I love it!!!:grin: I just did it on my hair and it's too cute. I'm gonna rock this tomorrow. Thanks so much, cause I'm so a visual person. :yep:
I LOOOOOVVEE IT!!!! I tried a sock bun on my hair and I didn't like the way it looked. I'm going to go try it right now!!! Thank you so much!
I agree with the other poster, it was like MAGIC! I like how you were bunning to the beat.
:grin:Wow you make it looks soooo easy...I can't wait to try that this weekend. They way I'm doing it now makes my hair break off at the ends...:nono: Thx for the tutorial...BTW your hair is BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Get outta here! That was just too cute ... and easy too! Thanks for that video, ST.
I used a chop stick like the ones you can get at Walgreens... nothing fancy schmancy. Oh and just to let you know I wore this style back in April when I was barely scraping shoulder length. I've posted that pic on my blog back from April... it's wet. I usually co-wash and wear it wet in this pinup. It doesn't have any tension unlike other types of buns. I can honestly say I owe all my retention to this style. No magic potions, lotions, or vitamins... just this.
I love cute! I buy all these hair sticks and never use them. I must try this...thanks for sharing.