Boundless Tresses order STILL unreceived

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New Member
:nono: SF got folks goin hard in the paint in here, and she hasn't made a damn:



New Member
We need to move on from the who said and didn't say something to SF. This argument is only causing the thread to be locked and it stupid to go back and forth because it doesn't matter. SF damn well knows this thread is going on and she damn well see people trying to contact her but the chick doesn't care. No one said they want the thread to die.:rolleyes: Everyone wants to keep the thread alive but if we keep on fighting, its going to get locked. Point. Blank. Period.


Well-Known Member
I want a Double Caramel Magnum bar, but there aren't any left in the freezer. Maybe we should go to the grocery store... ? Oh nevermind .. Yo Gabba Gabba just came on and my daughter would cut up if we left during her show. :look: :sad:

lmfao !!!! this done turned into an RT :lachen:lemme read up and see what I missed just in case this junk goes to e-heaven


Well-Known Member
The thread is going to die anyway ie the mods will kill it, probably. :look:

That's unfortunate. I really and truly believe that SF's minions are coming in here w/ the side comments just so people can start acting up and the thread will be clanked and poofed.


Well-Known Member
We need to move on from the who said and didn't say something to SF. This argument is only causing the thread to be locked and it stupid to go back and forth because it doesn't matter. SF damn well knows this thread is going on and she damn well see people trying to contact her but the chick doesn't care. No one said they want the thread to die.:rolleyes: Everyone wants to keep the thread alive but if we keep on fighting, its going to get locked. Point. Blank. Period.

I can understand this... but I didn't quote you because I was also referring to the "others" who think people should move on. I see what you're saying though so that comment was to the "others". Thanks for clarifying and don't be giving me the side eye. Didn't you read I'm above that :lol:


Well-Known Member
I want a Double Caramel Magnum bar, but there aren't any left in the freezer. Maybe we should go to the grocery store... ? Oh nevermind .. Yo Gabba Gabba just came on and my daughter would cut up if we left during her show. :look: :sad:

OT: I hate that show but my 5yo loves it. I'd rather watch Max and Ruby!


Well-Known Member
That was not your place! This issue is between her and the people she ripped off. Not only did you stick your nose into something that did not concern you, you publicly posted it on her FB wall. That was messy.

:giggle: guess you told me! But for real, I will leave this alone so the thread won't get locked at least not on my account..

And for the record I wasn't even taking about sf when I made that comment! I quoted who I was taking to and she responded!


Well-Known Member
Off topic but Dang Southernbella. I'm drooling over your avatar! Your natural hair is right back where your relaxed hair was already! Now thats inspiration!!! Let me go mix up my own BT so my hair can grow up and be like yours!

Ok back to the lecture at hand....


Well-Known Member
I think it's F'd up how people are getting on GABullDawg for being one of the only FB friends to publicly ask SF what's going on.

Ok, as someone who is one of her friends on FB, I need to ask why are people so pressed about her Facebook friends getting involved? What could we possibly say or do that would yield a more favorable outcome than what's already been done by those who aren't? It's friggin obvious at this point that she doesn't give a ****, and anyone who says something will probably get the same treatment as GABulldawg.

Not to mention the fact that everybody doesn't come over her to know about this thread. I just happened to notice it today because I'm bored at work with nothing to do and have been checking out parts of the forum I don't normally spend time in.

I wasn't even gonna comment because I think ALL of this is moot, but damn. There's ONE perpetrator here so why all the disdain for everyone else? And for the record, I think she's dead a** wrong and deserves whatever outcome she's faced with.
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New Member
Not tryna bring up old ****, but folks jumped on another poster when she started a thread on Mop Top Maven aka Gabbangirl or whatever her name is. I love her hair and she's pretty. Seems like a nice girl, but she did something similar to what SF did. Folks jumped on the OP. :lol:


I make 30 look good!
That was not your place! This issue is between her and the people she ripped off. Not only did you stick your nose into something that did not concern you, you publicly posted it on her FB wall. That was messy.

You are not GA's Mother so back the truck up.

