Transitioners Growth Challenge 6 inches in 12 months


New Member
Hi fellow transitioners /images/graemlins/wave.gif i thought i'd start a challenge for those of us who are planning to transitiion for a year or more. I'm transitioning a year and i'm 10 weeks into it. I thought it would be a great idea for all of us to touch base each month and chart our growth so far. At this point i have 1 inch of newgrowth (i thought i had more until i measured it,and found out i'm sitting right at 1 inch.)

If anyone wants to join the challenge i think this would be a great way to keep track of our progress as well as keeping others motivated. I also think it's a neat way to countdown until the day you will be BC'ing.

***Transitioning Since---: 8/31/04

***Total amt of newgrowth: 1 inch

***Date of Big Chop: ----: 9/1/05

***# of Days until the BC: 300 days

-- Jainygirl
Excellent Idea Jainy! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Count me in! I'm on track to get 6 inches this year. Next month will be my 1 year transitioning anniversary! /images/graemlins/party2.gif I'm chopping off a little at a time. I had a small trim on October 28th...but I think I'm going to go back to my stylist @ the end of this month to get another 2 or 3 inches cut off before I move. I don't know if I will hold out until my second year anniversary date to get the BC since I'm getting rid of the ends little by little. Hopefully they will be gone before then...perhaps in the Fall of 2005. I'm not willing to hold on to these relaxed ends if it means damage to my natural hair. I won't be measuring every month though because I'm on Den1's no measuring challenge. I think it's over in April though. I should be able to tell the length by the number of waves without measuring.

Transitioning Since: 12/19/03

Total amount of new growth: 5 inches As of 10/28/04

Date of Big Chop: 12/19/05 (it's a stretch... and I'm sure it will be sooner)

# of Days until the BC: 410 days (If I did my math right) /images/graemlins/wink.gif
Your plan sounds great Jainy! /images/graemlins/weird.gif Best Wishes on your new hair journey.

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Kitchen_tician: Thanks /images/graemlins/wave.gif All the advice i've been reading up on from others who have transitioned since i've been here is really helping me out /images/graemlins/smile.gif

Excellent Idea Jainy! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Count me in! I'm on track to get 6 inches this year. Next month will be my 1 year transitioning anniversary! /images/graemlins/party2.gif

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Erica: Thanks /images/graemlins/wink.gif I thought it would be fun as well as helpful. You are making fantastic progress /images/graemlins/clap.gif I really like the idea of trimming off the relaxed ends as you go. i plan to trim every 2-3 months during my transition as well. I agree, the relaxed ends arent worth any damage they may cause to the progress you've made. Keep up the fantastic job /images/graemlins/smile.gif -- jainygirl
I'm joining

***Transitioning Since---: 7/19/04 (date of last perm touch up)

***Total amt of newgrowth: 3 inch

***Date of Big Chop: ----: 7/19/05
I'm not counting days I'm too lazy.

Favorite product: Shea butter, Surge and castor oil
Tansition plan of action: watch/deep conditions every two weeks, plaits hair and wear wig. Will braid in december for two months.
***Transitioning Since---: 5/7/04

***Total amt of newgrowth: 3 - 3 1/2 inches

***Date of Big Chop: ----: 11/7/05

***# of Days until the BC: 368
Transitioning since 8/03.

My longest natural strands are 7 inches long (about 3-4 inches from armpit). I have been getting my 6 inches a year, and I hope that I will continue to do so. My first natural goal is bra strap (stretched); I hope to reach (or get near) that goal by the end of next year. Since my texturized ends are long, I don't know when I'll chop. I might chop to bra strap next year. Who knows??? This is a daily battle.
Transitioning Since: 05/30/04

Total amount of newgrowth: 3 inches

Date of Big Chop: Maybe sometime in Spring or Summer 2005

# of Days until the BC: ???