Want to grow hair, get your internal heat up


Well-Known Member
This makes a lot of sense. My daughter is always wrapped in a blanket, wearing too many clothes, drinking hot things (she said she's cold) and her hair grows so quick! I am hot natured, but am always "cooling" myself off. I have the air on, walk barefoot, wear the bare minimum in the house - i'm a slow grower. Maybe i should allow my body heat to do it's thing


Well-Known Member
I notice that lately my body has been colder and colder then normal. I used to be very very hot and my hair used to grow really fast. I think I'm going to try some of this. Guess I have another reason to really workout.


New Member
This does make sense, when I work out everyday, I notice my hair growing faster. If I do a length check after 30 days, it's a noticeable difference between working out and not working. My hair grows noticeably faster in the summer too. For me, working out and growing my hair go hand-n-hand.


Well-Known Member
I guess this is why hair grows faster in the summer and partly why cayenne pepper works.

I have been taking cayenne internally for something unrelated to hair but I have noticed that my hair growth has TAKEN OFF

I take a few teaspoons spread out throughout the day spaced evenly out in water

hmmm I'll try this too:yep:


Well-Known Member
Wow interesting information. Makes sense too. I had about an inch of new growth last month. (Just chopped off all but this) but it coincided with EFT/Tapping which has a tendency to warm me up.


Well-Known Member
This is Angelicus in a nutshell:
  • Hates things that are too hot or cold. Must have warm tea and warm soup.
  • Will not eat a salad or raw food. Will not eat overcooked food.
  • Must drink warm or room temperature water.
  • I work out a lot.
  • I rarely get sick and when I feel a bug coming on, I immediately start working out.
  • I can eat anything without bad digestive issues: i.e., beans.
  • I hate cold rooms. My AC is usually set on 78-80 degrees, even when I lived in Arizona.
  • I take naps. (35-45 minutes).

My hair grows like a weed from what I've been told. Just check my fotki. Everytime I get chopped to APL, I'm always BSL 4 months later.

Thank you so much for this thread. It really clarifies things. BTW, the Chinese are on point about this subject. Watch that movie "Curse of the Golden Flower" and see how their pharmacies looked like 2900 years ago. Thank you OP!!!!! :clap:


New Member
I can tell you as a trained acupuncturist that I too subscribed to the Chinese no raw food philosophy until I started experimenting with raw foods 2 years ago, and my health improved significantly, so I no longer subscribe to it. Chinese people don't have a lockdown on good health, no matter what they claim. People got sick in China just like in any other place, that's why they have developed this amazing medicine and this extensive material medica of herbs. But I do subscribe to the idea of not eating cold food, unless it is in the summer and the temperature is sweltering. I eat my raw food at room temperature or just slightly warm.


There are answers in every culture and people. I bet if we all had a chance to sit down with our ancestors they would have some anecdotes that speak to everything also.

It is interesting though.


Well-Known Member
I'm cold nature, but it is due to my anemia. So would iron help with that as well, to help up your body temp?


Well-Known Member
OMG - i just started taking this and i think i have to stop. my stomach was on FIRE like 10 minutes after taking it and i had a headache. do you have this problem or is it just me? i also cannot take MSM or extra biotin b/c i get headaches from those too.... but they dont light my stomach on fire like the cayenne did - lol.

Cayenne pepper is HOT, maybe you took too much. Take in small dosage first to see how you do, and take it with food, not on an empty stomach.

If you still react to it, maybe you have what the Chinese call Stomach Heat. You may have Stomach heat and still have the rest of your body being cold. So in your case, Cayenne pepper would not be a good thing to take.
sunshinelady; said:
Ever notice that people with slow-growing hair tend to be cold-natured and have low body temperatures while people with fast-growing hair tend to be hot to the touch?
ETA: I'm not a doc, please find a qualified doc if you really want to address underlying issues.
Sunshinelady and others:

I have enjoyed this info and a lot of things make sense to me as well.
Thanks for sharing this info.
Will definitely make some changes and see what happens.


Well-Known Member
I agree w/ the evolution theory someone stated earlier. Black people r more cold natured bc of where our ancestors lived. One thing I do know is that white people or people w/ less melanin have more vitamin d than people w/ lots of melanin. That's what keeps them warm all the time. Maybe we could start taking a vitamin d supplement? I'll do some research on this and post back later.
ETA. I'm back. Had a revelation. So it seems vitamin D needs ultraviolet light (sun) to be activated in our skin so to speak. Being that I'm black I already have less vitamin d than white folk so it really doesn't help that I'm a complete hermit!! Having a vitamin d deficiency causes hair loss. I've been having trouble w/ my edges for the longest. Got tested for anemia and I have it so I've been taking iron. No change in my hair. I think I have a vitamin d deficiency. Ever since my SO got deployed I don't go anywhere but to work and back. Not being in the sun has been my problem this whole time!!! Of course too much sun is bad but I haven't been getting enough! I'm definitely going to start taking vitamin d and see if I notice a change. I love this forum. I learn so much!!

:up: They're just finding out now how important Vit D is for everyone, ESPECIALLY black people because while our melanin acts as a necessary protectant from the sun, our body needs some sun to manufacture Vit D through our skin, so there is a certain balance that must be maintained. Our ancestors have traditionally lived with a lot of sun exposure and we need a bit more sun than people whose ancestors lived in less sunny climates.