If you don't want to get called out, then don't do anything worthy of it. It's not like this was a product swap gone wrong. When a person owns a business your personal reputation is on the line.


Well-Known Member
Not tryna bring up old ****, but folks jumped on another poster when she started a thread on Mop Top Maven aka Gabbangirl or whatever her name is. I love her hair and she's pretty. Seems like a nice girl, but she did something similar to what SF did. Folks jumped on the OP. :lol:

There have been other people that have complained in the past regarding BT and folks e-jumped on them :grin: The only difference is this thread some how got everyone's attention and people that also lost money.

There are certain products you can't talk bad about no matter how awful their customer service is. I won't name them or risk the chance of being stoned to death :look:


LHCF addict
Not tryna bring up old ****, but folks jumped on another poster when she started a thread on Mop Top Maven aka Gabbangirl or whatever her name is. I love her hair and she's pretty. Seems like a nice girl, but she did something similar to what SF did. Folks jumped on the OP. :lol:

Wasn't she very sick though?


New Member
Not tryna bring up old ****, but folks jumped on another poster when she started a thread on Mop Top Maven aka Gabbangirl or whatever her name is. I love her hair and she's pretty. Seems like a nice girl, but she did something similar to what SF did. Folks jumped on the OP. :lol:
I remember that, but isn't Maven really sick?

Your Cheeziness

New Member
Not tryna bring up old ****, but folks jumped on another poster when she started a thread on Mop Top Maven aka Gabbangirl or whatever her name is. I love her hair and she's pretty. Seems like a nice girl, but she did something similar to what SF did. Folks jumped on the OP. :lol:

MTM got struck with a serious illness and eventually came back and announced it. SF is all on FB lollygagging and not giving two steaming damns that she robbed people. She clearly is doing fine and doesn't want to be bothered waiting on the next sucka to order from her site. Big difference.


New Member
This made me laugh soooo hard!

I'm for real though! :lachen:Until someone called her out on her blog, and then more posters started having a fit, is when she finally made an announcement. When you have a business, you have to let people know of delays. Or just close down the site. Even her mom could have made an announcement. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Or was she? *runs outta thread* I'm just saying. So if SF was to come and she was sick and mail the products out woukd she be in the clear? :lol:

But from what I gathered MTM was ghost from the internet world while she was sick. SF is not.


New Member
But from what I gathered MTM was ghost from the internet world while she was sick. SF is not.

Seems like something fishy may be going on. In the comments section of her last post, people are claiming they ordered items from her before Christmas, have paid for them, had a tracking number showing the the package had been sent, and yet they still, months later, have not received the package and can no longer get a refund. And of course there has been no notice on Moptop's blog about any of this. SMH.

According to someone in the comments, Moptop's mother said she was in the hospital, but no one knows this for certain..
Yup, go read the comments. I think they got swindled. All these months later and no explanation from Moptop. All they know is that someone supposedly talked to her mother who said MT was in the hospital. She was on twitter 2 weeks ago saying she would be posting last week, she never posted a thing. And in the tweet, she never even mentioned anything about those people's missing orders. Apparently, there are over 350 of them. Someone said that's a good 15,000 dollars. SMH.

Don't even worry about commenting because she deleted all the comments from people saying that they got swindled. And she's shut down her comments so nothing gets through. So even if you went on there to tell your story, no one would see it. I think she pulled a stunt. And what she's doing now is telling folks she's gonna send their refund, at least the ones who haven't been *** out for more than 45 days. And I think that she's not going to send those refunds at all. She's just putting it out there. And when you want to go to her site to complain, you won't be able to and no one will ever know about it.

They are talking about her on various hair boards, though. Most people are defending her, of course, saying it the fault of the people who bought the stuff. SMH
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Well-Known Member
I'm for real though! :lachen:Until someone called her out on her blog, and then more posters started having a fit, is when she finally made an announcement. When you have a business, you have to let people know of delays. Or just close down the site. Even her mom could have made an announcement. :lol:

IA. Being a business person sometimes you have to be proactive. Handle the situation before it affects your customers and keep them informed. You'd be surprised how accomodating people can be if you're upfront with them.
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