December.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 162, waist 30 inches
Goal Weight: 130 (145 is my end of year goal) End of year waist goal is 27 inches
How you will achieve goal: I will drink water 90% of the time. I will do 3 intense workouts each week. I will watch my portions and count calories when time permits. I'll also use the Laws of Attraction to achieve my body goals. Dh has become a gymaholic and that has motivated me to get up and get moving myself.
I still have a few Shakeology shakes from my 21 day fix challenge. I also have the containers and workouts. I'll drink the shakes on days that I workout and I can do an exercise dvd on days that I can't leave the house. I have small children, so going to the gym isn't always possible.
Hair Goals
Current Length: brushing BSL
2016 Goal Length: brushing MBL
How you will achieve goal: Prepoo, wash, and style 1-2x weekly, & take vitamins, be gentle with my ends. I don't use direct heat at all.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 185
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 30 lbs in 2016
How you will achieve goal: Lower my carb and sugar intake, walk/run daily, and body weight exercises (until I can get back to gym regularly).
I'm in.

Hair Goals:
Current Length: APL
Goal Length: FULL BSL
Natural but colored

How: Hair Oiling/Hot Oil treatments,
Growth aids (MSM, Bamboo tea, Biotin 10K)
High Protein diet plus juicing,
Dr Schulze Superfoods smoothies at least 4 times a week,
Daily Garlic intake - at least two cloves in a salad or over tomatoes/cucumbers
JBCO/emu and peppermint oil on scalp at least 3 times a week
Keeping my hair moisturized and regular dusting of the ends
Drinking at least 3L of water daily

Weight/Fitness Goals:
Current Weight: 190
Goal Weight: 165
How: Regular spinning with a friend during month of July (purchased a Groupon)
PIYO/P90X3 on schedule
walking at least 10K steps minimally 5 days a week
One sprint session a week - 30 mins
Primal diet
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Hair Goals
Current Length: APL
2016 Goal Length: BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Growth AIDS (MSM, Silica, Probiotics) and Protective Styling (Wigs) 75% of the time

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 200 (34-32-41)
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 140 (32-27-38)
How you will achieve goal: Karate, Pole and Calorie Restriction (no more than 1800 calories per day) w/ one cheat day meal on Sundays

Well, Ladies, can we do it? Absolutely! We're getting a bit of a late start to the year but it's never too late to get.your.life.

Challenge runs from July 1 - December 31, 2016

Special note: Sometimes the scale can be a liar!
You're working your butt off, eating right, lifting weights, cutting sugar and reducing carbs and that scale won't budge! The remedy to that is to not rely solely on the scale to determine your progress. I strongly recommend taking at least one accurate body measurement like your waist, thigh, or hips to see if you are losing inches. To make sure you're measuring in the same place each time, have someone take a picture while you hold the measuring tape.

Here are some links I've found helpful recently:

The Ultimate Weight Training Workout Routine
What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight Fast And Keep It Off?
Beginner Workouts – The Best Workout Routines For Beginners
The Beginner Weight Training Workout Routine

We need to hold each other accountable! Please post any challenges and successes, particularly any non-scale victories (NSVs!)

If you want in, just like this post and submit your stats (photos are optional)

Hair Goals
Current Length:
2016 Goal Length:
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed:
How you will achieve goal:

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight:
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose:
How you will achieve goal:

When I was on vacation earlier this month, I received a deep revelation after seeing a photo of me in a bathing suit. And the revelation is................I am officially a member of the FAT FARM. I looked like a stuffed, rollie pollie, butterball turkey in those pictures. :cry3:

It is a shame and I must do better, so I am marking my spot. I will weigh in the morning and report back with my stats.

Thank you OP for helping a sister out. Let's do this!!!
Hair Goals
Current Length: shoulder/collar bone
2016 Goal Length: healthy all/bsb
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
How you will achieve goal: co-wash weekly, deep condition every 2/3 weeks (moisture/protein as needed), cornrows under wigs, trim at start

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 220 how sway
Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 25lbs+
How you will achieve goal: counting calories and cardio/ weights mix

I will use this thread for accountability, as I have not been consistent lately and when I am I get results. I'm also not going to overwhelm myself this will be my only challenge for the rest if the year but it hits goals I'm working on

I will take pics/measurements but will post these at end of challenge unless bravery kicks in by the 1st
I am in... will be back to give my details.

