Which is more damaging: relaxing vs coloring/bleaching natural hair?

Re: Which is more damaging: relaxing vs coloring natural hair?

I think they both can be equal depending upon how light you go with your color. I bleached and then dyed and if I wasn't natural, my hair would've been powder fluff by now. When I was relaxed, I took amazing care of my hair so it was as healthy as it could be in it's chemically straightened state.
Re: Which is more damaging: relaxing vs coloring natural hair?


its a toss-up.....factors to be considered other than relaxed vs. natural include:
propensity to dryness
how many levels has the hair been lifted or has it been bleached? (stylists generally don't recommend going any lighter than 2-3 levels from your natural color no matter what the hair type)
density of strands
moisture/protein/ceramide balance & needs
how often do or will you use heat?
how often do or will you dust/trim?

my hair was healthy when it was relaxed and colored.....it was red, copper and light brown with blonde highlights (dimensional color). my stylist gave me touchups relaxer every 4-5 months. i never checked fro moisture or protein balance and my hair was never dry. excessive heat is the debil for me though.
Re: Which is more damaging: relaxing vs coloring natural hair?

I think they both can be equal depending upon how light you go with your color. I bleached and then dyed and if I wasn't natural, my hair would've been powder fluff by now. When I was relaxed, I took amazing care of my hair so it was as healthy as it could be in it's chemically straightened state.


If you don't mind me asking, how long was your relaxed hair?
Re: Which is more damaging: relaxing vs coloring natural hair?

Eh, I think it just depends on the particular hair. My hair is not color-friendly. I actually ruined a perfectly good head of transitioning hair by coloring. I was so perplexed about how it had gone from so super healthy to super scraggly in a matter of months--then I remembered my quest to rid myself of the gray (which didn't even work! wah!) My hair broke off in little wiry pieces and definitely snapped where the relaxed ends were. Even now after my BC It will probably be a while before I have totally healthy natural hair :( but I don't think everyone's hair is color sensitive. On the flip side, I've always (for the most part) had very healthy relaxed hair. I know others have nightmare tales. So, just depends, I guess!
Re: Which is more damaging: relaxing vs coloring natural hair?

I had no problems with color as a relaxed head. However, I now have to use a semi perm color on my natural hair. Using a permanent color damaged my natural hair. My relaxed hair was more healthy, in my opinion.
Re: Which is more damaging: relaxing vs coloring natural hair?


If you don't mind me asking, how long was your relaxed hair?

I had reached about .5 to apl from above shoulder length in the year before i bc'd. I took such good care of my hair that year just to lop it all off, lol. I have pictures in my fotki somewhere.
Both damaged my hair equally. It doesn't like chemical processes.
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Any damage I have ever incurred usually came from color hands down! I love color and if I should ever reconsider, it will definitely be done professionally by a colorist
Equal. I saw breakage from both. Relaxed damage-my fault. The color I have now--toss up between me and the stylist.

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Color with bleach could def be more damaging. Relaxed hair can be healthy and thrive, just like colored hair. Bleach & color is like a double process IMO.:lol: If you don't know what you are doing, your hair could fall out.