Best Things You Did For 2009


Well-Known Member
I was just reading more responses in the "What Mistakes Did You Make in 2009" thread and was wondering if someone made a thread about all of the positive things we did to our hair this year. What are the best things you did for your hair in 2009? I mean, we all have setbacks and make mistakes, but can we celebrate some of the benefits we've reaped? :grin: Did you make any new discoveries about what your hair responds well to that you wish you had made earlier?

For me it is:
correcting my porosity
stretching out relaxers
using oil for detangling
revisiting shikakai bars
Using Ceramides!!! That was the BEST thing ever!

Using Joico exclusively

Applying protein after rinsing yet before neutralizing a relaxer

Baggying the ends 2 days per week.
Discovering LHCF, thanks to googling Ovation Cell Therapy...

1. Co-washing has done amazing things for my hair (prior, my hair was brittle and dry looking...too much shampoo)
2. DC'ing weekly (prior, I would use NTM mask every once in a while, ie never)

I'm still working on my regimen, but just doing these 2 things for the past 2 months has helped wonders.
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Good post OP!! I love the positive twist!!!

The best things I did for my hair in 2009 are:

#1) Sticking to my regimen (even if I was tired.... I made time).

#2) Laying off direct heat

#3) Protective Styling More

#4) Moisturizing/Sealing Daily

#5) Mastering Rollersets

#6) Starting to Religiously take vitamins
#6B) Taking Chlorella! :yep:
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Using Ceramides!!! That was the BEST thing ever!

Using Joico exclusively

Applying protein after rinsing yet before neutralizing a relaxer

Baggying the ends 2 days per week.

Ceramides are the bomb! This year I also learned that my hair loves wheat germ.:lick:
Renewing my subscription to LHCF, finding the first Mega-Tek thread and the finding the Chlorella thread... These three tops the list.
Gave up direct heat...
Started washing twice a week
Understanding how to use my powders
Learning what my hair likes....
This was an educational year for me....
Best Things:grin::

1) Stop Wasting My Money Weekly on Non-Productive Stylists who did not have my Best Hair Care Interest at Heart

2) Decided to Become a DIY

3) Joined LHCF

4) Invested in a Steamer & Heat Cap

5) Keeping an Open Mind about Hair Care

6) Taking the Time to Research & Study what my Specific Hair issues were and developed a plan to Address it

Good Thread:nicethread:
Stretching my relaxers
Discovering Argan oil- I use both the the cone laden one and 100%
DCing with heat once a week
Low heat regimen (1x/wk) on clean deep conditioned hair
Protective styling with french braids and half wigs

The only thing I need to change for 2010 is to STOP trimming so much.
1-Started using henna regularly
2-Stopped jumping on every bandwagon
3-Went to 90% all-natural products
Deciding not to relax bone straight anymore...just texturizing my NG.
Using conditioners to wash my hair only (WEN ROOOCKS!!!!)
Protective styling
Using little heat

I have retained more length in the past year than I ever did in my whole life time, lol
Stretching relaxers, incorporating oil into my reggie, co washing, twistouts/braidouts, bunning, protective styling period.
Introduced protein into my regimen.
Switched to lye relaxers.
Did my own hair 90% of the time.
-BCing earlier than I planned. I'm pretty sure I would have relaxed if I waited until I was 1 year post.

-Sticking to and consistently using one product line (Abba) for the last seven months. This line is now my staple line. My hair and my bank account thank me for!

-Not experimenting or jumping on any bandwagons.
Stretching relaxers - this has turned my hair around
Taking the time to understand my hair
Being consistent with my DC's, even if it meant waking up at 4:30am to do so
Finally giving my hair the tender loving care it was screaming for - it's thanking me for it
  1. Joining the boards
  2. Deep conditioning
  3. Rollersetting every week
  4. Balancing protein and moisture
  5. Moisturizing and sealing
Finding Aubrey Organics, Afrodetangler, Oyin Juices & Berries ( W&G), Argan oil.

Learning that protein IS my hair's friend.
2009 has been an awesome hair year. Best thing by far..big chopping in February. Then cutting down/out the heat for the year, while challenging, was rewarding. Discovering Rusk Deep Shine products and keeping it simple have been wonderful as well. 2010 I am using egg protein shakes and chlorella to see if I can enhance my hair growth---and stick with my basic routine.

Happy Growing in 2010...APL or bust!
1 - Eliminated sulfate shampoos
2 - Mostly eliminated silicones
3 - Started using oils & butters, especially sealing with oil :grin:
doing the bc
using all natural products
braiding my hair (without exstentions)
contionuing to deep condition and co wash at least 1x a wek
Not so good for me and my finances but great for my hair:

Ordering products online!
Got my FHI, my hairdryer, my denman, my beloved Afroveda, natural cheapie conditioners, the list goes on!
- Purchasing a steamer (Thanks Exotic and Lucky's mom)
- Finding a regi that works for me
- BC- 100% natural baby!!
- Not jumping on bandwagons
- Cornrows and full wigs (never thought I would.. but they are working fabulously for my natural hair)
- Not obsessing over growth
Using oil as a pre-poo and using more oil in general in my hair.
Finding Hair One.
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Stop being a Salon girl, and started being open minded about health care and joining this site....and stretching.