2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

the past 4-6 weeks have been very stressful for me
I'm battling disappointment and discouragement
It's easier for me to sleep so I don't have to think about the difficulties
I can't cry, I just feel....
I want to stay strong and faithful and unaffected
I want to but I get angry if anyone even attempts to tell me how I "should" feel
I want to know what God is trying to teach me
I just realised I have been holding myself back from fulness of joy even in the midst of all these trials - gotta stay right there, right there in His presence!

Laela Thank you for that morning refresher, some verses just jumped out at me.

Thanking God for bringing me the opportunity to minister with a praise and worship team at a conference this coming weekend - bringing me back to me. One of the songs in particular is really ministering to me right now. If I can find it on YT I will post a link.
Father,I pray that your people will say the same as you, that we begin to seek your heart on matters and be grieved when you are grieved and hate the things that you hate.
Thank you God for allowing me to be on this walk with you!!!! I want to magnify your name! For you are great!! Not because of what you do, just because you ARE! You just ARE!! There is none better....there is none like you! My God! I am blessed and privileged just to know your name! So great you are! I am thankful just to know who you are! I will rejoice in your name!

Magnify-Marvin Sapp

Make him GREAT ladies!!! Magnify him!

Psalm 34
1 I will bless the Lord at all times;
his praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul makes its boast in the Lord;
let the humble hear and be glad.
3 Oh, magnify the Lord with me,
and let us exalt his name together!
Learning to pray that GOD will change me is harder than I thought, but all things through HIM are possible. The LORD is "developing my pearl". I will remain in faith trust HIM.
This was supposed to be a relaxing several weeks...but it has been everything but. Just a reminder that I should have been/ should be keeping my prayer life STRONG even when I think I'm on a "mini-vacation" from real life. Its been crazy! Today was just unbelievable...

OAN I'm excited about relocating but the thought of finding a new church home makes me nauseous. Going into a new church by myself, having to meet all these new people...just makes me want to be antisocial and stay at home and watch it on the net. Sigh.
What I thought about myself being a strong person is showing to be false.I am finding me being me or trying to take in the moment is being seen as negative. I'm glad I at least have been keeping up with my bible study on my own and that if I do have to go away at least I have something that is constant. My worst fear of being a looked down upon and being seen as a fool is no longer my concern. I want to be great not for my own self but to be able to really be able to help people. However at times I get slighted about my current state. I know I'm blessed to have what I do. Eventually in proper timing things will change and evolve. If I look back to this date last year I am in such a different place. Grateful for the little changes.
hey everyone....I pray that all is well this beautiful Monday morning!
I have stayed away from this section because I have been so despondent and depressed, but been lurking and praying....

I just got the opportunity of a lifetime......A HUGE career move, with visibility, recognition, and so much more upward mobility. I can't even begin to thank God...I'm fighting back tears at my desk because HE IS SO GOOD!!! Through all of this, even when I was doubting Him HARD, he kept my mind from going CRAZY! I'm so thankful for this blessing. I just wanna run and dance

You are a very strong person, don't doubt that..and, your current state is temporary...

I'm looking forward to hearing a new testimony from you of all the Lord has brought you through, I know this will come in time...

What I thought about myself being a strong person is showing to be false.I am finding me being me or trying to take in the moment is being seen as negative. I'm glad I at least have been keeping up with my bible study on my own and that if I do have to go away at least I have something that is constant. My worst fear of being a looked down upon and being seen as a fool is no longer my concern. I want to be great not for my own self but to be able to really be able to help people. However at times I get slighted about my current state. I know I'm blessed to have what I do. Eventually in proper timing things will change and evolve. If I look back to this date last year I am in such a different place. Grateful for the little changes.
I was listening to a sermon on prayer this morning and it really resonated in my spirit ...

I want to encourage you all (as I encourage myself) to pray more often, more fervently and longer. We are powerless without prayer, we have no relationship with God without prayer ...

After we've exhausted ourselves on our families and ourselves at the end of the day a hasty drowsy five minutes before we go to bed will not cut it...yes, we have the desire to pray more, but desire with no action is nothing but a want and a wish.

God is calling us higher...
Well.... Congratulations on this career opportunity, that's good to hear... I can only imagine your excitement, so I'll praise God with you! When God opens a door..NO MAN can close it!

I just got the opportunity of a lifetime......A HUGE career move, with visibility, recognition, and so much more upward mobility. I can't even begin to thank God...I'm fighting back tears at my desk because HE IS SO GOOD!!! Through all of this, even when I was doubting Him HARD, he kept my mind from going CRAZY! I'm so thankful for this blessing. I just wanna run and dance