What Mistakes Did You Make in 2009?

I think it was th pc. If I use again it will be after the dc for only 1 min. Or should I remove it from the regimen completely? Will my hair go back to normal after my next wash? Any other suggestions or comments?

It most likely was the PC, I followed the directions to a T and I still had tangled hair. The way I use it now with success is by conditioning with PC only after shampooing for only 30secs to 1min then deep condition so far no tangles.
I had two encounters with S.H.S. (scissor happy stylists) this year. Never again. I'll be going with a checklist of what I do and don't want.
Not researching the difference between lye and no-lye on lhcf before returning to relaxer this year. Started off with no-lye which was whack (had major moisture retention issues), and later found out about the mineral build up from no-lye which along with my hard water was not fun. Figured out the difference eventually, but I lost inches in the process.
My mistake was yesterday. I use Roux porosity control wrong. I pre-pooed w/ Carol's Daugther Tui oil, shampooed w/ Keracare's Sulfate-free hydrating shampoo, Roux pc about 5 mins, then Miss Jessie's Rapid Recovery under dryer 25 mins. My hair was tangled after I rinsed out dc. You would not have believed I got a relaxer last week.

I think it was th pc. If I use again it will be after the dc for only 1 min. Or should I remove it from the regimen completely? Will my hair go back to normal after my next wash? Any other suggestions or comments?

Honsetly, if that was the only change you made and the result was not good then leave it out. It may take a few washes and good solid DC's before it goes completely back to normal, at least thats been my experience. I had the same reaction with PC, hard tangly hair...
Thanks. I'm going to stay away from PC for awhile. And stick to DC. Thanks again for you insight.

Honsetly, if that was the only change you made and the result was not good then leave it out. It may take a few washes and good solid DC's before it goes completely back to normal, at least thats been my experience. I had the same reaction with PC, hard tangly hair...
When do you use PC...Once in a blue moon, weekly, monthly? Has it helped with growth and manageabilty?

Thanks again for your insight.

It most likely was the PC, I followed the directions to a T and I still had tangled hair. The way I use it now with success is by conditioning with PC only after shampooing for only 30secs to 1min then deep condition so far no tangles.
2009 was a good hair year but some of my unhealthy hair practices were:

-wash n gos
-brushing too much
-using drying shampoo
-not DCing
-small braids and twists

all these things either dried my hair, tangled it, knotted it, or broke it off.
99% percent of my mistakes included protein.
I learned the hard way the MY relaxed, but coarse strands, (ESPECIALLY my ng) appreciates protein ONLY about every 6 weeks and as a relaxer midstep.

Secondly, when protein is needed it must be mixed with moisture and plenty of it! Using protein and following up with moisture is a pain and has never ever worked for me. I'm upset that I ran into a wall every time and lost hair as well as inches.
It still hurts :/
Stretching without braids - I had to admit to myself that I cannot handle it.
Texlaxing at the worst time
Going to a certain bats*** crazy stylist
Not babying my ends enough
Not including sufficient daily moisturizers in my regimen
Not tying my hair before bed as often
Just buying too many different things that made situations worse, I guess all the different products used confused my strands. i'm back on track now though because for the past month i've stuck with Mizani products and my hairs back to normal.

I normally don't switch my hair products like a maniac but I lost it going to tjmaxx and marshall's and seeing all the products, many that my hair didn't like :(

Back when I use to stick with 1 product line my hair was fine no more serial product switching.
Leaving my relaxer in for over 30 minutes. Lost tons of hair, had to cut it off. Anyway, I'm in the braid challenge, so hopefully it will grow back in my lifetime.
Just buying too many different things that made situations worse, I guess all the different products used confused my strands. i'm back on track now though because for the past month i've stuck with Mizani products and my hairs back to normal.

I normally don't switch my hair products like a maniac but I lost it going to tjmaxx and marshall's and seeing all the products, many that my hair didn't like :(

Back when I use to stick with 1 product line my hair was fine no more serial product switching.

Uh oh. I've been doing this too. Thanks for posting this. Maybe I'll stop while I'm ahead.

Only thing is, so far, I haven't felt like my hair disagrees with any of the products I've tried. Your hair didn't like the products in what way? And can I ask which products from there you tried?
My mistake may be controversial, but I waited TOO long to get a corrective relaxer. I had multiple textures throughout my hair from my hair underprocessing (due to stretching). I was constantly getting trims for my irreperably dry/frizzy ends.

Once I got the corrective, got a good trim and my hair grew back within 6 weeks.

I was scared to get the corrective due to the risks, but it's one of the best hair things that happened to me.
Not buy the suscription of this board before!
I will had long natural hair today, but i just forgot about this site and relax my hair after 3 mos natural :nono:
My biggest mistake was just a few weeks before finding LHCF. I got into a hair rut and decided to cut my hair which just below SL into a bob. I should have gotten a half wig, a weave, or handcuffs. I probably would have hit my APL goal by now but that was then. This next year I am staying away from the salon and stocking up on half wigs.
I must add long stretches to my list. I just stretched 19 weeks and won't be doing that again. My hair sheds like a beast and the detangling takes forever once I go over 13-14 weeks. That will be my max from now on.
Where do I start, lol!

1. Too much heat-- weekly blow-fry, flatiron or curling iron at least 3x weekly
2. Not enough moisturizing--not even close
3. Not DCing-- ever (until I got serious bout haircare in March)
4. Jumping on bandwagons-- no set reggie
5. Sleeping on velcro rollers-- NEVER AGAIN will I even use these!!
6. Using anything that lathered to shampoo hair
7. Treating hair like it is invincible

I'm much better off going into 2010 with healthy hair care :yay:! This time last year my head was approaching Hot Mess status due to all these bad habits
not moisturizing everyday!!!!
Puting a permanat color in my hair which made it dry...i'm only going to do rinses from now on..
I think I may have missed the mark with these tree braids. Now that I feel the braids and truly understand what they are about, I may have had her cut the hair to short compromising my ends. I will not know for sure untill I take them out, but I may have lost some ends.....
Not having patience, and giving up on my hair.
When I wasn't noticing progress right away, I pretty much stopped taking care of my hair.
No DC's, no rollersetting, no sleeping with scarves, no moisturizing...I barely even washed it myself anymore. If I wanted it to look good, I went back to the salon. In late August, I got myself back on track and things are going okay, but if I hadn't given up on my hair for those months (May-August), I might have made APL this year. This year, I won't be making that mistake again. :yep:
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Taking too much biotin. It ended up having a reverse effect and I lost CLUMPS of my hair. I only have 1/3 of my hair left and it is apl. I started taking it in January. By March most of it had vanished. It was the only thing I was taking at the time.
I let another year go by without bothering to learn how to cornrow my hair. I've been telling myself from day one that I would, but I usually just puff it up or wear large twists. :wallbash:

Gotta do better.
Becoming a PJ......I have always been one even prior to the boards but THIS year I was on another level. Which is surprising because I have been transitioning and have BC'd during the last 6 months and for that time have been in braids. What is really the point of me buying so much product when my hair is hidden 99% of that time.
I went and straightened my hair at the salon- But they used too much heat!! and now I have random strands that won't revert back to my natural curl pattern. :wallbash:

I also went and slept like I used to with a TWA, forgetting that now my hair is much longer and needs to be braided up or something before bedtime or it gets matted. So I suffered loads of hair loss from that and forgetting to wrap my hair up at night too. So yeah lol...major setbacks

But 2010 will be better! :grin:


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