Christine Pack : What Is The New Apostolic Reformation? (And Why Should We Be Concer


Well-Known Member
A new movement - with some pretty strange beliefs - inside of Christian evangelicalism called the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) has gathered lethal momentum very unexpectedly.

This movement had up until recently only been taught and believed inside the hyper-charismatic movement (think IHOP, Kansas City Prophets, Mike Bickle, etc.).

But now, having somehow "jumped" from its normal carrier, rather than being "contained" as a strange belief system that would only impact a limited number of people,

it suddenly began to go viral when big names on the political right began to align themselves with the big names from the charismatic Christian side.

Why exactly has the NAR, which makes alarming use of militant "warfare" language and talks of "taking dominion" over the world "one mountain at a time," gotten so big, so fast, and with so many big political names attached? In my view, it's because there are many on the political right, who, despite their moralistic stance, have a tendency to be more invested in political strategy, power and numbers than in sound doctrine and biblical truth.

Thus, to the political right without discernment,

Numbers = Power. And I suspect this is what happened: they looked out over the landscape of the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement

(which is an extremely large segment of professing Christians), decided this was representative of "Christianity," did the math, and then jumped on board.

The 7 Mountain Mandate
But let me back up here and give a little background information about the NAR. The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), as I noted, is a movement that has its roots in the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements (Latter Day Rain, Kansas City Prophets, International House of Prayer-IHOP, Joel's Army).

This movement is loaded with self-appointed "apostles" and "prophets" (who take Ephesians 4:11-13 out of context to to defend the idea that the office of apostle and prophet are still valid today).

The leaders of this movement believe and teach that Christians have a mandate to reclaim "for Christ" Seven Mountains of influence, which they have designated as:

1 - Business
2 - Government
3 - Family
4 - Religion
5 - Media
6 - Education
7 - Entertainment

This movement and its 7 Mountains Mandate has been very enticing to Christians who hold to a Dominionist view

(the idea that the church's role is to "take back" dominion of the earth from Satan), and has also been extremely seductive to the Conservative Right,

because hey, the idea of knuckling down and working hard is what America is all about, right? So there you have it: combine the errant "doctrine" of Kingdom Now/Dominionism from the Pentecostal/Charismatic camp with the moralism of the Conservative Right, and you've got one dangerous pandemic, because both groups, in their own ways, are tremendously influential and powerful.

Who are the players in the NAR movement? It's a long list that is growing longer by the day, but these are the names currently associated with the NAR:


C. Peter Wagner
Mike Bickle
Rick Joyner
Jack Hayford
"Joel's Army"
"Manifest Sons of God"
James Dobson

Ann Graham Lotz
Bill Johnson
Jonathan Falwell
Cindy Jacobs
Mike Jacobs
Lou Engle
John Eckhardt
Ché Ahn
Todd Bentley

Dutch Sheets
George Barna
Tommy Tenney
Charles Kraft
Os Hillman
Paul Cain
Bill Hamon

Political Right

The Tea Party Movement
Texas Governor Rick Perry
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann
Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell

Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli
Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty
Mike Huckabee
Jim Garlow

David Barton
Newt Gingrich

Gary Bauer
Frank Gaffney
Actor Chuck Norris
Radio talk show host Janet Porter

Friends, the NAR is a dangerous and rapidly growing movement that is, sadly, capturing the hearts and minds of many conservative Christians who have been enticed with the idea of "saving" America though Christian activism. In truth, Christians are not ever, anywhere in Scripture, promised easy lives, or even the "right" to live in freedom. But please note that the siren lure of political activism is nothing new.

Do we not remember that even Jesus's disciples repeatedly jockeyed for position in the earthly kingdom they wished for and desired for Jesus to institute?

"They came to Capernaum.

When he was in the house, he asked them, “What were you arguing about on the road?” But they kept quiet because on the way they had argued about who was the greatest." (Mark 9:33-34)
And even after Jesus's resurrection, the were still questioning Jesus about the earthly kingdom they hoped for:

"So when they met together, they asked him, 'Lord, are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel?'" (Acts 1:6)
The NAR teaches that, through the advancement of medicine, science, technology and the gospel, this world is getting better and better. That through strategically "capturing" each of the designated "mountains," we will set up Jesus' earthly kingdom, and that once we have accomplished this, Jesus will return as the glittering jewel in the crown of his earthly kingdom. But is this true? Is this what the Bible teaches? Let us let Scripture lead us on the matter of Jesus' kingdom:

"Jesus answered, 'My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting, that I might not be delivered over to the Jews. But my kingdom is not from the world.'" (John 18:36, my emphasis)

The life of a born again Christian is not complicated. Become reconciled to a high and holy God through the shed blood of Jesus, share the gospel, be persecuted, and die.

But the seductive lure of an earthly life in which we (the Christians) control the earth and all that is in it,

is a dream that dies hard. And now the NAR, with its utopian vision of heaven on earth, has once again showed us that very few people are willing to do as Jesus taught us, and that is to "Count the cost" (Luke 14:25-35) and "Take up your cross and follow me"(Matthew 16:24). Flee from this movement, my fellow Christians.