I too have not been much in the sun these past years because when I take my early morning walks, the sun is not really up in the sky. And I too had too low levels of iron and vitamin D, so now I make sure I get some sun everyday, eat iron rich foods, and I take extra vit D and iron supplements. :yep: ETA: I am also taking some Chinese herbal formula to boost my blood supply.
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New Member
Much of what I read herein makes sense. I have a natural low blood, always enjoy hot teas, keep myself wrapped up. I am originally from NY and noticed since moving to VA my hair grows faster. I get huge growth spurts in the summer! Great info, thanks for sharing.


Well-Known Member
This makes so much sense for me. i am anemic and always cold. i have a heater at my desk at work.

i will take some of these tips in

nc cutie

Active Member
I was cold and I suffered from anemia--low iron--once i fixed that problem I am no longer cold all the time. We'll see if my hair jumps out of my scalp.Good Theroy SunshineLady!


Well-Known Member
Wow, this makes SO much sense. I am always cold! no wonder my hair grows so slowly! I am going to start baggying my entire head at nights - that definitely gets me warm.


Well-Known Member
This is an excellent post!

I was anemic, cold hands/feet for years, and my hair barely grew. I finally took care of it last year. Now my hair grows the avg rate with boosts in the summer.

I'm moving to FL in a couple weeks...whoo hooo...grow on hair!!


New Member
This actually also gets into the difference in slow and fast oxidizers. Most men are fast oxidizers which plays a part in the fact that they have higher temps.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I've always heard it was the blood circulation increase from exercise that made the hair grow faster.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I've always heard it was the blood circulation increase from exercise that made the hair grow faster.

I think it's a combination of both the circulation and the increased body temp. I ran on the treadmill today and afterwards I sat in the sauna for 20 min. The body works hard to keep cool. Even though I was completely still, my heart rate was still very high as if I was still working out. So therefore if the body temp is high, the heart will pump faster causing increased blood circulation hope that makes sense.
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Well-Known Member
uhm, i can disprove this theory.
I have extremely cold hands and feet all the time, even when it is 90 degrees outside.
And i have very fast growing hair.


Well-Known Member
I'm always cold and I have terrible digestive issues. Interesting. But to combat I am always infront of a heat warmer, i sleep in heated blankets every night, I take hot showers(even in the summer), i use a fan(no AC). My hair grows very fast so all these things I do might be combatting my coldness.

secretrose, how is your iron level? Are you low in iron? When our iron is low we feel colder. I was cold all the time until I started taking iron suppliments. Now I almost always keep my window open. My sister is cold in a sweater and she admits her iron is low.


Well-Known Member
I think if folks just eat healthy, exercise regularly, get enough rest, take your vitamins and drink plenty of water you should be fine. But I will look into the heat theory.


Active Member

The cayenne I take is in powder form and the label is worn off but you can just get any high hu (heat unit) powder brand.

Make sure it is at least 90,000 HU


Active Member

The cayenne I take is in powder form and the label is worn off but you can just get any high hu (heat unit) powder brand.

Make sure it is at least 90,000 HU

I have double strength - 80,000 HU (less than stated above) and it gave the whole family a terrible burning tummy ache that does not lessen with use and sends u to the bathroom so good luck to all u experimenters lol


New Member
Ever notice that people with slow-growing hair tend to be cold-natured and have low body temperatures while people with fast-growing hair tend to be hot to the touch? Always wonder why men's hair grows faster than women's hair? Wonder why your hair grows faster when you work out more or when you go to a hot climate? There's a reason, but it's not found in western medicine.

In Chinese medicine, there is something called coldness syndrome. This affects many women and there is very little material about it in English. You can be constitutionally cold (you were born that way) or conditionally cold (you became that way through repeated environmental insults). Constitutionally cold people are very hard to change, you would need to work on your diet, sleep enough, work out vigorously, take supplements, see a qualified doc, etc. Conditionally cold people need to correct any underlying illness that allowed cold into their bodies (may be from childhood), find out which organs are weak, and make a point of never allowing themselves to get cold. That means no AC, keeping something warm handy, not stripping down to your skivvies every time it gets above 70 degrees, not walking barefoot. Acupuncture can help address the organ weaknesses and close the path that let the coldness in your body.

One of the biggies, don't drink cold beverages, not even room temperature if you can avoid it. It doesn't need to be hot, but it needs to be warm. And, no cold or raw foods. Sorry ladies, but no raw foods until you have addressed your coldness. You also need to sweat regularly to help get the coldness out of your body. If you are extremely cold, you need to move somewhere warmer.

Guess what, the growth aids we use, hot herbs. Sulfur spontaneously combusts under the right conditions.

This is much bigger than hair, if you are cold, it slows everything down. You may have digestion issues, multiple sclerosis, joint issues, general achiness, menstrual issues (your uterus is very sensitive) and it can keep you from getting pregnant.

Hope this helps someone. :yep: If you're just slightly cold, you may be helped by changing your diet and upping your activity levels. If you are very cold, you may want to consult a trained Chinese medicine doctor or acupuncturist to seek assistance.

The diet that was recommended to me, was hot foods, mainly vegetables (never raw) and lamb. Garlic, ginger, lemon in hot water, leafy greens, etc. Raw ladies, if you want avoid killing your food, just stir-fry. No cold or room temperature anything.

ETA: I'm not a doc, please find a qualified doc if you really want to address underlying issues.

This must be why I do and love ( the words in purple ) above.:lachen:
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