My Super Simple Regimine :)


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to share my super easy regimine in hopes of possibly helping someone still searching for something to help them out. My hair is very fine/thin/fragile.

It is sooo easy when joining to get caught up in all the hype with all the different vitamins, oils, etc. I got caught up in a few when i first joined as well, but quickly learned that less is definitely more.

Here is my super simple regimine that helped me go from this:

in the year and 4 months i have been a member here.

1. Wash hair at night, usually about 5 or more times a week. I use Elucence Shampoo and Conditioner. I never switch up my poo, but when i run outta condish Infusium moisturologie is so good.

2. Towel dry hair to get out as much moisture as possible.

3. Coat my hair in Amla oil, then put in one braid and coat the braid as well before clipping it up.

4. Then i cover with silk scarf and go to bed.

Thats it! When i wake up in the morning I remove the scarf, get dressed and go. Then I do it all over again that night.

Oh and I DC with ORS Paks about 2 or 3 times a week. For that i wash my hair, apply conditioner, cover with plastic bag and leave for 1 - however many hours, but never less than an hour. Rinse and then put up the same way as when I regularly wash. And I texlax whenever, I have no set schedule, but its never less than 5 or 6 weeks post.

The hardest part of this journey is sticking with a regimine and not allowing yourself to hop on every bandwagon out there. It takes much time and patience. I am a very impatient person so if I can to it anyone can :yep:
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yesss...and take lots of pics! its a really good way to see that it is really working. every 3 months or so is a good length of time to be able to see that you are really progressing.

oh! and i forgot to add that i usually clairify once every week or two.

Good Advice and I agree, sticking with a regie is the hardest part.
Looks good FlawedBeauty!
Damn, that was basically my regie before I joined- :lachen:. Wonder what length my hair would have been if I would have kept it up. *Im not ready to give up my products yet (I have a problem), but I'm just saying... :lachen:*
Your hair looks fantastic! Great progress! :clapping:

Do you take any vitamins or anything?
Congrats on making APL!! :clapping:

Sticking to a regimen is hard but I am forcing myself to do it. I hope I have similar results as you.
Thanks for the advice. It seems that the simpler hair routines are easier to stick to in the long run. What type/brand relaxer do you use to texlax?
I use ORS Relaxer regular strength. I like it a lot. My hair is like 4a/b from the crown to my forehead and 3c from earlength down.

Thanks for the advice. It seems that the simpler hair routines are easier to stick to in the long run. What type/brand relaxer do you use to texlax?
You've made tremendous progress, FB! Great job!! I have a simple routine as well and I agree that simple is best.

I'm curious: how do you wear your hair during the day?

I wear my hair just as it is when i take off that scarf in the morning. Up in that same braid. I don't brush or comb it or anything. Its by no means glamourous, but its helping my keep all my progress :)

You've made tremendous progress, FB! Great job!! I have a simple routine as well and I agree that simple is best.

I'm curious: how do you wear your hair during the day?
What is your hair type? I co-wash daily too, but I still don't know if I'm doing my hair any harm but not allowing it to produce it's own natural oils.

my hair looks a lot like yours when its dried, only not nearly as thick. i think it is like 4a/b from the crown to my forehead and 3c from earlength down.

What is your hair type? I co-wash daily too, but I still don't know if I'm doing my hair any harm but not allowing it to produce it's own natural oils.
I just wanted to share my super easy regimine in hopes of possibly helping someone still searching for something to help them out. My hair is very fine/thin/fragile.

It is sooo easy when joining to get caught up in all the hype with all the different vitamins, oils, etc. I got caught up in a few when i first joined as well, but quickly learned that less is definitely more.

Here is my super simple regimine that helped me go from this:

to this:

in the year and 4 months i have been a member here.

1. Wash hair at night, usually about 5 or more times a week. I use Elucence Shampoo and Conditioner. I never switch up my poo, but when i run outta condish Infusium moisturologie is so good.

2. Towel dry hair to get out as much moisture as possible.

3. Coat my hair in Amla oil, then put in one braid and coat the braid as well before clipping it up.

4. Then i cover with silk scarf and go to bed.

Thats it! When i wake up in the morning I remove the scarf, get dressed and go. Then I do it all over again that night.

