scalp massaging. = shedding?


New Member
Hi everyone,

I just started up with my scalp massages again, and I've noticed shedding. I know this is normal for the most part, but I'm worried I'm roughing up my scalp too much....

I don't use my nails (i have very short, filed nails), I don't apply much pressure, and I use olive oil. Should I chill on the massages, or is shedding pretty normal?

thanks a million!
That's what they keep telling me :ohwell:

I'm massaging every night and I experience shedding, but since I'm not combing my hair..I'm chalking it up to this is my normal shedding and if I was combing daily I'd have more.:yep:
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Hi everyone,

I just started up with my scalp massages again, and I've noticed shedding. I know this is normal for the most part, but I'm worried I'm roughing up my scalp too much....

I don't use my nails (i have very short, filed nails), I don't apply much pressure, and I use olive oil. Should I chill on the massages, or is shedding pretty normal?

thanks a million!

Do you comb? If so, do you experience shedding when you comb as well?

Not that this has anything to do with your shedding, but I would use a much lighter oil that olive oil to massage with.
Do you comb? If so, do you experience shedding when you comb as well?

Not that this has anything to do with your shedding, but I would use a much lighter oil that olive oil to massage with.

i think the olive oil is actually the problem

use a lighter oil

coconutt oil, sesame, or almond..even jojoba
Along with using a lighter oil, I recommend that you massage by moving the skin of your scalp rather than rubbing your fingers over your scalp.
That's what they keep telling me :ohwell:

I'm massaging every night and I experience shedding, but since I'm not combing my hair..I'm chalking it up to this is my normal shedding and if I was combing daily I'd have more.:yep:

:yawn: I'm doing a low-manip thing too; i only comb once a week and comb with my fingers daily if i need maybe that's what it is?
Do you comb? If so, do you experience shedding when you comb as well?

Not that this has anything to do with your shedding, but I would use a much lighter oil that olive oil to massage with.

hmm, yeah maybe that's it. Olive oil is great for my ends; it leaves them super soft and holds in my moisture. but i also read it was good for "stimulating hair growth."

i think someone suggested jojaba oil?
Do you comb? If so, do you experience shedding when you comb as well?

Not that this has anything to do with your shedding, but I would use a much lighter oil that olive oil to massage with.

i don't really comb much at all, maybe once a week. my hair is too weak right now to handle too much detangling. i'm working on getting it stronger.

Olive oil is great for my ends; it leaves them super soft and holds in my moisture. but i also read it was good for "stimulating hair growth."

i think someone suggested jojaba oil?
I massage my scalp nightly and I have not noticed any increased shedding from it. I use sweetcashews scalp oil and I love it.
Scalp massages are good for the hair so I don't think that scalp massages itself cause the shedding, but I think I was irritating my scalp when I was scratching it for 10 minutes twice a week and I started noticing this increased shedding. I'm using this gadget called the Mag Gro which is supposed to increase blood flow to the scalp and you use it once or twice a day for 30-45 seconds and I use it everyday. I can handle this as a scalp massage but I usually do it for about 1-2 minutes and let me tell you, you can feel it. My whole scalp is tingling for what seems like a long time. I will post a thread on Monday after i wash my hair over the weekend to see if I have more shedding than usual. But personally, I love scalp massages and believe that the increase blood flow contributes to hair health/growth.