2012 - Christian Random Thoughts Thread

Just once I want to be treated with Love, Kindness and respect. All my life I have been stepped on, mistreated, misused, and taken advantage of. I want to know what it feels like to be cared for......loved.......I just want to go far away so I can have a fresh start...........Lord how can FAMILY do me like this.......Once I leave this place I am NEVER coming back.


Just once I want to be treated with Love, Kindness and respect. All my life I have been stepped on, mistreated, misused, and taken advantage of. I want to know what it feels like to be cared for......loved.......I just want to go far away so I can have a fresh start...........Lord how can FAMILY do me like this.......Once I leave this place I am NEVER coming back.

Wow, I know exactly what you're talking about and my ex said something about me to my kid which he relayed to me that sent me reeling in depression. Just awful. I've been a good person to others and I also wonder how folks can be so evil and cruel. But today is a better day. I had a cry, but I'm better. I know that my life is in HIs hands. He has fashioned me and He has fashioned you as well. Be well, my sister :bighug:
I want to be down,depressed and grab something to be done but as I read post here I can't.If I take myself out then I can't uplift,cherish and motivate the sisters and saints here.My focus in life and part of my frustration is the pain others have.I can feel others pain and its like not all of my suffering or depression isn't all from my jacked up past but about those who are awesome who are crying and in pain.I love you sisters here so much.I feel your pain I feel the weight of the sin that is out there.

Right now I'm not all praising shouting right now.All I can do is look at simple things like being able to get my keys out of the dumpster today without breaking no bones or finding this glass bowl for my bathroom at the thrift store I had in my dream and to see it I could have screamed.

2012 will be great as much as put in will come out..
Some churches are getting too controlling and domineering in their approach to worship. Please don't make it a spiritual issue that I want to sit near the back. I'm really just trying to be closer to the restrooms. Smh
Some churches are getting too controlling and domineering in their approach to worship. Please don't make it a spiritual issue that I want to sit near the back. I'm really just trying to be closer to the restrooms. Smh

I usually sit on the 'end' of the row, in the event I have to 'hurry and go'. :lol:

I'm serious. It's dreadful having to step over feet and purses, coats, and grunts, when 'nature' calls.

And folks betta not say I should 'go' before service begins. Usually that's when the restroom is most crowded and I don't want to be late for Praise and Worship. But at the end of the 'Benediction', I want to get in there before the rush and the brush of other 'sista's tryna' knock me down before I get there.

My response to these 'Rollers' (get it ? :look:) Anyhoo, my response to them is, "Haven't you been here twice or thrice already? It's my turn. :fistshake:

I've held it long enough.... :lol:

Some 'folks' do over spiritualize if a person sits in the back... But could it truly be cuz, they're taking up all the seats up front?

Bathroom Sista's Unite ... :ha:
Just once I want to be treated with Love, Kindness and respect. All my life I have been stepped on, mistreated, misused, and taken advantage of. I want to know what it feels like to be cared for......loved.......I just want to go far away so I can have a fresh start...........Lord how can FAMILY do me like this.......Once I leave this place I am NEVER coming back.
I've been down that road. I really don't believe that the enemy using the ones closest to us, the ones we look to for love,safety, acceptance and respect, to inflict pain is a coincidence. I truly believe it is a method and pattern of attack. The bible provides many examples. Here's just a few...
Joseph and his brothers
Hannah and Peninnah
Jacob & Esau
Cain & Abel
King David~Amnon, Tamar and Absalom
Joash had to hidden because his Grandma was having her own grandsons killed.
But Sarah was smart when she saw Hagar & Ishmael making fun of Isaac they had to go. She didn't argue, or try to excuse it or explain or rationalize it away or tolerate it. They had to go. Where? She didn't know, didn't have any answers or care, they had to go. And Our Heavenly Father backed her decision up with Abraham.
However, we are not without hope. We confess...
Eph. 6:16.............I take the shield of faith, and stop everything the enemy brings against me.
Rev. 12:11............I overcome by the blood of Jesus and the word of my testimony.
1 John 4:4...........Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.
:grin: Im glad you "feel me," Shimmie. Lol. :rosebud:

You said it best. I just really hate climbing over people or potentially disrupting the service.

I usually sit on the 'end' of the row, in the event I have to 'hurry and go'. :lol:

I'm serious. It's dreadful having to step over feet and purses, coats, and grunts, when 'nature' calls.

And folks betta not say I should 'go' before service begins. Usually that's when the restroom is most crowded and I don't want to be late for Praise and Worship. But at the end of the 'Benediction', I want to get in there before the rush and the brush of other 'sista's tryna' knock me down before I get there.

My response to these 'Rollers' (get it ? :look:) Anyhoo, my response to them is, "Haven't you been here twice or thrice already? It's my turn. :fistshake:

I've held it long enough.... :lol:

Some 'folks' do over spiritualize if a person sits in the back... But could it truly be cuz, they're taking up all the seats up front?

Bathroom Sista's Unite ... :ha:
Some churches are getting too controlling and domineering in their approach to worship. Please don't make it a spiritual issue that I want to sit near the back. I'm really just trying to be closer to the restrooms. Smh


Good morning! LOL. I've sat at the back of many a congregation to 1)be close to the restroom with kids who have to pee every minutes and 2) make a quick getaway just in case. :lol:
Love the book of Esther...a reminder that we are all royalty, born for such a time as this! I believe 2012 will be a great year for God's Children ...
:grin: Im glad you "feel me," Shimmie. Lol. :rosebud:

You said it best. I just really hate climbing over people or potentially disrupting the service.

:yep: It's so awkward. If I'm on the end seat, I'm able to turn sideways and it allows a person to get by without stepping on my shoes. I do not like sitting in the middle seat anywhere.