Hair Goals
Current Length: Neck length (with thinning edges and temple, also just 8inches at longest after 3 years = extremely slow grower)
2016 Goal Length: not a length goal more about keeping current density and if possible increasing it. However, this is solely dependent on my scalp health, as a longterm sebopsoraisis sufferer, this is easier said than done. I am not giving up though, just being realistic.
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Supplements (Fish Oil, Collagen, Biotin, Vitamin C, Iron after seeing doctor, more protein heavy meals), washing and treating scalp as often as possible(at least weekly), Wigs and perhaps crotch braids.
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Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: At 5'5.5", I weigh 155 lbs
Current Stats: Upper arm - 13", Chest - 36", Waist -30", Hips -43.5", Lower Tummy -35''

Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 15 lbs to 20 Ibs, though will focus more on inches
Goal Stats: Upper arm - 10", Chest - 35", Waist -26", Hips -40", Lower Tummy -32''

How you will achieve goal: Strength training, HIIT, Cardio and improving my diet to include more protein, veggies and good fat. I intend to have daily green smoothies/juice at least 5 times a week, make goat's milk and greek yogurt my boo, and wake up to warm diluted grapefruit juice.
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Okay here goes:
Hair Goals

Current Length: Just barely touching APL

2016 Goal Length:
BSB by the end of December

Relaxed, natural, texlaxed:
Mildly Texlaxed

How you will achieve goal: Protective Styling using wigs, weekly/bi-weekly deep conditioning, bunning, daily hair vitamin intake.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: At 5'4" I weigh a whopping 157 lbs.

Current Stats:
Chest - 35.5", Waist -34", Hips -42.5"

Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: My ultimate goal weight is 127lbs so I have 30 lbs to lose. By the end of this year I need to be down at least 20 of those pounds. Hopefully we will continue this challenge all into next year so I can lose the rest of it.

Goal Stats: Chest - 34", Waist - 28", Hips - 39"

How you will achieve goal: Cleaner eating, lower caloric intake, eating my last meal by 6pm 5 days a week, exercising - mostly HIIT and weight training along with some running. I definitely need to work on getting my legs and abs a lot stronger than they are now.

As for my exercise routine and vitamins - I'll update on which exercise I'm doing and the vitamins I'm taking as I go along. I will update with a starting picture as well.
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When I was on vacation earlier this month, I received a deep revelation after seeing a photo of me in a bathing suit. And the revelation is................I am officially a member of the FAT FARM. I looked like a stuffed, rollie pollie, butterball turkey in those pictures. :cry3:

It is a shame and I must do better, so I am marking my spot. I will weigh in the morning and report back with my stats.

Thank you OP for helping a sister out. Let's do this!!!

This was so funny @trclemons
Hair Goals
Current Length: shoulder/collar bone
2016 Goal Length: healthy all/bsb
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
How you will achieve goal: co-wash weekly, deep condition every 2/3 weeks (moisture/protein as needed), cornrows under wigs, trim at start

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 220 how sway
Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 25lbs+
How you will achieve goal: counting calories and cardio/ weights mix

I will use this thread for accountability, as I have not been consistent lately and when I am I get results. I'm also not going to overwhelm myself this will be my only challenge for the rest if the year but it hits goals I'm working on

I will take pics/measurements but will post these at end of challenge unless bravery kicks in by the 1st
My weight twin! :hiya:
My ultimate goal is to lose 38 lbs (from a start of 221 lbs), and 15 of those by December.
Hair Goals:
Current length: Bottom Layers at CBL
Goal Length for end of 2016: Full thick CBL (Want to even out my hemline)
Method: Protective styling in crochet braids, mostly.

Weight Goals:
Height: 5'4''
Current BMI: 25.2 (slightly overweight)
Goal BMI: 20.6 (Within healthy range)
Total loss required: 28lbs (2 stone)
Goal Date: My next birthday January 2017

I'll be weighing weekly, and hopefully updating that often haha
Hair Goals
Current Length: Between APL & BSL
2016 Goal Length: Full BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
How you will achieve goal: keep hair mostly stretched to prevent tangles. Consistent DC with heat, sealing ends, protective styling.
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Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 160
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 140
How you will achieve goal: calorie restriction and excercise. Increased water intake. I did well for about 2 weeks with the Myfitnesspal app so I'll go back to that.