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death." (Prov 14:12)
Re: Christine Pack : What Is The New Apostolic Reformation? (And Why Should We Be Con

.................see last post
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Re: Christine Pack : What Is The New Apostolic Reformation? (And Why Should We Be Con

I am going to have to double check this (no disrespect) as I attend a foursquare church started by Pastor Jack ~ my family has found his teachings valuable for years, as have many in the Greater San Fernando Valley/California...
Re: Christine Pack : What Is The New Apostolic Reformation? (And Why Should We Be Con

I was just as surprised to red this as well. Everything bears checking out, we live in crazy times when some exchange the truth for a lie.
I didn't see anything in the article that showed the members of this movement doing or espousing anything ungodly or unbiblical. If someone takes issue with a person's politics, fine, but that's politics. I'd like to see more specifics on what makes these people so dangerous.

I don't know anything about this, but I know several people who have gone to/worked at IHOP, and there's nothing wrong or extremist with them or their faith. I also believe that the fivefold.ministry is valid today, including apostles and prophets. If the writer has a theological.disagreement, then like the political one, just call it that.

Again, not really sure what the "danger" is about.

ETA: apologies if my tone is short. It's a function of typing by phone, not a reflection of attitude. Nothing I said was intended for the op, just the article.

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Re: Christine Pack : What Is The New Apostolic Reformation? (And Why Should We Be Con

These people are fighting for Christian values. Values which every single one of us knows are being exploited .....

I'm going back to re-read this and pray for the Holy Spirit to show me what He is revealing in this message. Lord, please speak to my heart, your wisdom and only your wisdom. In Jesus' Name, I pray, Amen and Amen.

I need to understand the heart behind this message.

Ithacagurl, :giveheart: thank you for sharing this message; we need to be aware of what's going on out there. :yep:
Re: Christine Pack : What Is The New Apostolic Reformation? (And Why Should We Be Con

I spoke to soon with the wrong was Purkey. But Bickle and Purkey are all of the same theological base of prosperity teaching. Not to give dirt...but I think that Bickle was involved in some mess as well. I can't remember exactly which church it was under but they have ties to the Lenexa church, Purkey directly. It was a huge, horrible scandal.
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Re: Christine Pack : What Is The New Apostolic Reformation? (And Why Should We Be Con

Okay, this is what I 'see' going on here. The writer (author) disagrees with the group as it is not what she feels that they should be doing as opposed to preaching the Gospel.

This happens QUITE OFTEN when Ministries step into the political arena to protect our faith against what's wrong, which is what this group, from all that I've known of them, to do... step in and stop the foolishness of immorality in our country which INDEED is affecting the Church, let alone those wrapped up in the world's mess.

Many Ministers believe that the Church should stay out of politics. However politics has not stayed away from the Church with its adverse consequences of sin. Whenever there's a battle against us, we have to go into the enemy's camp to destroy their arsenal and weaken their ammunition.

Right now, way too many laws have been enforced which are out of order and out of control. Are we to sit by and allow it to 'destroy us'? And it will, unless we take a stand and take action against it.

Our young children are being mind trained to 'embrace' sin. The very young are being emotionally molested to embrace that which is not of God and being mind trained that their parents who are teaching them God's truth, are liars.

Marriage has been redefined against the order of God. The only reason it has gotten as far as it has is because the Church 'ALLOWED' it to. More than ever, Christians need to speak up and stop pearl clutching, for it is literally casting pearls before swine, which is the mess in our government.

Since when does a judge rule without the people having a vote which is the true right beyond the constitutional falacy.

The biggest sin in life is to do nothing. Our Christian freedom in under serious attack. The group mentioned in this article is stepping into the arena and taking action which many are not.

God's Word says, "Why sit we here til' we die?' How long do we sit and allow the government to defile what God has given to us as Holy and right ?

This group is in the battle and are taking no prisoners. For this, I find no fault in them.

Forgive my typos... there's a sword in my hand...two-edged. The Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God.
Re: Christine Pack : What Is The New Apostolic Reformation? (And Why Should We Be Con

I am going to have to double check this (no disrespect) as I attend a foursquare church started by Pastor Jack ~ my family has found his teachings valuable for years, as have many in the Greater San Fernando Valley/California...

I agree with you regarding Pastor Hayford. :yep:
Re: Christine Pack : What Is The New Apostolic Reformation? (And Why Should We Be Con

As Christians, we have a 'voice' and it needs to be heard, not whispered.

It's time to let this government and these legislators know that we are not sitting down with our hands folded in defeat. We are not doormats.

The current people in politics are not 'friends of God, let alone Christians. We need Christians in our government, legislators in the seats, who are God followers and not wimps and fools who fear taking a stand for God's order.

Jesus commanded us to occupy until He comes. To not do so is disobedience.