**WHO gets MORE GROWTH & WHY? Long Term


Well-Known Member
Transitioners or Those who BC'd right away?

Since I've been transitioning ,I have considered once or twice BC'ing. I am interested to know who gets the MOST growth--Ladies who transition 1 year or more or Ladies who just BC and let it grow? Have you done BOTH? Meaning, did you transition a year or so, then chop and hair growth accelerated? I'm dying to know:)
Great question. A few people I know who transitioned said hair grows faster after the chop, but I'm not convinced as of yet.
Bumping for you.
i don't think that one gets more growth than another. But i do think that in general, ladies who bc RETAIN more length than those who transition because they don't have to deal with breakage caused by the stress of the two different hair textures
As cmas'11 said growth is not affected by your decision to BC or transition. Your ability to RETAIN is dependent on how well you handle your hair. There is more effort involved in caring for multiple textures (transitioning) than one (BC) but growth will not be more optimal in any particular situation. So I don't think you're going to get anymore replies since the question has already been answered.

Also, you will more likely notice the amount of growth you have once you have BCed because you're going from shorter to longer after having made a significant cut. Those that transition (I transitioned myself for 6mos) still have great growth and may also retain it all, but you may just not notice because of one texture's shrinkage.

I'm sure many ladies on this forum who have been through the whole BC/Transitioning period would suggest you decide whether your lifestyle/hair care practices would benefit from only having to deal with one texture or not. Then you can determine which of the 3 (BC, transition to BC, or longterm transitioning) is right for you.

HTH! And all the best.
Yeaah...I figure since I'm transitioning I will retain more. When my hair breaks, the relaxed hair breaks off towards the ends; not the demarcation line or the natural hair. I THINK I am retaining all of my natural hair and actual growth is not affected either way as that has already been stated. So it depends on how well you take care of your hair.
Yeaah...I figure since I'm transitioning I will retain more. When my hair breaks, the relaxed hair breaks off towards the ends; not the demarcation line or the natural hair. I THINK I am retaining all of my natural hair and actual growth is not affected either way as that has already been stated. So it depends on how well you take care of your hair.

I don't know,but I feel that my transitioning hair is growing faster. I am taking good care of it BECAUSE of the two textures I deal with. Luckily, I do not have a breakage issue.
Transitioners definitely! Compare people who transitioned for a year and then bc'd, with those who just bc'd say after 5 months and got to their 1 yr since relaxer date. The transitioner has way more length.
As someone who BC'd, I personally think it was easier to BC than to transiton because of the issues dealing with textures. That being said, I have recently considered texlaxing the very very ends of my hair to avoid single strand knots. I don't remember having them when I had relaxed hair I thought it might help me maintain until I got to my goal lenght. I have since backed away from the idea but *shrugs*
it can be because transitioners have a harder time styling and my have added stress on the hair= different retention
I think tansitioners as long as they don't flat iron and they know what to do: no single strand knots and the part that may get breakage will go away anyway at some point.

I started to have clues after having chopped my hair, I transitioned giving myself heat damage and without the proper care, so I had a setback to start with. And I had to trim a few times before learning what single strand knots are and how to try to prevent the majority of them.
I would say transitioners. Because I feel that the relaxed ends are in away protecting the soon to be natural ends. When a BC'er has splits they must cut some of thier progress. If you have 3+ inches of relaxed hair still then you wont have to worry about trimming off any of your natural hair progress anytime soon.
im confused, do you mean which has faster growth or which has better retention? i thought it was growth but it seems like some people talk about retention in their post and not about growth.