I literally look pregnant. I wouldn't mind a flabby belly but mine is big/round and pretty disheartening. Not sure if/when I'll muster up the courage to post a picture...
Hair Goals
Current Length: just chopped i'm about SL/apl with keratin/heat damage ends left in the front
2016 Goal Length: bsl- w/ all heat/keratin damage cut off
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
How you will achieve goal: i'm a straight hair natural- i wrap my hair in between presses or use rollers- i deep condition every wash- i keep it simple
i will probably add a hair vitamin

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 135
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 115 (25 inch waist would be nice too LOL)
How you will achieve goal: eating less and cardio
Today was a good day. Dh made some delicious chicken and vegetable soup for dinner. I had a kid portion of Alfredo pasta for lunch and coffee for breakfast.

I didn't go to the gym today, but I got over 5 miles of activity during my 12 hour bartending shift. Calories burned today:2492
Hair Goals
Current Length:
neck length-shoulder length
2016 Goal Length:
shoulder length-.... longer shoulder length
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed:
How you will achieve goal:
Cry! Not focus on length. Post really long rants about my hair. Then goals and plans about it. Braids. Moisturize when I think of it. Use my awesome products.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight:
193 ( I'm tall...kind of :/)
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose:
My goals are (1) for my belly to be smaller than my bum (2) to be able to do 3- 5 pull ups (3) to use a 35lb barbell with 15lb weights (4) to run a 10k or half marathon and (5) cut my body fat from the current 33.7 to 27 or 28. It would be nice to be under 165lbs, but I'm mainly concerned with body fat

How you will achieve goal:
CROSSFIT!!! I started at the beginning of June. I aim to go Monday- Thursday. The workouts are an hour long. It's awesome. Also carb cycling. Drop carbs on days I don't work out.

eta: starting weight at the beginning of June was 193 with 33.7% body fat, so i entered that weight. goal at the end of the year is 27% body fat and at hopefully under 165lbs

Eta again: oh! Also, I use the portion containers from 21 day fix or I eyeball. I usually come under, but I'll try to be better about that
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Hair Goals
Current Length: NL
2016 Goal Length: SL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal:
Wash weekly
Moisturize mid-week
Pamper my ends
Protein 1x a month
Dust every 6 to 12 weeks depending on my end
Eat according to plan
Keep up with my vitamins at least 5x a week

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 146.8
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: Either 140 or 143. I will know more when I get closer
How you will achieve goal:

I'm doing the FMD Food RX program which limits my fat and carb intake. Hopefully as I heal my GI system, weight loss will be easier.

I also plan to increase my cycling. I would love to do 3x a week but at least 2x a week. I will also keep up with my 10K steps.
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My weight twin! :hiya:
My ultimate goal is to lose 38 lbs (from a start of 221 lbs), and 15 of those by December.

:hiya: twin - how tall are you? I'm 5'4 (5'3.5 really) and before I had a number in mind but now I'm more for a size, though the number will be achieved over time I think

So we are going to do this
That's my new mantra 'YOU WILL DO THIS'
I am here to offer support to you and the other ladies on this journey to hit goals

Suggestion: maybe we can do weekly challenges (around fitness, well-being, healthy eating)

and please ladies, share any tips/tricks you may be using to keep you on track or for hair goals, products that you've found beneficial
I want in! I've lost my way so badly!

Hair Goals

Current Length: SL
2016 Goal Length: Shoulder blade or armpit
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Conditioning and low maintenance. Very little heat.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 188
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 158
How you will achieve goal: Battling this sugar addiction; weights and moderate cardio

I'll post pics when I see a difference.
My husband and I decided to subscribe to a healthy eating service (HelloFresh) where they ship fresh ingredients along with recipes. I dormed during college, so this will be our first time living together 12 months out of the year. We are also making a commitment to switch karate dojos from our old one in Queens to the headquarters in Manhattan (closer to our apartment/more convenient for weekly classes)
I'm in.

Hair Goals
Current Length: APL
2016 Goal Length: BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Relaxed
How you will achieve goal: Continue to PS with my wigs, keep braids moisturized and wash/condition once a week.

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 158.2
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: 145
How you will achieve goal: Green smoothies, more water, 10k steps a day, tracking what i'm eating and working out at home at least 3 times a week.
I'm in

Hair Goals
Current Length: in between neck length and shoulder length
2016 Goal Length: full shoulder length
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
How you will achieve goal: stay consistent with my regime
Co wash and deep condition weekly moisture daily
Protective styling

Weight/Fitness Goals
Current Weight: 116 height 5`2
Goal Weight and/or Goal Inches to lose: my goal is to not look skinny fat
I actually would like to gain muscle
I want to lose 3 inches off my waist
How you will achieve goal: stick to eating a protein, greens and carbs with every meal
Drink lots of water
Intake 2500 calories a day
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