Where to buy Ayurveda in Manhattan?

I go to:
  • Kalustyan Brothers (NY) Phone: (212) 685 3451
    This store seems to be a little more expensive than the other two I listed. I am okay with shopping here however the older women are not always eager to help so speak to the much younger women or the men. They have a vast assortmant of powders just make sure to check the exp dates. This store also gets more traffic.
  • Butala Emporium (212) 684-4447
    which is on the same same side of the block as the McDonalds that is right on the corner. All who work there are very helpful. They have a large assortmant of powders as well and their prices the last time I went are a little lower that Kalustyan.
  • Little India Stores: (212) 683-1691I purchase pretty much all my spices/seasonings from here because I like the vibe and the prices are good. They have an assortmant of powders just not as many as the first two.
For all of these take the 6 train to 28th St. You should see a McDonalds on the corner. Butala Emporium is a couple of doors down, call first because they have weird hours. Little India is closer to Lexington and Kalyustan is on Lexington

Dont feel that you are locked into purchasing from any of these stores. I purchased from Kalustyan and found the item cheaper at Butala I turned right back around in the same day within 5 minutes and returned the item.