Post your butter recipes and mixes here


Well-Known Member
I've done some searching and I see people have good mixes that they use on their hair. I'd like to compile them in one list b/c its hard to search through everything

What butters do you use on your hair? What do you mix it with? Please use measurements or parts

Example (not a real recipe)

4 oz Shea butter
2 oz Cocoa butter
1oz EVOO
10 drops essential oil

Also, if you know of a good site that has recipes and mixes, or a youtube video, feel free to post

I'll see if I cant go through thread and pull some out.

I didn't see this thread, here is my mix

4oz shea butter
2oz avocado butter
2oz olive butter
1Tablespoon of mixed oils
1 Tablespoon of jamaican black castor oil
2-3 drops of vitamine e oil
4-5 drops of ylang ylang

I used a hand mixer to mix these together. I whipped the butters first, they were pretty soft so i did not have to melt them, then as i mixed i added the oils then the essental oil and mixed for about 15 minutes on and off to scape the sides of the bowl. It makes a nice hair and body butter for anyone who loves to mix or is on a budget.


Eta- And always when dealing with essential oils and other ingrediets, do a strand test first. Just to make sure you are not allergic to any ingredient in your mix. hth
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The home made pre poo:

2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp avocado oil
2 tbsp runny honey
2 egg yolks
1tbsp sesame oil

I put this in at night with a plastic cap and sleep on it, then I wash in the morning. It gives protein but the oils keep it from feeling hard and crunchy.
Sealing butter...

*cupuacu butter
*coconut oil infused with ground fenugreek
*emu oil
*castor oil
*eucalyptus oil

I usually don't measure anything. First I mix a few scoops of coconut oil and fenugreek warm it up till its hot. Mix it with about 4oz of cupuacu butter, add a little emu and eucalyptus oil, fill up the rest of my 16 oz container with castor oil, shake, chill, wait till its solid, set it out to room temp and its always super soft and ready to seal. Eventually after a few uses the fenugreek creates mucilage and makes the butter a different consistency:drunk:
I've done a mix with:
* Shea butter
* Moroccan or Argan oil
* About 10 drops of Rosemary

I don't really measure, I just use enough oil to give the Shea butter a whipped, creamy consistency. I love this mix for the Winter time.
Well this isn't a mix per say. Rather, how to make coconut oil that you can then use in your butter mixes. I've made a whole post about it with links and pics. Enjoy! :lick:

If you make some, please let me know how it goes for you. I'm really keen on knowing how well it works out for everyone. Also, if the coconut oil you end up with is comparable to the unrefined coconut oil you'd normally purchase :yep:.
I make my shea butter mix with

shea butter
coconut oil
jojoba oil
aloe vera gel
scented oil (karma sutra sexy for mine)

I don't measure either. I guess I use a cup of shea (I don't melt it), and about 1/3 cup of everything else combined. I whip it with an electric mixer w/bowl/stand, so I just throw everything in and turn the mixer on high and leave it to do its thing. After about ten minutes,I have a pretty whipped creamy constancy of butter, and I use it to moisturize/seal my daughters' and my hair. I go light on the scent, since the girls use it, too.
I make my shea butter mix with

shea butter
coconut oil
jojoba oil
aloe vera gel
scented oil (karma sutra sexy for mine)

I don't measure either. I guess I use a cup of shea (I don't melt it), and about 1/3 cup of everything else combined. I whip it with an electric mixer w/bowl/stand, so I just throw everything in and turn the mixer on high and leave it to do its thing. After about ten minutes,I have a pretty whipped creamy constancy of butter, and I use it to moisturize/seal my daughters' and my hair. I go light on the scent, since the girls use it, too.

Where do you get your scented oil angel? That karma sutra sounds nice.
Well this isn't a mix per say. Rather, how to make coconut oil that you can then use in your butter mixes. I've made a whole post about it with links and pics. Enjoy! :lick:

If you make some, please let me know how it goes for you. I'm really keen on knowing how well it works out for everyone. Also, if the coconut oil you end up with is comparable to the unrefined coconut oil you'd normally purchase :yep:.

Wow! Urban, That is the business, How in the World would someone learn to do such a thing, That is So Cool! You cannot get any purer than that, I was a little more captivated by Her just knowing how to do that, Than the actual results of the Product.
Leave In/Moisturizer:

Unrefined Shea Butter
100% Pure Cocoa Butter
Aloe Vera Gel
Coconut Oil
Castor Oil

I don't measure but I melt the Shea and Cocoa Buter then add the other ingredients. Mix with hand mixer. Once it cools it's a nice, smooth moisturizing cream.

***If the Shea Butter gets too hot it will become grainy when it cools so make sure not to get it too hot. Only warm enough to melt but not hot. Cocoa Butter takes longer to melt than the Shea so don't melt them in the same bowl at the same time.***
This thread is AWESOME! I don't measure (but I should.)

shea butter (mostly)
mango butter (a few spoonfuls)
coconut oil (a few spoonfuls)
olive oil
castor oil
avocado oil

I've never used this on my hair but my skin LOVES it. :lick:

knt thanks for the info! I've made butters and wonder why it came out grainy (I usually microwave it.)
Wow! Urban, That is the business, How in the World would someone learn to do such a thing, That is So Cool! You cannot get any purer than that, I was a little more captivated by Her just knowing how to do that, Than the actual results of the Product.

lol! I enjoy mixing up all sorts of concoctions in the kitchen. I'm so greatful to the ladies who put their instructions up on the web! It's quite time consuming though and the yield isn't as much as I'd like, but it's satisfying nonetheless to know that you're using your own pure product : )
What results do you guys get when/by using these mixes? What are the benefits? I wanna start doing this since the winter months dry my hair out and especially since I'm on accutance...its a double wammy!
I saw a thread somewhere where one of our beautiful members posted about her moisture goo. I took her advice (don't remember the measurements to the full but it involved unrefined shea butter, grape seed oil, and aloe vera gel) and loved the results but need to know the benefits. Are the mixes only for ur hair? Would it be too thick for your scalp?

Can someone help?
Btw I'm subscribing....great thread!!!
What results do you guys get when/by using these mixes? What are the benefits? I wanna start doing this since the winter months dry my hair out and especially since I'm on accutance...its a double wammy!
I saw a thread somewhere where one of our beautiful members posted about her moisture goo. I took her advice (don't remember the measurements to the full but it involved unrefined shea butter, grape seed oil, and aloe vera gel) and loved the results but need to know the benefits. Are the mixes only for ur hair? Would it be too thick for your scalp?

Can someone help?
Btw I'm subscribing....great thread!!!

For me mine keeps my hair soft and moisturized, being a natural i need my moisture level to be on point. If my hair is moisturzied and managable that means less breakage and in the end i can retain length. I use mine on the hair and body only, not the scalp. Also making this mix will help me stretch my other products so that i can save money.hth
lol! I enjoy mixing up all sorts of concoctions in the kitchen. I'm so greatful to the ladies who put their instructions up on the web! It's quite time consuming though and the yield isn't as much as I'd like, but it's satisfying nonetheless to know that you're using your own pure product : )

Wait a Minute, Urban, Is that You, get out I had no idea, You go Girl, thats what I'm talking about, just know that I will be PMing You for instructions.
Great thread...I just made a concotion on friday ..first time, so i'm kinda new to this..

Shea Butter
Coconut oil
aloe vera gel
a little water
I thru in a lil olive oil eco styler :look:

so far i'm in love.. i'll def be tweekin the recipie.. where do you ladies get the scented oil?