What are your hair goals AND are they realisitic?

My ultimate length goal is MIDBACK (I'm 5'11" so this will waist length or longer on a shorter gal) and I feel that this is very acheivable.

I do get slightly impatient, reading all of the miracle growth aides and spurt that some people use.

Also, as a 4a natural I KNOW that my hair will not have the same hang factor as a relaxed head!
hair goals:
1. i will have sl hair by my birthday, march 30th.
2. i will have more moisturized tresses by then too
3. my ultimate goal is bsl and i think it's realistic, just don't know when it will happen.
My hair goal is definitely realistic - I figure I should have midback hair by the time I'm 40. :lachen:I figure a lot can happen in ten years - if I keep my body healthy, and continue to respect my hairs wishes and maintain my simple regimen, and stay away from the scissors - any goal is acheivable!

I've never been one to put a timelimit on my hair growth, because 1) I don't know how fast it grows and 2) this ain't no short term adventure for me - this is - how I take care of my hair. Period. Til I can't take care of my hair anymore.
BSL 08 (3inches shy)
MBL 09
WSL 10
...all of the above are realistic,LHCF has proven this is possible with proper hari care:grin:
Umm, shoulder length by June 2008? I think that's pretty realistic...I'm at a healthy chin length right now, and if I keep up with doing what needs to be done (and get a darn regimen down, a consistent one) then I should make it!
If I can get to armpit length with a wash and go I think I will be on cloud 9. I think it will take me 8 more years or so to get there. Do I think my goal is realistic. Yes. I have seen so many women up here with long beautiful hair. I know I can do it if I take care of my hair.
I want thick, healthy hair with no flyaways, splits, ratty ends, frayed edges or any other issues. :look: The length is not my first concern but I do want to get to APL, for now. I am getting more settled with my hair and it is doing better and better every day. I have no more splits or ratty ends anymore, thanks to this Board. I have some flyaways and am still growing my nape (it's about touching my shoulder) so it's going good so far. No farfetched goals right now. I'm happy with my hair so far.
I Hope to have full BSl by 2009...
My hair is very close to APL at the mo, but my Pre LHCF ends dont look great. I plan to get rid of them at APL so i will probably be at APL for most of next year....
I think my goals are realistic:yep:
My short-term goal for now is to be APL next year in January(ultimately before Spring)
My longterm goal would be approaching midback by this time next year
I think mine are realistic as well. I am giving myself one full year for every milestone:

December 09 APL ( I think I am almost there!!)
December '10- BSL
December 11- MBL
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my hair goal is just to have healthy long natural hair. by long i mean that when my hair is straightened i want it to be atleast MBL. im not sure how much shrinkage i have so idk how long or short that with be in its natural state. and i want my hair to be BIG.
I believe mine are realistic. I take my goals in stages. For example When I was at SL my goal was APL and when I was APL my goal was BSL. Now my goal is MBL. I plan to just grow and grow. I eventually want to have a blunt cut and see how I like that. But I'm concerned that I won't and will then get layers again. So we'll see.

I will start cutting in Jan, my mother will be moving back so I have someone I can trust to cut my hair. I would also like BSL with shrinkage or when rollerset.

Wow, this is old. I made my goal and beyond.
i just want to be able to have a full bun. so i guess shoulder length as of right now.
i wanna be able to wash and throw in a bun and be on my way.
So how long is your hair now curly/straight? and what was our goal?

curly - it's BSL, straight - it was MBL in May

I haven't worn it straight since early May. So I should be very close to waist now. Actually Dh says its waist when wet. But IDK, you know men, say anything to get with you.

My goal was blunt BSL.:yep:

I should be blunt waist length soon.
I just realized I need to change my hair goal in my siggy- it ain't happening. :lachen:I do believe my natural hair (in it's shrunken state) will be fully armpit length at the end of 2008 and maybe midback in 2009. I am also going to tweak my current hair regimen to achieve this goal. Anyone else with realistic goals out there?

Me too! :lol: I wanted to make MBL by the end of 2009, but my postpartum shedding and breakage just stalled that. So now I am in nurture mode, revamping my regimen, and concentrating on thickening up my strands. I have been dusting and doing the "search and destroy" like a crazy woman.
My goal is MBL stretch. Is that realistic... maybe maybe not. :look: I've never been longer than Full SL but I've never taken care of my hair this well before either so we'll see if it pays off.
i think my goals are realistic between the biscuits is pretty much what im aiming for. I sure im anxious for WL and HL. It sure will take a lot of work but what I can tell you is as the time fly by I realize that when I did achieve the longest lenght in my life my regimen was quite simple. KISS is mandatory for me to achieve long hair. Stretching and loose bunning is a MUST as well.

I'm changing my original short term goal from apl to full shoulder length. I hadn't originally planned on trimming my relaxed ends, but I got sick of them breaking and sticking out. I do know my hair is growing because I'm scraping shoulder length again. I try to only think in baby steps- I won't stop until I am waist length when straightened.