Olive oil makes my hair smell!


Well-Known Member
Olive oil is my fave. oil to use in my hair. But my husband says that it makes my hair smell like trash! Now, he is Italian so he puts olive oil in everything! I have a TA, so I cowash my hair every day plus where I live it gets very cold so my hair dries out easily. Does anyone else have this problem?
Never had this problem...although the smell of olive oil is not my favorite, it doesn't stink. It also depends on the brand how strong it is. Why don't you try putting maybe one or two drops of EO in it?
When my hair was in a twa I used stay soft fro. I am really wondering what TA is. I do not think olive oil has an offensive smell. He seems to like it otherwise. Maybe you can sue something by shescentit if you want a more appealing scent to quiet him down. HTH.
Olive oil smells like oil to me. I only like it in my DCs so I can rinse it out.
I would also recommend trying another oil or using EO in the olive oil. My co-worker uses olive oil on her skin, and our office reeks. I'm like your husband, I use olive oil, but I hate the smell of it when I'm not eating it.
I add coconut oil to my castor oil to help with the smell. Add a fragrant oil. Also, as stated upthread, avocado would be a great alternative.
Maybe try coconut oil, add EOs, or make an oil mix with olive oil as an ingredient so u can still get the benefits but cover the smell a bit.

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