Yay! I can Cornrow NOW!: Learned from a website

I've always wanted to learn and i think i will die not knowing how.
i'm going to try this out...but i can't even flat twist. :(
****Mook where are you? I need some expert advice****
Or anyone else that is an avid braider...
Do you all really start with the middle (guide) braid as suggested?

nope, i begin with left one.

one thing i would suggest for those learning how to braid, start with the lower half of your head. Make shorter braid that way, you can build up your confidence plus, it helps you learn to tighten the braid as you go along. Starting from the hair line, can make you feel overwhelmed by the time you get to the crown.
Be patient and all the best.
ok wow im back a whole 10 minutes later and I can do it !
not as hard as i thought it would be! this is great cause now i can do this undeerneath my wigs and leave my hair for awhile!
thx once again for sharing!
I just wanted to say. This weekend I got around to trying to cornrow my hair following the instructions on this site. And it does work! Wow I've watched I don't know how many youtube videos trying to figure it out. But these instructions really do spell it out step by step. My cornrows aren't perfect but at least now I know how to do it. I guess I will get better with more practice.
YAY!!! I tried at about the age of 16 and gave up,my shoulders hurt lol.then this yr while watchin the bet awards I decided I was gonna learn so I did. I braided my own head then my 12yr old lil sisters. The next day I rebraided hers and I've been takin over braiding for her...my mother can't braid as tight anymore so I'm tryna do it and hopefully teach my lil sister
I'm so excited about this site! I've been wanting to learn how to cornrow for a little while now for braid outs. I can't even flat twist! LOL! I've tried braid outs with individual braids but they do not turn out right, and I have no idea how to cornrow. I've read the instructions and they made it seem so incredibly clear. I have to go to a doctor appointment in a couple of hours so I don't have time to practice now, but when I get back and my 2 year is taking a nap, I'm gonna try it!:drunk:
Thanks OP. I was just saying in another thread that for some reason my braid starts about an inch down. I felt like I was doing everything in the videos that I watched. That website made me realize my error. When you start, you have to do a complete braid, THEN begin to add more hair. I would begin adding hair immediately. It's still kind of sloppy at the beginning, but at least it's braided. Thanks.

I even bought a Braids By Breslin instructional dvd. All to no avail :perplexed

Girl you still got that video!!! :lachen: