New Year Hair Resolutions: What are your goals for '08?

I know I am pushing it but I would like to be at a FULL healthy midback.

I am going to continue to baby my ends and keep my low manipulation track.
1 - Nape, Nape, Nape
2 - Crown, Crown, Crown

The crosswrap is doing wonders for me and Hairzings keep me protected and cute. I'm sticking with them.
To eat properly and try to exercise regularly
BSL by end of 2008'
To treat my hair like fine lace or silk
Stick with products that work
Use organic, ayurveda, salon quality and dominican products.
Well for me:

  • Pull off a SUPER STRETCH!!! Perm my hair only 2xs in 2008. Once in May for me and my husband's annual trip. Lastly in Dec 08.
  • Reach FULL APL in May 2008. ( My Full APL is soooo far away due to the long neck and torso)
  • Reach BSL in Dec 2008 (Luckily...once full APL is reach BSL is like 3-4 inches away)
  • Keep my hair in a weave for (2) 6 month intervals: Dec07-May08...then June08-Dec08
  • No toxins in my body at all! Just water, fish, tofu, vegatables, smoothies & vitamins.
1. NO MORE TRIMS! (Seriously this time) :nono2:
2. Consistency!
3. Moisture. Moisture. Moisture.
4. Gentle treatment.

APL IN '08!!!:pray:
Ooh, I like the thread!

Lets see.

1) To fill out and thicken up my hairline
2) To learn new protective styles - I love my flat twists, but :yawn:
3) Full Shoulder length (stretched, unstreched, I don't care) by 06/08

#1 - still working on it, but definite progress!
#2 - Yes, indeedly - I've definitely achieved this one!
#3 - I think it was more 08/08, but shooooot - considering I was doing daily manipulation on dry hair for almost 2 months, I consider that well done!

#1 - still working on it, but definite progress!
#2 - Yes, indeedly - I've definitely achieved this one!
#3 - I think it was more 08/08, but shooooot - considering I was doing daily manipulation on dry hair for almost 2 months, I consider that well done!


Congrats on #3!!!