Those who co wash frequently


New Member
Hey guys

My hair is type is 4a and it is relaxed. I would like to co wash but I like to style my hair afterwards and it takes too long. I usally like to rollerset and blow dry my roots. How do you guys do it.. I mean i can wash and blow dry my hair but it will look flat and i dont watn to use heat like that everyday.
When I cowash during the week I usually wash n go in a ponytail or bun it up. I save the rollersetting for the weekend when I have more time.
I co-wash and put my hair into a pony tail using the condish. i rinse and let it air dry with a scarf on the edges. then throw on a phony pony
Personally, I'd never blowfry my hair (wet or dry) :nono: I have been co-washing for years and what works for me is co-washing at night...letting it airdry a little before putting it in a bun. I secure it most of the time with a plastic hairpin. I put my satin cap on and go to sleep. The next day, I just smooth it down with a large comb, secure and I am ready for the day. I try not to wear my hair down because I have "handinhair-itis" and that causes split ends.
Personally, I'd never blowfry my hair (wet or dry) :nono: I have been co-washing for years and what works for me is co-washing at night...letting it airdry a little before putting it in a bun. I secure it most of the time with a plastic hairpin. I put my satin cap on and go to sleep. The next day, I just smooth it down with a large comb, secure and I am ready for the day. I try not to wear my hair down because I have "handinhair-itis" and that causes split ends.

Exactly what Anky said.