*** UPDATE Thread!!!!!!!!! - Pic Heavy ***

i am in awe over your progress(can you tell:grin:) this is total confirmation for me with the things i have recently changed in my regimen. i am including more ayurvedic products because everything i have used before is not working for me now. i am finally listening to my hair!! i have just gone back to PS with my wigs for the winter but with your progress i may just wig it for another year or 2. again-thank you thank you thank you for sharing!! my hair has never grown past my shoulders my entire life and i see with a simple regimen like yours i CAN reach my goals. HHJ!!:yawn:
Thank you for all the pics that show your actual progress! it was cool to see your hair journey, now that you hair is so long, have u simplified your regimen?
Thank you for all the pics that show your actual progress! it was cool to see your hair journey, now that you hair is so long, have u simplified your regimen?

Sho_iz_pretty, yes my regimen has become simpler, but this has a lot to do with the fact that I now know what works for me and what I could cut out without creating setbacks.
For me, handling my hair very carefully (finger combing gently, using combs as little as possible), protective styling and retaining as much moisture as possible (via daily moisturising, sealing and bagging) is key! And that's about it!!!