I don't mind the front row, but it's too obvious having to get up and take that lonnnnnnnggggg walk up the aisle and err' body knows where you going and then they give you that 'smile and nod' when you get back... :blush3:

And please don't be gone too long ... That's an 'instant side eye' and nose frown. I mean, the ladies room is a long walk and then it was crowded... :look: :lol:

One day, the hem of my dress was stuck in my pantyhose, all because I was rushing to get back to Service. Well, thank God, one of the sisters in the ladies room pulled me back before I headed down the aisle.

Talk about God showing His 'back parts' to Moses... :lol:

I have more stories to tell :lol:
Lord I know I would make an awesome wife. How come no one else sees that?

@crlsweetie I am right there with you. I know that for myself, I must continue to hold on to "the desire of my heart." I didn't know that the process would take this long or be this painful. Yet we hold on and continue to be the women of God that He has called us to be. The man of God is coming. And he knows a good thing when he sees it!
God is sooo good! He started off 2012 with blessings for me! I am now looking for a full time job (I just finished school & am working part time) and am low on funds, but I made the decision to not go into panic mode per usual, but trust God to work it out and praise Him in advance. He highlighted this year I needed to trust and depend on Him and I am putting those words into practice :yep: I didn't have enough for rent in my account, but I was trusting God and doing my best to gather the rest of the money. Monday, my roommate offered to pay the entire rent this month bc she got an extra paycheck last month praise Jesus!!! He is already working it out without me trying to do His job! I can't do anything but praise Him! I didn't even ask her for help (stupid pride)...but God provided for His daughter! I don't know how people make it through without Him :grin:
There's Power in Persistent Prayer and Faith

ALSO [Jesus] told them a parable to the effect that they ought always to pray and not to turn coward (faint, lose heart, and give up). He said, In a certain city there was a judge who neither reverenced and feared God nor respected or considered man. And there was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, "Protect and defend and give me justice against my adversary". And for a time he would not; but later he said to himself, "Though I have neither reverence or fear for God nor respect or consideration for man, Yet because this widow continues to bother me, I will defend and protect and avenge her, lest she give me intolerable annoyance and wear me out by her continual coming or at the last she come and rail on me or assault me or strangle me". Then the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says! And will not [our just] God defend and protect and avenge His elect (His chosen ones), who cry to Him day and night? Will He defer them and delay help on their behalf? I tell you, He will defend and protect and avenge them speedily. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find [persistence in] faith on the earth?" (Luke 18:1-8 AMP)
My dream job looks more and more like a pipe dream everyday. It has been 2 years and nothing has changed. How do I just let it go..
My dream job looks more and more like a pipe dream everyday. It has been 2 years and nothing has changed. How do I just let it go..

I was just going to mind my business, but you shouldn't give up! Just change your strategy and maybe there are other areas that you are bypassing that you can do in the meanwhile of trying to get your dream job.
Lord, help us to reap the answers and greater fervency in doing the things that you have pre-ordained for us to do in 2012 and be more productive this year. You do have great things for us this year and help us to tune into your channel.
God you are birthing something new in me. People wont understand, but as long as you are pleased thats all that matters!
Repentence = STOP

Folks get upset when the word repent is mentioned to them. They start cussin' and fussin' acting as if a death sentence was passed upon them. :yep:

They need to just 'stop'. :yep:
today is ONE BIG FAT FAIL! I just wanna cry myself to sleep. Lord speak to me...I need you now more than ever.......I wish I had someone here that would hug me and give me encouragement.....I feel so alone...

"But said, 'The Lord has forsake me, the Lord has forgotten me.' Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me." Isaiah 49:14-15

the day is not over yet....
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today is ONE BIG FAT FAIL! I just wanna cry myself to sleep. Lord speak to me...I need you now more than ever.......I wish I had someone here that would hug me and give me encouragement.....I feel so alone...


Sweetie, you are not a failure. You are not useless. You are not forgotten. You are not unloved.

You ARE at peace with God

You ARE one with the Father


You ARE coming out of this.

You ARE the Jewel of God's heart

You ARE the wonder of His love.

You ARE the free one, the leader, the gatherer of God's sure blessings.

"Psalm 23...

"Thou prepareth a table before me in the presence of mine enemies..."

Sweetie believe this... PLEASE, believe this. For this I know to be true. This I know for God is for you and not against you.

Believe this... in Jesus' Name. Amen.

You must be 'THIS CLOSE' to your blessings for that is when the hurt seems the greatest. The most painful point that Jesus went through on the Cross is also when His Victory had broken through.

Believe this... :yep: for this is true.
I appreciate the man I spoke with over the phone to day. I called out of the blue and he went out of his way to make sure everything was OK with my application.

Thanking the Lord for favor and praying for enough to see me through to my destination.
Lord I come humbly to you asking for mercy and grace and forgiveness.I think what I long for the most I will never receive from a man.I desire to be great and feel as though I'm of value.The things that have transpired in the last week aren't of the worth you made me to be.I don't want to be some harlet.I want to be greatly pure and be seen by you the same Lord.You died for me on the cross for the many trangressions I have committed.I know you will provide a way for me to be whole,be rested and be covered in more ways than one.

I ask Lord to show me how things should go in my life.I know what I want to do but give me your focus.The same goes for my money issues Lord guide me should I do 2 jobs and work like a modern day slave or just tough it out for a few years until something great in the career field comes.I want to the attitude my boss has that hey they can't put me in jail for debt so.I just want to be like so many who are wealthy and are able to do things in a mighty way.God I'm going to stand even though it will be hard and scary on your Word and believe you who started a work in me will see it to completion.