Vitamin Challengers: How did you do?


New Member
It's almost February 1st and I'm wondering how all of the challengers did with taking vitamins regularly to see if they noticed a difference in their hair.

I think my hair has been growing in a lot stronger than previoiusly. It's also very healthy, shiny, and full of elasticity.

I do plan to continue taking vitamins at least for another year. I'll continue to take 2 GNC HSN, 1 1000mg GNC MSM, 1 11g GNC Silica, and 1 50mg GNC B-Complex along with 1 tablespoon GNC Flaxseed Oil daily.
My hair looks much healthier, shinier and I notice hardly any shedding. Sometimes I still forget to take my MSM (my zinc too) but I always remember to take my biotin, flaxseed oil, iron, vit C and grapeseed extract.

By the way Hairlove, your date needs to be changed to "2004" in your signature. I just love your recent pictures and your beautiful braidout!
I just recently got my vitamins. But Im going to join the challenge a little late hehe
if thats ok.

Well ive actually been switching up taking my vitamins because I want to see whats going to work since its my first time taking vitamins. I have around 19 vitamins and I was taking 12 of them but now im going to take less than that and limit it down to some very basic ones. (I dont want to waste money on vitamins that don't im going to restrain my self and take a few at a time to see whats really going on.)

Vitamin Regime:

PP Biotin 2mg AM 3mg PM
PP Powder MSM 3000mg 2x (This is gone out ur system after 12HRS)
PP Mega Hair Vitamin 3x
PP Multi Vitamin 5X (Not Potent)
PP Vitamin E 400 I.U. 2x
PP Vitamin C 1000mg 2x
PP Calcium/Magnesium 500mg/250mg 2x
PP B-50 Complex 2x
PP Saw Palmetto 400mg 2x
PP Alpha Lipoic Acid 30mg 2x (This help the absorbance of vitmains)

I want to take flaxseed and EPO since I have them..but I want to be able to give credit where credit is due. So Ill wait atleast 2weeks before I do that.


Thanks, Isis! I didn't realize the date thing!

TrustMeLove, unfortunately the challenge ends today but feel free to start your own!
Well, compared to before I started taking any kind of vitamins, my hair is growing faster (averaging about 3/4 inch a month). However, I did have a setback since the challenge started, so the condition of my hair is slightly worse & I did not retain all of the length. So now I'm thinking of adding ground flaxseeds to my diet, maybe EPO, and doing the Crown & Glory Method for a year.
You are very brave to try your hand at your own braids. However, I understand. Getting braids professionally done is so expensive and they pull too tight.
I've just started the MSM and Flaxseed about a month or less ago. I can't see the difference yet. I am going to give it a good two months for my body to process and react. Hopefully, things will be swell.
Reginia said:
Getting braids professionally done is so expensive and they pull too tight.

[/ QUOTE ]

ITA, which is why I've been avoiding them for years. My current set of braids are totally comfortable & barely made a dent in my wallet.