Oh and I DC with ORS Paks about 2 or 3 times a week. For that i wash my hair, apply conditioner, cover with plastic bag and leave for 1 - however many hours, but never less than an hour. Rinse and then put up the same way as when I regularly wash. And I texlax whenever, I have no set schedule, but its never less than 5 or 6 weeks post.

The hardest part of this journey is sticking with a regimine and not allowing yourself to hop on every bandwagon out there. It takes much time and patience. I am a very impatient person so if I can to it anyone can :yep:

Your progress is great!
my hair looks a lot like yours when its dried, only not nearly as thick. i think it is like 4a/b from the crown to my forehead and 3c from earlength down.

We have the same hair type ... only my hair is 3c from the crown to my forehead and 4a/b from the crown back to my nape.

Too funny.
I was doing fine before I started reading these hair boards. I didn't need any advice in the first place. I had a simple and effective regimen for ten years. Now I'm going to use what I've been using before I discovered these hair care boards and only what my hair stylist recommends. :bouncegre

I'm not going to even mention what I have, but I'm not as bad as some product junkies--compared to some of the ladies here and at other hair care boards.

I didn't turn into a product junkie until I stumbled across this hair board. Now that I know my stylist won't use anything that he doesn't recommend, my "pjism" has ceased permanently.

Some of the regimens I’ve read are very complicated and overwhelming, to say the least. Some do too much for their hair. It's better to keep it simple. :band:
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Some of the regimens I’ve read are very complicated and overwhelming, to say the least. Some do too much for their hair. It's better to keep it simple. :band:

My regimen is pretty much the same as before I started with the board. The difference is my knowledge on what products to use for my regimen. My shampoos were harsh, I was greasing my scalp with bergamot and wearing a cotton bandana to bed. Now I use moisturizing and chelating shampoos and conditioners, I moisturized and seal and I wear a satin bonnet.

Some of the advice is so complicated, I agree. I'm so scared to touch my hair up that I'm stretching out of fear of screwing up. It's been 12 weeks and every week I say I'm relaxing and I chicken out. I don't know. There are more good than bad things that I've gotten out of this board in terms of product, breakage and especially the chelating tip. That changed my life.
Wow that's some great progress there. And you're right about keeping it all simple. You have a good reggie! :) If I keep thinking to keep simple then maybe I won't have to go to PJ Rehab at a later date LOL:lachen::lachen:
You regimine Sounds like mine. Except I don't wash my hair nearly as often as you do. I do take vitamins though, but not for hair growth reasons. Health reasons like anemia and getting my nutritional needs. You know the sorts.

But your growth does look great.
:lachen: Lol!! been there and i have been sober for months now lmao! lemme tell you my hair and my pocket book are both thankin me. i have a whole cabinet full of shamoos, conditioners, and hair cremes that i haven't used. i'm too lazy to ship the stuff promptly or i would sell it. perhaps when i get some motivation i'll try sellin some of it :perplexed

Wow that's some great progress there. And you're right about keeping it all simple. You have a good reggie! :) If I keep thinking to keep simple then maybe I won't have to go to PJ Rehab at a later date LOL:lachen::lachen:
just wanted to say congrats on the progress... I have also seen a good deal of progress by washing more frequently... I wash every other day... do you go to sleep on wet hair? I want to come up with a way to do my hair at night & wake up and go...

Nope, no vitamins or supplements of any kind. :)

Hey Flawed, are you a redhead by any chance? They say redheads have more hair than everybody else!

To get that much length in a year and a half, without vits, that's about realistic and fantastic progress. Question though, how do you style your hair for the day?
This is impressive progress and very inspiring for newbies like me:yep: . I like simple. Simple is good. I will try to stick to a simple regimen.
Also I am just slowly getting used to the idea of frequent washing. I, like many others, have been brought up to believe that frequent washing is bad but since I have been on this board I am amazed by people's progress with frequent washing.

Thanks for sharing your progress and congratulations!